Eeeee!! ::flails::
I've been sitting here in the Starbucks watching this episode and grinning like a fool for the last two and a half hours. (Which is about how long it takes with the screencapping and all.) The other patrons seem to think I'm weird. (The staff are all used to me or they would too.)
Love this episode! Love seeing them all converge into a true team! Love seeing Robert Vaughn! The opening scene with them confronting the bad guys makes me squeal. Love all the guys more and more and more.
So wonderful!!
spikedluv has a great collection of
quotes from One Day Out West over at her LJ. Go check them out, she got some fantastic bits of dialogue!
Many apologies to those of you on dialup for the excessive number of screencaps, I'll eventually settle down in that regard, I imagine.
Notes on watching One Day Out West (with loads of screencaps)
--Oh that's so pretty, all of them riding along in front of the sunset like that.
--Why are folks boarding up the shops in town? I feel like I've missed something already.
--This extortionist, Lucas, is an asshole but he's got a pretty coat on. I love that soft looking leather.
--Wait he just shot the guy for no good reason??
--Eeee!! And here are the Seven back in town just in time.
--::bounces:: Robert Vaughn! He played Lee in the movie. It's so nice to see him here. And I love his voice!
--Mary's got a lot of guts, but she can't really interfere here. Not without taking all of Robert Vaughn's power in this town.
--::swoon:: Oh, God how much do I love them just sauntering in and siding with Robert Vaughn??
--Heee, and Buck just walks right through the middle of them and slouches in a chair.
--Did that idiot just call Chris a "cowboy"? Heee! Chris: "Did he just call me a cowboy, JD?" JD: "I think he did, Mr. Larabee."
--Oh, and now Lucas realizes what a *grave* error he made. :D
--Chris (to Lucas): "Did you just call me a cowboy?" Lucas: "No. I-I was...just sayin' that it ain't your fight." Chris: "Not yet."
--Love this pic of Buck.
--Okay, after that incredibly hot and alpha display from all of them, I'm practically having an attack of the *vapors*. Smelling salts, I need smelling salts. And a fan. Or a bucket of ice water.
--I'm rewinding to watch the credits again. Back in a sec.
--Back now. Do we ever get any sense of how big this town is?
--Oh, I love that Robert Vaughn is playing a Judge!! That's nice. And I love him bringing in the law in a battle against the tyranny of cattle barons and outlaws. Really, that was quite an epic period in United States history and a good time for them to set the series.
--Judge Travis: "This stupid old man has hung twenty three smart young men like yourself."
--So who's going to tend to the prisoner since the town has no sheriff? They can't just leave him unattended in jail.
--He can't find a single man in this town who's willing to stand on a jury. This is an interesting town. Because no one was willing to stand against the lynch mob in the pilot either. So either they're all completely cowed, or it's a town full of losers. I wonder how historically accurate this is.
--Chris is drinking alone. Hmmm...
--Vin: "Hey, cowboy. How are you?" Eeeee!! I'm going to loiter for a moment in the slashy happy place, because I just *love* that! :D
--Vin: "I was thinking of getting an early start for Tascosa." Chris: "I was thinking of whiskey, a room, a bed, and more whiskey." OMG and they're doing that intense eye contact thing again and Chris is propositioning Vin and talking about beds. ::swoons and faints::
--Okay, so this is apparently just after the fight at the Seminole village, because Josiah's still recovering from his wounds. But Buck's apparently all better, or at least mostly better. But, really, from the way Nathan was acting in the pilot, I'd guess that Josiah was substantially more badly hurt than Buck. I bet Buck was just playing it up more because he's that kind of guy. Can't get the ladies (or JD) going crazy over the injured hero if he's not all that badly injured, after all.
--::hugs JD:: I love how upset he is that everyone's going their own way. I'm kinda upset about that too, JD.
--Ooo! Pretty pic of Ezra!
