Episode Notes: Magnificent Seven "Manhunt"

Apr 10, 2007 21:13

I've been looking forward to this episode for a couple of weeks. After I noted in my comments on "Witness" that I really loved Tracker!Vin, someone mentioned that I'd really like this episode.

So I've been quivering with repressed anticipation all day long looking forward to seeing this one.

After-watching notes: OMG this episode...I adored watching Vin tracking, that's just hot as blazes. Chris being quietly protective made my toes curl in slashy delight. Josiah at the Indian reservation was *wonderful*.

Vin was a bit of a bonehead, though. Alternatively there was something that I just *missed* in their interactions that would make him *not* a bonehead. I hope that's it. Maybe there's something that makes Vin's actions in the jail make sense.

Ezra and Buck were...distressing, but totally in character. But still distressing. (Need fic recs. Bad.)

spikedluv has a fantastic collection of quotes from Manhunt over in her LJ. Go check them out, it's like reliving the best scenes again. :D

Tons and tons of screencaps here, right around 70 anyway. As always, folks as are on dialup just need to ask and I'll give you the direct link to the gallery.

Notes on watching Manhunt:

--Okay, so this Indian isn't being entirely gentle with this woman he's traveling with. Sigh!!

--Ooo!! This episode doesn't make me wait to get to Vin tracking someone does it. Eeee!!

--And he's tracking that Indian and the woman. Fair enough.

--Oh, so this guy who's sister's missing is doubting that Vin's not siding with the Indians. Oh, interesting!!

--Brother: "Red devil's probably out there right now, just waiting to jump us." Buck: "Oh, he'll probably just jump you. Indians always go for the loudest ones first." God I love Buck!! :D

--Oh, so pretty!!

--Don't get so many nice shots of Buck and Vin together...but I really love this one.

--Okay, and who gave Vin the new bandanna?? It doesn't look nearly as soft as the old one. And I love that for this tracking trip out in the desert he went back to his plain brown calico shirts. I think this is one of the ones that doesn't have buttons, just yarn stitching it closed.

--Eee!! Oh oh, I do love Buck bumping the annoying Brother and basically establishing dominance. This is like an older wolf cuffing a younger one to put him in his place or something.

-Yay!! And without the rest of the folks there Vin and Buck found them pretty quickly. Nice!!

--Ooo! Another nice shot of Buck!

--Ah, so Mary's paper has a consistently pro-Indian stance. Interesting. And I'm not surprised that Ezra's not interested in looking past the surface, and his surface prejudices in this. Nice bit of characterization.

--I love Chris telling Vin to get Chanu behind bars for his own protection. Though keeping this surly mob from rushing the jail's going to be kind of a challenge.

--Damn, mobs are scary. Really, they just frighten me to death. The total lack of individual identity and individual self-control as people get subsumed into the mob. Just petrifying.

--How did the posse find out that they'd come back to town?


--Brother: "You cut us out to bring him in. Now we know for sure which side you're on." Vin: "You mean the side that ain't a lynchin' party?" Oh, I love Vin so very very much!!

--Love this look as Vin's sizing up Brother.

--I hate the way Brother's in here trying to find out if Clare was raped. He's practically vibrating with excitement. I bet he's going to be pissed to find out that she wasn't. Sick fuck.

--And Brother's obviously a racist jerk because he's objecting to Nathan (the town's only healer) touching his sister's knee??? (I'm sorry, maybe he was a man of his time, but damn it people *were* racist jerks back then.) Lord save all of them if they get really sick.

--Oh, that's such a nice shot of Chris! "Don't you mean 'thank you'?"

--And another one!

--Damn, Brother's proper name just went by, maybe the only time I'm going to get it and I couldn't make it out. Was it Rafe?? I'll stick with Brother until I know for sure.

--Okay, I seriously *hope* I'm not supposed to like Mr. Mosely, because I have a considerable prejudice against most missionaries. Why wouldn't the Indians resent him for "bringing the message of the Lord" to them--he's trying to subvert and destroy their own religion. ::deep breaths::

--Okay, can I please hope that at some point in this episode Brother gets his comeuppance...

--On the other hand, it's interesting to know that by this point the Seven are getting a reputation in the area. That's neat!!

--::snerk:: I can't believe JD's got the balls to call *anyone* "sonny"!! Heeee!! He's practically still wet behind the ears himself. :D Heee!! And Josiah's look in response. :D

--Brother (to Josiah): "You worried I'll throw down on you?" Chris: "Not half as worried as you should be, son." Eeeee!! And OMG I love Josiah sliding the bottle down the bar without ever looking around to see exactly where Chris is!! ::squeak::

--I love that Josiah takes it on himself to ride alone to the Reservation to talk to Chanu's father Kojay.

--Josiah: "I know what it's like to have a Bible shoved down your throat. How mad that can make a man." Okay, my love for Josiah now knows no bounds. *Him* I'd trust to be a missionary.

