Episode Notes: Magnificent Seven "Witness:

Mar 21, 2007 09:22

Well, these notes are a little strange, and a lot late. My computer tanked after I'd finished watching and ate my first set of notes. But the screencaps were still there (thank *goodness*). So I'm reconstructing the notes on a second watching and hoping that they work with my original screencaps.

Anyway, the notes are a bit sparse, and a bit confused, I'm afraid. But the screencaps are nice and there are a lot of them, so maybe that will make up for something. (If you have trouble with the number of screencaps, let me know. I can probably help.)

And, yes, just in case you were wondering, I'm still squeeing and flailing and loving this show beyond words!

I am now very much in love with Ezra, though I'm not feeling any inclination to slash him with anyone. :D But OMG seeing Maude and how he reacts to Maude. I loved, and hurt for him, that he was embarrassed to be doing uncomplicated good deeds because of what it made her think of him. That's just so... ::hugs Ezra::

spikedluv has an awesome collection of quotes from Witness over at her LiveJournal. I lost almost all of the little snippets of dialogue in the Great Crash, so go get your dialogue fix from her. :D

Notes on watching Witness:

--Poor Billy! That's a tough burden for a kid to carry.

--Boy is *Maude* clueless--she's a *mom* and she can't tell when a kid's having a nightmare as opposed to an entertaining dream. Which is an interesting insight into Ezra, I suppose.

--Heee!! I love Josiah and Vin's response to Maude. Josiah: "Mother? I always though Ezra was raised by wolves." Heee!

--Love Chris whittling!! That's nice! And OMG is he pretty! And he can whittle recognizable things, which is cool. And...did he know Billy was coming, or was he just carving a horse for the hell of it?

--Love him saving the boy! Screencap sucks, sorry about that, but I loved the scene too much. :D

--And the hat tipping is just so...makes me wish men still wore hats so they could do that. ::swoon::

--Poor Billy! It's so hard for him, because he knows what he saw and what he was told, but he can't make his ma believe him.

--Nathan's pretty clueful and gentle with Billy and with Mary.

--OMG Maude really did have a load of bricks in her luggage. And I *love* Ezra covering for her with his comment about "rare masonry from ancient Rome." Though his heart obviously wasn't in it.

--I love Chris reading and I'm desperately curious about what it is that he's reading. (Come here little plot bunny....)

--Oh, man Chris is so uncomfortable with Mary asking him to talk to Billy. Not just a little reluctant, he's actually almost wincing about it.

--Hee! Buck and his animal magnetism. "Once women get a whiff of it, what can I do?" JD: "Take a bath." Heee!

--And then talking to his horse. :D

--Maude's telling baby stories about Ezra to his friends?? Oh, that's not right at all. But I love seeing Vin smile like that.

--Poor long suffering Ezra though. Pretty, pretty long suffering Ezra. :D

--Oh, poor Mary, she's so freaking out!

--I love that Mary listens to sense when Chris tells her not to go.

--Jeeze, Ezra really was raised by wolves. Josiah was right!

--I'm going to pause for a moment in the happy place as Chris and Vin just naturally ride off together when dividing up to go searching. I'm also going to note that when asked where the other should go, it's *Vin* that gives them instructions, not Chris.

--Oh, Lord there's Buck and his animal magnetism again. :D And Nathan just looks like OMG what *is* this he's talking about. And now??

--Maude trying to be comforting is like a rusty saw. Mary'd be better off, lots better off, without her.

--OMG Tracker!Vin is just *so* hot and beautiful! And wonderful! ::fans self::

--Oh, man, JD totally got rooked by Maude and Ezra and Josiah both *know* it!

--Love them protecting Billy!!

--Chris has no idea what to make of Billy's talk of the Devil. But he seems to *want* to believe, if only to make the boy feel better.

--Vin doesn't know what to make of it either.

--Heeee!! Poor JD, it's hard to get a look in with the ladies when you're competing with someone as experienced and charming as Buck. And that animal magnetism...:D

--Oooo!! Pretty piccies of Chris! I vaguely recall having something far more sensible to say about these pictures the *first* time I watched the ep. But for now "Pretty" will just have to do.