--Okay, so the Judge comes in with an offer of $20 for any man who wants to be Sheriff. And everyone immediately starts to pay attention to other things, and to just suddenly have pressing business elsewhere. JD's not alert enough to follow their lead. :D
--Oh, and Ezra's wishing he had a muzzle for JD, because the last thing *he* wanted was to be called to the Judge's attention.
--Surely more than one man in this territory is named Ezra.
--Judge: "I never forget a face, especially one I've put away." That's why Ezra's trying so hard not to let you see his, Judge. :D
--Oh, this sucks for poor JD. He's only been Sheriff for about 2 minutes and he's already being called on to arrest one of his friends.
--Ezra: "Don't do this, my friend." JD: "I'm sorry, Ezra. I don't know you all that well, and apparently he does." Ezra: "Thanks for the vote of confidence."
--So do we get any fall-out from JD arresting Ezra? I mean, does Ezra hold being arrested against JD or do all hard feelings fade by the end of the episode?
--Hey, it's Warren Chapel from "Mirror Image"!! Does this guy only ever play bad guys?? (He's rather interesting proof against the argument that there are only pretty people in Hollywood.)
--Ezra: "Well, sir. Now that we are rid of that loathsome curmudgeon, you may effect my emancipation." JD: "Huh?" Ezra: "Let me out." :D
--God Buck's got nice long legs!!
--Love love love Buck stomping into the Sheriff's station ranting about how stupid JD was for becoming sheriff. :D (And I wonder what those papers are that JDs looking at in the background.)
--Heee!! Love him giving JD instructions in handling a revolver too!!
--Why does Buck have a hate on against JD's hat? I mean aside from the fact that it's a bowler and looks a little doofy.
aerianya requested nice pictures of Buck.
--Buck was a law-man once?? Really? Do we ever hear about this again or is he just totally shitting JD here?
--She really is just stunning. And now I have a better name than Beautiful Eyed Lady. Mary Travis.
--Why is Judge Travis putting so much pressure on Mary to go live with them? Is he concerned about her safety? Does he not like the independence? What?
--Why are there random fires burning in the street? Is that Old West streetlights or something? Any idea if it's historically accurate? Gives cool lights and shadows, so I like it.
--So Chris went to dinner at the actual *restaurant*? Huh. Doesn't the saloon serve, erm, the old west equivalent of pub grub or is this seriously the only place in town to get food unless you have a fire of your own? I like his double breasted shirt with the silver buttons better than this, but I love that he changed. Probably took a bath too. ::mmmm--happily imagines Chris nekkid in an old fashioned metal tub::
--Oh, it's the classic western tension between cattle ranchers and homesteaders and sheep ranchers. I could actually write a bit about this, but I'll spare you.
--Heee, love Buck flirting up the pretty newspaper editor. Though she only has eyes for Chris. :D
--Eeee!! Chris is heading into the general store. He's got his saddle bags, so I'm guessing he's getting ready to head out to Tascosa with Vin. ::squeeee!::
--So Buck's known Chris a real long time. I wonder where they met and how.
--Poor Ezra, obviously horrified by the prison food. I wonder where JD got it from.
--Heee!! Ezra's gambling for an escape from jail from Lucas. Heee!! (And, that's another very pretty shot of him!)
--Wait, Buck told Mary Travis about Chris losing his wife and son?? And he told JD about it last episode. What does Buck think he's doing? That's not his story to tell. Chris doesn't look very pleased by him having told it either.
--So the people of the town don't have enough balls to stand against Lucas but they have enough balls to come and threaten the sheriff with rakes and pitchforks? What a strange little town this is.
--Eeee!! Love Vin stepping in to intervene here!!
--Vin: "You got a problem here, Sheriff?"
--Eeee!! ::swoon::
sassyinkpen thigh holster!! ::faints dead away::
--Heee!! Buck's telling the barber tall tales about twins with nice asses. Heee!!
--Chris: "My past is my own, Buck, it's not something you can use for conversation."
--Woah! Chris Larabee is obviously not an easy man to be friends with. But Buck's been sticking it out for how long? There's a lot of loyalty and steel under that mustached grin.
