Episode Notes: Magnificent Seven "Wagon Train, part 2"

Jul 06, 2007 21:36

Well the folks who gave me a Chris/Vin oriented thumbs up on this episode weren't kidding at all, were they? Because OMG it is so clear to me that Vin went back to *Chris* specifically. And Chris, hurt by him leaving and withdrawing...until Vin comes tumbling down that hill. Mmmm!! ::happy sighs::

But there was much else to love as well! Once again Ezra was effectively played for humor with his conniving to get his hands on the gold on the homesteader's land. And Josiah trying to rid himself of the Widow and Eugene was pretty damned funny!

And the Powder Man was just as awesome as last week.

I think this episode worked quite a bit better than last week's, frankly (and I didn't hate last week). I don't see any of the boys being quite so out of character as they were.

And Vin went back to Chris! So much yum!

spikedluv has an awesome collection of Quotes from Wagon Train, part 2 over at her LJ. You should definitely go check them out, she catches the very best moments of dialogue.

Notes on watching Wagon Train, part 2:

--Okay, since I am looking at this as my little lesson in Vin-in-love, I now have to add to my list of traits: playful. :D

--So she doesn't want to buy her happiness with Richmond's suffering. Okay, fair enough. I love Vin's response that if she wants to go back he won't hold her. Not what she wanted to hear but so very very Vin!

--Mmmm!! Like the blue shirt. :D

--Okay, so are folks thinking that Vin took Charlotte away? I mean he sort of did, but it was at her own instigation.

--I remember last episode Dickie O'Shea and the Powder Man burying some bombs on this river bank. Do I also remember those bombs going off or are they still there? I think they're still there.

--Richmond: "She's gone. That bastard took my wife." Chris: "Well, I get the feeling it wasn't a kidnapping." He doesn't look much more happy about it than Richmond does though does he?

--Yay, the Powder Man is singing Camptown Races again. :D Guess those bombs are about to go off. :D

--She's so *pretty*!!!

--I *totally* think she should accept Gerard's proposal though. They are such a cute family and he'd be such a good father to Billy. (And it would keep her from mooning over Chris.)

--That's a super nice shot!

--Buck: "This place is peaceful as a prayer meetin' and I miss the smell of beer." Heee! (And there are no unattached ladies he can pursue. :D)


-I do love the Powder Man. :D He's like the coolest villain *ever*! Which is totally not the reaction I'm supposed to be having to the homesteaders getting all blown up, I suppose.

--Oh, love Josiah holding Eugene and the widow and comforting them.

--And JD getting angry and shouting for them to come out and fight like men, and pushing away Buck trying to calm him down.

--So the woman who's arguing in favor of them giving the deed to O'Shea...she's the one who's the widow of the guy Jack (EC's brother) who died last week, yes?

--Another nice shot of Chris and Buck. :D

--JD: "Let's see what they're made of at close range." For some reason this particular variety of JD's normal brashness is *totally* working for me today. :D

--Wow, he's seriously starting to look like he's having second thoughts, and like he's trying to talk her out of this doesn't he?

--Nooooo!! He is not to go to Brazil with her! This is a firm instruction!

--What's Ezra looking so horrified about, just the Fiddler dying?

--The Fiddler wants to give his land to Nathan if he doesn't make it. Oh! That's really nice. I wonder why Nate's rejecting the offer? Just cause he's a sweet decent guy, I guess.

--What is the deal with this line of bull Ez is spinning about the fiddler's deathbed request? Either he just can't imagine Nathan refusing a valuable gift or he really is concerned to make the fiddler's final moments peaceful. My money's on the former. After all there's a chance of gold on this land.

--Well, at least Nathan knows it's a line of bull.

--Poor Josiah with his widow. :D If she was a blonde I bet he'd be a lot happier. :D

--Woah!! Vin's *growling* at the guys who just jumped Charlotte! Growling! ::guh:: That's a nice additional touch for Vin-in-love. :D OMG that's *hot*!