--Oh, I love this scene with Ezra and Maude. And OMG I can *totally* see what people were telling me about Ezra's basically decent heart being completely at war with his upbringing. With a different mother, a different life, he could have been a very heroic figure, I think. And he's *so* uncomfortable with showing his mother that good side in him. Because she's *so* unsympathetic to it.

--Oh, so pretty!

--They develop a plan that involves letting everyone in town know that Mary and Billy are leaving. Which, okay. This is cool. I love these little ruses that they do. But...The Devil and the Hotel Guy let Billy leave town unmolested a year ago, right after the murder. Why wouldn't they let him leave unmolested now? I suppose they didn't realize before that his grandfather's a circuit judge. Who knows.

--I was expecting that Chris would be hidden on the coach and maybe the others would be riding at a bit of a distance, keeping a watch out. I loved having Buck, Ezra, Vin and JD just appear out of the coach right there. So nice!

--I love love love Mary going nuts on the bad guy, and Buck's little delay in stopping her! And letting her get that one last kick in for Billy!

--Oh, God, is Chris pretty here!! This is another one of those excessive, horribly excessive runs of screencaps. But OMG the light and the poncho and the body language and...oh, yeah! ::swoons:: I am unrepentant, even if it is six in a row and some are kind of similar.

--And he's so sweet with Billy!

--They're being awfully mean to this poor bastard!! Definitely rougher times. But they didn't actually hurt the guy. :D

--Oh, Chris is really just *awesome* with the kid. And he's just got all his pain right on his sleeve there. ::hugs Chris::

--I keep thinking that someone (::koff:: Vin ::koff::) should go out and be at the Old Travis Place with Chris and Billy now that they're back in town. Rather than leaving him there alone with Billy and his memories. Just in case there's trouble and all.

--This whole thing is just *killing* Chris with memories of his family. And with, I'm pretty sure, imagning how things would be for them if he'd been killed and they'd lived. I bet he's thought that they'd be better off if he'd died instead, survivor guilt being a fucking bitch like that, but he's seeing now that they'd be suffering too.

--Heee!! Ezra's *so* playing a role here. Hey, so's Maude! Heee! Nice!

--Love Maude scaring the bejeezus out of Hotel Guy until he basically *runs*, only to be greeted by Josiah and Vin and Mary when he walked out. Nice!

--Oooh!! Angry!Vin is just chilling (and God so sexy!)

--Oh, Love Chris getting shot protecting the boy!! Love that a lot. (Love especially imagining Vin taking care of him later. :D)

--I was pretty sure that Chris was out of bullets, so I was really pleased to see him reloading. That's so cool!

--Oh, crap, out again. that's not good at all. He doesn't have a good position to reload and no one to cover him. This is why a lot of gunslingers carried two guns. Not because they could fire with either hand, very few could do that, but because they wanted the extra loaded gun in a pinch.

--While I'm glad that Billy gets to put some of his demons to rest, I don't like him saving Chris rather than having the rest of the Seven riding in. Billy should have ridden off like Chris told him to.

--Oh, there's Vin!! Yay! And all the rest of them. Yay!! Okay, so we get both savings. That's nice.


--Love Nate immediately taking care of Chris.

--Heee!! Maude's totally dissing Buck's animal magnetism. He looks so distraught! I wonder how she heard about it. :D

--Heee!! JD paid her! Hee!

--Heee!! I love Ezra warning her off of Josiah with the one word "Penniless"! Heee!

--Ezra seems so torn up about Maude leaving, though he didn't seem all that thrilled about her getting there.

--Okay, injured Chris rocks my socks, embarrasingly enough. And I think he's awfully cute with the boy. But if the rest of the series is going to be Kid!Fic with Mary making moo-eyes at Chris because he'd be such a perfect stepfather for Billy, I'm going to be annoyed.

All screencaps are my own, feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use them by hotlinking. In which case, please don't. That ain't right.

Magnificent Seven Episode Notes

Pilot, or Ghosts of the Confederacy
One Day Out West
Working Girls

screencaps, episode notes, magnificent seven

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