--Okay, Judge Travis (who has tremendous command presence) can't get anyone to come forward in this case and he expects JD (who doesn't) to get witnesses, at gunpoint if necessary? ::shakes head::
--Chris and Vin were planning on making an early start,right? It's obviously not noon yet (because James hasn't come back) but it's getting close, because Travis is prepared for it. And Chris and Vin are still in town? Maybe they decided to hold off on leaving until after the rain.
--Eeee!! I Love JD taking off his hat after the Judge declared court to be in session.
--::wince:: JD!! Buck warned you about that! Didn't you check your gun before you were in a situation that could be predicted to be bad. Just settle down puppy-boy and listen to Buck. He'll keep you from getting killed. (Pretty eyes though.)
--And where are JD's actual own guns? He had two of his own before he found that revolver in the Sheriff's office.
--I know the Judge just got shot. Did JD too??
--Oh, so Chris and Vin are just getting ready to go now? Oh. Maybe it's not noon yet? Because I don't see how this could be considered an early start.
--Okay, so the bad guys brought reinforcements and left them outside. good thinking on their parts. Though it's always better to have not-so-smart bad guys.
--A few of the bad guys have gotten left behind on account of being shot, but Lucas got away. Sigh.
--JD walks out into Vin's line of fire. Sigh!! ::shakes head::
--Oh, I love Vin not saying anything to him about it. Just a look then he retrieves his hat. Buck would have lit into him--because Buck's doing more of the mentoring/big brother thing.
--I guess they're in Nathan's room, not Mary's nice house.
--He's still planning on leaving! ::swoon::
--EEee!! So pretty!!
--Ooh, I like the idea of faking the judge's death! And the fake funeral, because of course there'd be one. :D Mary looks lovely in black. And Vin's so cute when JD suggests saying something over the "corpse". Vin: "It's a coffin full of rocks, JD." :) And then Chris smiling. Eeee!
--JD: "Shouldn't we look like we're doing something. You know, a prayer?" Mary: "He'd appreciate that." Heee!!
--Eeee!! Chris has got his collar all unbuttoned!! And he's letting the judge stay in his room. Nice!
--Damn that's a nice ass!!
--So the Judge asks Chris if he's ever been shot, and then doesn't give him time to answer. But I wonder if he has. I mean it's hard to imagine that someone who's working as a hired gun hasn't been, but gunshot wounds were far more likely to be fatal or seriously *maiming* then, and Chris obviously hasn't been badly hurt.
--Judge: "What do you believe in, Mr. Larabee?" Chris: "Not as much as I used to."
--So instead of working on his broken down church outside of town, Josiah's now working on fixing up the church in town? And Nathan's letting injured Josiah on a roof?? Ah well.
--Wait, Chris isn't leaving?? What about Vin? He's letting Vin go off alone? ::wibble:: That can't be right.
--Chris: "I've got a little situation." Josiah: "A situation." Nathan: "This ain't another one of those six-to-one odds kind of things is it?" Chris: "I don't think so. I'm figuring more like ten-to-one." Josiah: "You sure know how to lead a man into temptation don't you?"
--Oh, now if it weren't for the obvious open street background, that would be a nice one to take out of context. Love that facial expression. :D
--Okay, so Josiah can't be that badly hurt, because Chris is inviting him to go along, and Nathan's not objecting.
--Oh, good. Vin's staying. I bet he was in on Chris's decision to stay. In fact I'm having happy slashy imaginings of the conversation where they decide to stay on and help the town. Buck: "I thought you and Vin were going to Tascosa." Vin: "It'll keep."
--Buck decided not to go along. Well, I imagine he's not best pleased with Chris at this moment, after the whole throat cutting threat. Though Chris seems to have moved on. I mean Chris apparently vented his anger and is just fine now, not angry at all. Oh, interesting, interesting.
--Heee, Buck slinging the girl over his shoulder and carrying her out. :D
--Why is JD leaving his badge behind? (And I love that he pinned it behind his lapel like Buck suggested.)
