The Nine Rings of Vos- Arc Three: War
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: A journey starts with a single step, and a family is formed with a single taken hand.
The rest of the tale is told here. =/=
Love is not an accident, Love is a CHOICE. )
Comments 6
Glad to see your return. Hope RL cooperates and you have more time to do what you enjoy.
My Feb exploded, both with more work and the first week had a super-busy social calendar on top of it. I hope you have all the good things happen as far as work/living situation! Mine is backsliding and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Assuming my dragons cooperate, I've got a blue opal with your name on it whenever you want it. Do you care about lineages? Because, most of my Coppers are messy, and all of my Shimmerscales are at least fifth-gen.
Great job, as always. Good luck with life.
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