--Kojay: "Your God came between your father and you and between me and Chanu. Your God should find better things to do with His time." Okay, this is *muy* intriguing. Because from the way Kojay's talking about "your" God it's pretty obvious that he hasn't converted. So how did the White man's God come between him and Kojay? So is Chanu Christian? Huh? Well, I'll be interested in seeing how *that* plays out.

--Well maybe not if Chanu's chanting is a prayer. Though the language and form of prayer is mostly unrelated to Who it's directed to.

--Eeeee!! There's Vin playing his harmonica again!! So much yum!

--Nice shot of Ezra.

--Buck is such a sweetheart. Buck: "I saw that girl's face when we found her. She was scared out of her wits. I can't think of any reason that would make that right."

--Okay, Vin, honey, I love you beyond reason, really I do, but sending both JD and Nathan away so that you're the only person in the jail house with the prisoner is seriously a bad idea. I mean, OMG. Because you know there are already whispers, and even open voiced statements, that you're an Indian sympathizer. This is such a bad idea.

--Oh, and then actually *unlocking* the cell for any sort of reason just makes that worse. Oh wait, well maybe not, because apparently there's one gate before the actual cells, and he's not unlocking that. But he's back there with the keys. So still....Vin honey...

--Apparently Chanu's been objecting to the missionaries. Well, okay, he's got my sympathy.

--Oh, oh I love how certain Vin is that Chanu didn't violate Clare! ::hugs Vin::

--See Vin! This is why you should *never* have been in there alone with the guy!! Never! ::deep breath::

--Well, Chanu can't be that bad an Indian, he didn't kill Vin when he had the chance.

--Oh, Chris is so cute when he's worried about Vin. ::swoon::

--Oh, yay!! I love that Nathan's volunteering to ride with Vin.

--So why is Brother aiming his rifle at Vin and Nathan. Just because they didn't do what he told them to?? That's no reason.

--Vin's second mistake...he totally shouldn't have told Brother of all the people in the world that Chanu'd escaped. Seriously. Totally the wrong person to know about this.

--Umm, on the other hand, I did take a great deal of visceral (and aesthetic) satisfaction from him knocking Brother out. Though that was a fairly vicious blow. :D Screencap's crap, I know. Sorry 'bout that.

--Why's JD riding into the reservation? Oh, just for backup for Josiah. Okay.

--I'm surprised skunk can be made to taste good. Seriously, I'm surprised it's not too musky, erm, weaselly.

--Oh, interesting! Kojay: "Your father's spirit walks with you. That is why you are unbalanced. It is too heavy on your shoulder." Interesting. Because I'd say that Josiah's about the most balanced of all of them. Well, him or Nathan anyway.

--Oooo!! So pretty!! And, okay, Vin lived with the Indians later than I'd thought. He says while he was buffalo hunting, which would be, at least, after he was at least fairly grown. Vin: "Lived with them for a while, when I was buffalo huntin'. Had a friend, best tracker in the tribe. Taught me what he knew. What he didn't know, he just plumb made up."

--And then this friend of Vin's was killed when they rounded the Indians up. ::hugs Vin::


--I love that Ezra realizes that Chris has faith in Vin's instincts. Eeee!!

--Okay, I just have to say for the record that any little hint of Vin/Ezra sympathy I might have been developing after last week's conversation is fading fast. :D

--Nice shot of Ezra though!

--Oh, shit, I suppose they couldn't shut Brother up indefinitely. I guess they're lucky they got as long as they did.

--Heeee!! I love Vin and Buck trying to *subtly* get Brother shut up and subdued in the jail. And the reaction of the people across the street. I have the feeling they weren't subtle enough. Oh, well, maybe it's okay.

--Oh, God, how much do I love that Vin can spot which tree the wood for the fire's from, and what it means. Squeal!!

--Oh, JD, honey, busting in on the sweat lodge. Though, really, his instincts are good. Wooden towns in the desert were incredibly flammable and any uncontained flame was definitely an emergency.

--It'd do JD a world of good to strip off and sweat with them, but he's clearly never seen naked men just sitting around like that before. Heee!! And OMG do I love Josiah's response. Josiah: "Excuse the boy. Poor upbringing. An embarrassment to us all." Heee!!

--Oh, JD!! All caught up in a fear of the new and different and being all judgmental. I would have hoped for better from you sweetie!

--So why didn't Mr. Mosely stay back, like Vin told him to?? There isn't a bit of sense in all the men of that family.

--Chanu's pony doesn't have standard tack, the bridle in particular is very minimal, and there's some sort of skin pad under the saddle and on top of the saddle blanket. But the other pony's got a more "normal" gear.

--Oh!! Oh!! Poor Clare. But...somehow I don't think Chanu would have been building...well that was either going to be a burial mound for her or a funeral pyre. In either case, doesn't seem like something he'd do for a woman he'd raped and murdered.

--Well, her throat's bruised, so who ever killed her strangled her.

--Oh, damn, Vin looks *so* upset!!

--I get the feeling he's suspecting something. Though he's clearly had very little patience for Mosely all the way through.

--So who is this guy that Chris is playing cards with and why does it look like they're holding hands?

