Sit down, SHUT UP and drink your GODDAMN tea!

Mar 07, 2010 22:27

Title: Small Packages
A Final Fantasy VII Fanfiction
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko

Summary: And this would be one reason why Cid isn't often the Chosen One. He like to kick Fate in the ass and leaves Destiny in screaming tears. XP
Timeline: More Small Packages here.


(In which Cid outstubborns the Planet.)

Cid cursed as he curled around Riku, trying to protect the child from the too-easily recognized tearing green rush of the Lifestream. If he lost hold of the boy now there was no telling if Riku was Sephiroth enough to survive - or if Jenova was lurking out there waiting for a chance to grab a new puppet - or that he would be able to keep his mind intact. Just look at Cloud - the kid was a natural head case and his habit of swimming in the Lifestream every chance he got probably did not help any with the being not-crazy. Cid did not need to be a genius to add one and one to make two, but it helped.

‘Purpose. Cauterization. Excision of infected flesh.’

The green tried to rip Riku away - Cid could hear the boy’s high, panicked screaming, could feel the frantic clutch of small hands and grimly maintained his grip on the boy.

“No!” Cid said - thought - roared, “He’s just a boy! Leave him alone, you can’t blame him for what Hojo did to him!”

‘Purge. Rebirth. Determination. Will to survive.”

The pull increased and Cid almost lost his hold, but his grip held, it held and Cid roared again, railing against the collective voice of the Planet.


There was an impression of confusion. What could he do? He was but one against the all.

“I am the GODDAMN Captain Cid fucking Highwind! And the kid stays with me!”

The Planet pulled harder, Cid raged louder, and something ancient, buried under the immense weight of a millennia stirred and woke from its long, once-final sleep.

Curiosity. Something curled serpentine around Cid and the child he protected, scale-armoured hide shielding them from the Lifestream. Cid had the impression of being looked over by a giant presence, a pleased sounding hum lighting up the area around him. Razor-edged wings flared wide, reaching out to catch the sky and ride the wind. Fierce, defiant brightness leapt up, away, lit the shadows with a roar of flame and the crack of lightning. A hot wind moved through Cid and the child in his arms and just like that Cid knew what he had to do.

Cid changed his grip.

The Lifestream surged forward, tearing Jenova-taint away, gleefully bearing it off in a wash of destructive intent. The multi-presence wrapped around Cid like a friendly boa cooed approval as he patched the holes left behind by Jenova’s removal with bits of both himself and pieces of their unexpected help. When the last gap had been patched, Cid pulled back a little.

“Done.” Cid sighed, exhausted and aching, feeling hollowed out and simultaneously like his skin was a size too small, “Now what?”

Crack the shell! Rebirth! Wind under wings. Fur feathers scales skin! Live!

Cid blinked at the intense images and was crouched on the floor of the storage room, the cement hard and cold under his knees. Riku was a warm bundle, tucked safe and secure in his arms. Cid looked down at the kid when the boy stirred, green eyes blinking open to gaze up at Cid.

“It’s quiet.” Riku breathed in wonder, “You made them stop and you didn’t let me go.”

“You’re welcome?” Cid said, bemused, and wondering what else he could possibly say to that, “Ah well, let’s get a move on kid.”

Cid levered himself up onto his feet and walked out of the storeroom with Riku clinging determinedly to his hand.

(Word Count: 577)


Sorry about posting one on top of the other dearest F-list, but coriopsis is giving me dragon eggs and couldn't make up the mind as to which fic they wanted to read more of more. XP Thus, two updates in one night. Mweheh. XD

series: small packages, fanfiction, final fantasy vii fic

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