--Oh, oh!! I love Vin's insistence that they've got to go back and warn the others, even if she won't have the strength to leave Richmond again. So he's willing to give up Charlotte to warn the others. ::hums happily::

--Oh, Nathan sharpening his knives makes me happy. :D I always love to see them tending to the tools of their trade. Do we ever get to see one of them cleaning his pistol? I think I'd die of the hot.

--Oh, so the Fiddler really was on his deathbed and he really did die. Well Nathan's taking his death much easier than he took Jack's. Though maybe he was more grievously wounded or something.

--Nathan: "This ain't about that damn saloon is it? Lord, you got no shame, Ezra." Heee!!

--Oooo!! I like the idea that Ezra's trying to sell Nathan on having a permanent hospital. Though this is a hell of a long way from Four Corners. And I bet he's got *something* in mind.

--Nathan obviously likes the idea as well. :D

--Oh, hey, ask and I shall receive! There's JD cleaning one of his pistols. Nice! Next time I'll remember to be more specific and ask for Chris or Vin though. :D (And, as a little wardrobe critic aside houndstooth with paisley appears to be a bit of a no, in my book.)


--Oh, he's so cute being all supportive and counseling JD! JD: "It's just dumb luck I wasn't standing where that fiddler was." Buck: "Well, you'll still be dumb tonight, so your luck ought to hold out." Heee!

--JD: "Hell, I could make Casey a widow before I even have a chance to marry her."

--He really is a cutie!

--So's he!

--Ooo! Like Chris sort of carefully sidling up on Richmond to stop him from shooting Vin. (And Charlotte. With a shotgun he'd probably take out both of them.)


--Damn, they're all looking fine this episode! As always!

--Mary's so good at bonding with other women. :D

--Ah, yep, Ezra is after the gold. Figured as much. :D And Nate's wearing the *ugly* coat again.

--Buck stole JD's letter to Casey and is now making fun of it. Except JD's so right that Buck's version is just *awful*. :D

--Oooo!! That's a nice shot of Chris!

--Mmm! Okay, so having been all about the pretty tracker last week, this week I appear to have a long string of screencaps of Chris all in a row. Enjoy! :D

--Okay, so why is Chris saying that without Mary the wagon train wouldn't have made it this far. I suppose she's been a pretty steady counsel in a crisis but...

--Yay! She's going to marry Gerard (except of course we know she won't, but it's happy to contemplate anyway).

--See now Chris is finally looking a little bummed about that. I'm liking sassyinkpen's idea that he's bummed at losing a friend more than anything though.

--Damn, he really is just *so* fine!

--I'd like to request a little bit of spoiling here, do we ever actually see Chris and Mary kiss or anything? I don't really want details (though I wouldn't mind a warning as to which *episode*) just a yes or no.

--Wow, Vin doesn't seem especially pleased for Charlotte to have come up on him while he was watching for O'Shea's men does he?

--Good lord he's pretty!

--Oh, Vin!! Don't go smooching the girl and forgetting to watch for the incoming bad guys!

--Okay, so why do I find Mary with a firearm so awesome?!

--OH, that's what Chris was saying. "First shot's Vin and Buck's." I couldn't quite hear that at first. So Buck shot at their flash-bang black powder trap. Cool! And Vin shot a different part of it. Vin had a rifle, which makes sense, but it almost looks like Buck was shooting with a sawed off shotgun, which is anything but a precision instrument. Kinda undermines what some folks were saying about Buck being another sharpshooter--because with the pellet spray on a sawed-off one of them's *bound* to hit a reasonable sized target up close

--Oh, that's pretty!!

--Love Nathan and Ezra springing their tree trap together!

--Oh, hey, Richmond just got shot. Not sure how I feel about that.

--Doesn't look like Vin knows how he feels about it either.