--Eee!! Love Ezra pitching his case to get let out of jail. He's got a pretty persuasive argument--Lucas does like him and he can get them in. ::nods::
--Ezra's swearing on his "sainted mother"'s grave. Didn't I understand that his mum's alive? Heee! And JD calls him on it!
--Eeee!! Love the galloping horses pictures. :D
--Eeee! I love Vin with the spy glass. And the slightly chapped lips!
--So they're just riding right up and walking in? Well, apparently James and his men are having some sort of shindig. (With boxing. Huh.)
--So apparently they've got a plan going in, but we don't know what it is. I like that. :D (It's the Scooby Doo effect--whenever Freddy goes to a lot of effort to explain their plan to trap the bad guy it goes completely pear shaped. When they don't explain the plan, it works.)
--Chris does not have a pretty squint in this shot. However, I like this scene, when they're looking for where they want to position Vin. Chris: "Can you handle it?" Vin: "Like licking butter off a knife."
--Eee!! So they left JD to slash the saddle-girths. Heee!! Like Old West pulling of sparkplugs or slashing tires or something. :D
--Ah, Ezra just saunters right up to Lucas. Nice!!
--The bad guys haven't seen Nathan or Josiah have they? I love Josiah positioning himself behind James. Eeee!!
--Eeee!! Ezra with his little wrist dealy gun!! (And I want to know how that works, BTW.) And then Chris, stepping out and getting noticed! So hot! And that's one hell of a nice turquoise ring (though did White gentlemen wear turquoise in the 1870s?)
--Lucas (to Chris): "I remember you." Chris: "It's nice to be remembered."
--So why is Vin drinking whiskey when he ought to be paying attention?
--How much do I love that little notch in Michael Biehn's lower lip? Lots and lots and lots.
--Now Vin's paying attention!
--James: "Is this a personal matter?" Chris: "Not yet." I wonder if it would make a difference to James if it was. I mean he's standing by his son, guilty of murder in the service of driving away the homesteaders. But if Lucas had dishonored a woman, or killed someone over a personal matter, I wonder if James would defend him. Huh.
--Oh, and another pretty cap of Ezra. Love those eyes!
--Oh, yeah!! Vin's got everyone totally pinned down!! Eeee!! Swoon!!
--And Nathan with his knife!! ::bounce:: (Sigh, best shot of Nathan all episode so far and he's got a cloud of dust in front of his face.)
--EeeE!! Love Josiah--big damn cross, big damn gun! Josiah: "Nice gun. Can I have it?"
--So did Vin clear off the roof as soon as he stopped shooting. Apparently.
--Heee!! And the saddles are all falling off. Well not all of them, obviously.
--Yay!! Buck!! (I love his tall grey horse!!)
--So pretty!
--With the Seven setting a good example, the men of the town are growing some balls. Yay!!
--The judge hires them for 30 days only? Surely the whole series doesn't take place in 30 action-packed days?
--Eeee! So Ezra's getting a pardon for signing up? Cool!
--Oh, love these guys!! (And why do Nathan and Josiah seem to be visually grouped together all the time? They do seem to have the most similar personalities, I suppose. )
--I love how each of them is coming up with his own reasons for staying. :D Buck: "There are some pretty women around here I'm not quite acquainted with." (But he's staring at JD when he says that...hrm.)
--If the judge can pardon Ezra, why can't he pardon Vin and take the price off his head? Well, for one thing, I bet he doesn't know about it. I wouldn't expect that Vin's told anyone other than Chris about it.
--So how long has Vin had this price on his head, do we ever learn? I'm getting the impression, from his impatience to deal with it, that it can't have been all that long. Though that impatience appears to have been at least somewhat fueled by the immanent peril of the fight at the Seminole village.
--That's a nice shot of both of them!
--And then I love how at they're all seven outside guarding the saloon while the Judge is having his trial.
--Gonna go back and watch the "Did he just call me a cowboy?" scene and the credits one more time. :D
All screencaps are my own. Please feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.
Magnificent Seven Episode Notes
Pilot, or Ghosts of the Confederacy