--Nice shot of Chris though!

--Oh, man Ezra and Buck look so stricken. And I just have this horrible feeling this is going to come between them and Vin.

--Chris looks upset too, but it's clearly not hitting him as hard as it is Ezra and Buck.

--Ezra's actually helping carry her to the undertakers?

--Wow, that's got to be all sorts of miserable out in the rain like that. And Vin's just beating himself *up*!! Which I can understand. I really can. But *ouch*!

--Super nice shot of Josiah!! I wish Kojay would just come right out and tell him what's on his mind though. This is a little tough on Josiah! Kojay: "The balance has been lost. We must find it again." Josiah: "Can we find Chanu first, then balance ourselves?"

--Oh, oh!! I love Nathan trying to convince Vin that he doesn't have to go alone. I really do. I also love Vin's insistence that he does...but damn honey, you being alone with this Indian hasn't caused anything but trouble. You sure you need more?


--I'm with Vin though, what the hell is Chanu up to??

--Oh it's not Chanu, I guess. Just two guys dressed to look just like him. Almost certainly not a coincidence. Probably friends. Love the way this is shot, and Vin with the knife ready to fight...mmm...

--Wait, Vin knows one of these men by name? Interesting.

--More pretty Vin.

--Oh, Lordy do I love Nathan coming just in time and saving Vin!! Eeee!!

--So is this band of Indians on this reservation (and did we ever hear which tribe it was?) the specific one that Vin lived with? He knows this guy by name and knows that he's Chanu's brother, but had never met Chanu before...

--So did Nathan kill the one he threw the knife at? Oh, no, good. That was going to be hard for me to believe.

--And Nathan's now gotten infected by the Let Vin Face Chanu Alone bug...and I still think it's not a good idea. Not a good idea at all.

--Vin knows where Chanu's going? Or thinks he does?

--Oh, Lord I'm really disliking Mosely even more than I have been all episode. Why is he stirring up the the anger of everyone in this town at his own daughter's funeral?? Asshole!

--Oh, yay! And Vin was there at the watering hole waiting for him! Eeeee!! So nice!!

--How does Vin know Chanu didn't kill her?? I love that he didn't, but how does Vin know?

--Oh, God. So who killed her then?? Well actually that's awfully obvious isn't it, because seriously the only other person out there was her father. But oh God, poor Chanu! I hate that he lost his wife. And Vin's obviously hurting for him.

--How the Hell are they going to convince anyone of any of this though??

--Oh, I absolutely adore that Josiah's there in the sweat lodge!! That's just so awesomely awesome! Kojay: "The spirits say that I should trust you." Josiah: "Shoot, I'm with them." HEee!!

--Oh, oh!! God I love Chris defending Vin!! ::swoons:: I'm just going to die here in the happy place. Eeee!! But OMG Buck and Ezra, hasn't Vin earned more than that from you?? Hasn't he??

--Oh, fuck there's that mob again. Damn it!! Very, very scary.

--Oh, yay!! There are Ezra and Buck and Chris to help bring calm. Though, honestly, I'm not sure how much I trust Buck and Ezra here. I mean, I know they won't allow the village to get burned down. But...they might allow more than they should. They're not inclined to be part of a lynch mob, but their sympathies are running more in that direction.

--Mosely: "Don't let these gunslinging scoundrels prevent justice. They're sinners. All of them." Ezra: "Was that intended as an insult?" Mosely's missing a basic point in Christian theology--all people are sinners and it doesn't do to point out other people's sins for your own are just as great. But Ezra's response is great!

--So now why is this mob going to believe *Vin* telling them that Chanu and Clare were married??

--Oh, yay! CSI: Four Corners's own Nathan's there explaining that Chanu couldn't have killed Clare! That's good!! Yay!!


--Eeee!! I love that Chris shoots the gun out of Mosely's hand!! So *wonderful*!!

--Oh, and she was pregnant? Oh, God, poor Chanu!! ::hugs::

--Okay, I'm finally getting a little bit of liking for Brother here, because he finally sees through his father's sanctimonious evil. And I love Nathan grabbing him and keeping him off his father, and then Josiah stopping him from shooting him. Josiah: "If you kill him, you become him. Is that what you want?"


--Oh, I love that Chanu's giving Vin his medicine bag (I assume that's what that is anyway). So so nice!! And I love that Vin knows what it means and what he's been given.

--So is this Buck's apology, handing Vin Peso's reins?? I'd have sure liked to see more from him and Ezra. Maybe I just need some post episode fics. Bad. Gen or slash. Recommendations, please!! I'm going to be pained by the rupture in these relationships otherwise. Though Vin doesn't know what Ezra and Buck were thinking about him...but Chris does.

--Love that Josiah's got his balance back!! Nice!! A good sweat will do that for you!

All screencaps are my own. Feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.

Magnificent Seven Episode Notes

Pilot, or Ghosts of the Confederacy
One Day Out West
Working Girls
The Collector

screencaps, episode notes, magnificent seven

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