--And Charlotte's now flocking to the side of her wounded husband. Well fair enough and all that. ::nods:: Better him than Vin.

--So Dickie's buddy died? That's kind of sad. (Slashy bad guys!)

--So in the wake of the Big Fight the homesteaders have decided to give up the land? Well, I suppose the price is seeming *very* much too high, yes. But Chris is right, O'Shea could have let them go when it was just a matter of scaring and threats, but folks have died on both sides and it can never be that easy.


--Ooo!! I hear coyotes howling in the background. That's incredibly happy-making!

--So O'Shea makes it *look* like he's accepting the deed and letting them leave, but then tells the Powder Man to blow them all to hell. Bastard.

--Mmmm!! Love them riding along together!

--Oh, man Chris sounded *so* insincere when he said "It's your life. None of my business." At least to my ears.

--So pretty!

--Chris: "I need to know I can depend on you, Vin. Let me know when I can." Oh, ouch!! ::hugs both of them::

--Poor Josiah, the widow Alice is like picking out pet names and he's still thinking he's doing something nice for a decent lady and nothing more. :D

--Mmm! And I think at this point, despite Charlotte giving him little smiles, Vin realizes that it's all over. Yay!

--Oooh, Love Nathan practicing with his pistol! Nice!

--And Ezra all fidgety about leaving Nathan's land and his gold. :D Ezra: "You're right, my pecuniary interests do shame me." Nathan: "I'm glad something does." Heee!


--So Buck stole JD's letter and re-wrote it?? Oh, Buck!! We've already learned that no one's as good as JD at courting Casey.

--Oh, Mary changed her mind about accepting Gerard's proposal. Bummer. I really think that's a *bad* decision on her part.

--And there go the coyotes again.

--Is it just me or is the Powder Man just about stealing the show? Every scene he's in just rocks!

--So Vin didn't hear the laughing psychotic at the top of the hill, or the burning fuse, but he heard the tumbling rock? Huh.

--Oook! Vin's getting shot at and he can't afford to take cover because he's got to shoot out that fuse!

--Ooook! And he got dynamited and went all tumbling down the hill. But don't think I missed for a second that Chris was the first one to get to him. :D

--So why don't JD and Buck just shoot the Powder Man?

--Oh, but somehow it's so fitting that he got blown up with his own dynamite! A fitting end for a worthy villain!

--Oh happy day!! MmmmM!


--That's a nice shot of three of them. :D

--Heee! And they got a whole case of dynamite that survived the explosion. The Powder Man's doctor's bag. nice!

--Oooo!! Nice!


--Ooops! Just caught a continuity slip. Buck and Ezra can be seen riding down the hill with the rest of the guys. And then it cuts to the two of them with the slingshot and the dynamite again. (It's easier to see if you click on the first one to get to the full sized picture.)

--Oh, so they actually *did* find gold! Nice!

--Love Chris's speed draw! :D


--So the homesteaders are finding gold? Cool!

--Hey!! I love love love Josiah using the "vow of silence and abstinence" as a way of scaring the Widow off! :D

--Oh, I suppose there had to be one final scene with Vin and Charlotte.

--OMG How much do I love that Vin is the one to reject her??!! ::flails and swoons:: Vin: "I've changed my mind about us, Charlotte. I'm sorry." ::flails some more:: See because he's had Chris's arms around him after he took that tumble and there's no going back now. ::swoons::

--Gosh, I almost feel sorry for her! I mean losing Vin would be sad enough, but she really did give up a *lot* for him. Though it's *clear* that Richmond will take her back.

--Love that smile! Sorry the screencap's so bad though.

--Love Chris asking to make sure Vin's okay too! MmmM! And it's a nice picture even if it does have Billy in it.

--Nice pretty image to end on. :D

All screencaps are my own. Feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. In which case, please don't. Because that's not nice.

All my episode notes, in all fandoms, can be found here.

screencaps, episode notes, magnificent seven

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