Episode Notes: Magnificent Seven "Wagon Train, part 2"

Jul 06, 2007 21:36

Well the folks who gave me a Chris/Vin oriented thumbs up on this episode weren't kidding at all, were they? Because OMG it is so clear to me that Vin went back to *Chris* specifically. And Chris, hurt by him leaving and withdrawing...until Vin comes tumbling down that hill. Mmmm!! ::happy sighs ( Read more... )

screencaps, episode notes, magnificent seven

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Comments 86

black_raven135 July 7 2007, 14:30:03 UTC
Love it and as usual you have provided a lot of Vin loveliness
However, I cannot say that it pleases me to see him hook up with a married
Chris looks like he is enjoying Mary's company tho...........
I need to see Season II...........
Once again, thanks for the narrative and the caps.......
Lovely job.......


sara_merry99 July 8 2007, 13:51:57 UTC
However, I cannot say that it pleases me to see him hook up with a married

Well, it's only a passing thing and he does eventually decide to stay with Chris.

Chris looks like he is enjoying Mary's company tho.

But in a very buddy-buddy way. There's nothing at all romantic about it.

You really shoud get season II, there've been some *awesome* episodes!!

Thanks for commenting!


trulybloom July 7 2007, 23:36:42 UTC
I always meant to write a post-Wagon Train fic dealing with what happened to Charlotte. My take on Richmond was not a generous one - and the reason being is that he reminded me of someone I dated, which is why I really felt for Charlotte in this 2-parter. Anyway, from my own personal experience, a man like Richmond is not the kind of man who can accept being dumped - no, he is the kind of man who must be the one to do the dumping (it's a whole ego/power thing). That being the case, of course he would want Charlotte to come back to him, willingly, so that he can then punish her for her actions. He would treat her okay for a little while, until he was healed, until the 7 were long gone, but then things would start to slip back to the way they had been before, to Richmond treating her coldly, to him thinking of himself and his needs and ignoring hers. Then, when it became clear that she was pregnant, things would go from bad to worse - because he would assume that the child was Vin's! Or, worse, he would fear that the other ( ... )


sara_merry99 July 8 2007, 13:58:38 UTC
Ooo!! That does sound like it''d be an awesome story!!

You sure you're never going to write it?? ::bats eyelashes::

I'm not 100% sure I agree with you about Richmond, because he has been consistently concerned about Charlotte, if not always gentle to her. And she says he was good and kind before their daughter died. But I still think your story sounds just *fantastic*.


sassyinkpen July 9 2007, 03:16:52 UTC
Richmond shows classic signs of an abusive husband, and if Charlotte's not getting beaten at the time of the ep, it's a pretty high likelihood that she will be before long. I mean, yeah it's possible that getting shot and nearly losing his wife could reform the man....but that's not the way it usually works.

Abusive men typically will be exceedingly concerned and pleasant and loving after they've lost it - that's a well established pattern and a pretty big warning sign.


trulybloom July 9 2007, 15:53:55 UTC
And oh how I know this so well! Men like Richmond like to be in control - they don't get dumped, they do the dumping. And in a situation like this, Richmond HAD to get Charlotte back, by any means - he's probably thankful he got shot - because once he has the power back, once he's in control again and Charlotte has NO WAY OUT once the 7 are gone, then things will go down hill ( ... )


sassyinkpen July 9 2007, 03:01:23 UTC
OH my lord this is a very fine very fine ep!! The ending was just the icing on the cake! How often to we slashers get to see one of our boys be the one to refuse the pretty lady? AND so clearly FOR the guy we want him with? *swoons ( ... )


sara_merry99 July 9 2007, 21:09:00 UTC
How often to we slashers get to see one of our boys be the one to refuse the pretty lady? AND so clearly FOR the guy we want him with? *swoons*

No *kidding*!! That was just so squeefully delicious. And you're right, it's so much more common in TV-land for the guest character to jilt the returning character. ::nods::

And it was *so* obvious that he was choosing Chris over her ::nods nods:: and, of course, I *loved* that!

I deeply ADORE that Chris is pretty clearly more upset with what's going on with Vin than he is about Mary's impending engagement.

::nods nods:: Loved that too!! Because Mary he was willing to be happy for, Vin...not so much! Loved that!

I guess I'm really starting to look forward to the ones where he gets back to being cool and heroic. They've really sunk to using him for nothing BUT comic relief. (And yet, I still love him)He's *good* comic relief. They use him well and Anthony Starke plays it well, but yes, it'll be nice to see the other side of Ezra again soon. He was so awesome with Nathan this episode ( ... )


_elvie July 13 2007, 02:40:54 UTC
The shorthand C/V guide to WT part 1&2 -


Mary : "I'm gonna marry Gerard"
Chris : "Yeah, whatever, I'll buy you a toaster"
Vin: "I kinda like that Charlotte lady"
Chris: "OMGWTFBBQ!!1111!!one!!11!!"


Charlotte: "OMG my husband doesn't understand me!"
Vin: "Let me rescue you from your unhappiness!"
Charlotte : "Yay! Let's run off to Brazil!"
Vin : "OMG, and leave Chris? Are you kidding?! Look, you still love your husband, I still love Chris, PLZ to be going back to reality nao KAITHANXBAI!"



sassyinkpen July 13 2007, 03:04:23 UTC
OMG! I just laughed out loud and startled my husband! That's fabulous!


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