
Mar 07, 2010 22:14

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Oppression
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Prowl is very logical about just about everything. Even having a crush.
Timeline: More of Nine Rings here.


(In which Prowl ponders about Jazz.)

Prowl completed the last simulation problem and set the stack of datapads aside. Hands folded neatly, Prowl stared straight ahead at the front of the classroom as he waited for the instructor to dismiss them. It would be a while, Prowl was well aware that he had finished the examination well ahead of the rest of his classmates. Their angry, jealous glares and sidelong looks were easily dismissed from Prowl’s mind. They could do nothing but sit and stew under the sharp gaze of the instructor. Any action they took would be seen as cheating, and so Prowl was safe from retaliation for showing them up for now. With nothing else left to distract him, Prowl found his thoughts turning - as they so often did these days - to the walking, talking enigma that was Jazz.

On the surface the Special Operations student seemed to be yet another casually friendly mech of the stripe appreciated by the Academy recruiters. Charm and charisma were necessary to a mech who wished to get away with murder. Upon closer interaction however, Jazz was chaos incarnate. At once vicious and kind, devious and loyal - Jazz embodied myriad contradictory acts and attitudes that somehow managed to inhabit a single frame and processor. Prowl found that trying to predict Jazz was an effort in futility, one that often threatened to overheat his processors. It had taken a great deal of careful manoeuvring to keep Jazz from finding out about Prowl’s narrowly avoided crashes. The lengths he had gone to in order to keep Jazz from learning about the not-infrequent times he had locked up had been almost ridiculous. Yet Prowl had no doubts that Jazz would have distanced himself from the young tactician in a misguided attempt to spare Prowl the indignity and difficulty if ever Jazz had known how his outside-the-box thinking affected his friend.

Such thoughts were the cause of much trepidation for Prowl. It had been an accident, but Prowl had discovered that the more he discarded the suppression program, the easier it became to find a logical catalyst for Jazz’s actions. Plus, the more Prowl was exposed to Jazz and his unique insight, the simpler it was for Prowl to deduce the logical cause and motivations of others. Prowl’s progress was slow, glacial. There was no possible way for Prowl to do away with the entire program overnight, no matter how helpful Jazz was.


But Jazz made the effort seem worth it. As each line of code that held his emotions back was stripped away, Prowl became more aware of what he was missing. For all Jazz made his life needlessly complicated, it was also far simpler now. Adapting to strange and unfamiliar circumstances was made easier with practice. A simple program that explained the ridiculous and illogical by attributing it to Jazz’s influence meant fewer crashes. In this, Prowl had only to follow, Jazz would lead the way.

Prowl had long since seen the benefits and wisdom in cultivating a stable relationship with Jazz. Seeing how Jazz sobered at the mention of the upcoming break, noting with some pride that he could now discern between true joy and forced cheer, Prowl had asked his Genitor to allow Jazz to reside with them for the duration.

Prowl had been pleased when his best-case scenario worked out perfectly, but then, Interceptor had a habit of indulging his creation. Prowl suspected that his Genitor’s compliance to his requests had more to do with the fact that Prowl rarely asked for anything then aught else, and Interceptor did enjoy spoiling Prowl at every available opportunity. Perhaps hoping to see some sign that Prowl was dismantling the suppression program. Prowl had not failed to see his Genitor’s surprise and excitement when Prowl had smiled while speaking about Jazz.

Shaking his head, Prowl looked up as the instructor came by and took his work pads. Now dismissed from his final examination, Prowl left the classroom to head for his dorm. The sooner he was packed, the sooner he - and Jazz - could go.

And maybe once they were home, Prowl would be able to figure out why merely thinking about Jazz was enough to leave him with the sensation of gentle warmth in his spark.

(Word Count: 707)


Here there be dragons! And I love coriopsis a long, long time for giving me a Vampire dragon egg. ♥ Plus, she's got a Magma egg waiting for me just as soon as one of my other eggs hatch~♥♥♥

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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