Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: What's the worst that could happen? Well... Starscream could always end up stuck with these morons for the rest of his function...
More of this fic is over here! The first half of this part! (
What? Starscream is a stubborn little glitch. You didn't think he could be wooed and won in a single post, did you? Ha! )
Comments 59
I'm sorry to hear about your great-aunt; my family and I went to a funeral earlier this week for a neighbor, so I feel for you.
Thanks for the sentiment. ^_^
I kid. Actually, from what I can tell from the Canadians I've met (a small number, yes, but more than a lot of other people), ya'll are pretty cool. ♥
And now that I've unmasked myself, do you mind if I friend you?
Canadian girls kick ass. And I've got the t-shirt to prove it. XP Truth of the matter is that a lot of American's who go overseas to Europe pretend to be Canadian. They love us over there. XP
Please feel free to do so! I like making friends! ^_^
Did you know that your story is up to 146 pages? Long!story is long.
Sorry to hear about your great-aunt.
... I hadn't actually checked for a while. I know that I divided it up into about five documents when my original file hit 70 pages... but really? I've doubled the size of the story. Whoa. And I've been saying it the whole time, epic!seeker-palooza fic is epic.
Meh. Thanks. ^_^
>.> *sneak glomps Seekers*
And not to be annoying, but have you noticed my 'Raj is no longer suicidal? >.>
I have indeed noticed. I'll be getting around to commenting in a bit. XP
I liked the scene where Warp was dancing. In a fic I'm working on Warp was a dancer for a bit.
I loved this bit:“Thundercracker.” Starscream said slowly, “I hope you don’t mind terribly, but I need to kill your wingmate now.”
“I’ll help.” Thundercracker said with a low growl from his place at the bottom of the pile.
“There, you see? You’re already sharing thoughts and emotions! Bonding’s just a formality at this rate!” Skywarp observed
Skywarp acts like it's a difficult thing to share the sentiment of wanting to kill him...*snicker*
Well Skywarp needs to do something with all that energy! And my Skywarp isn't really the sit still or mercanary type. He's more "Admire me! I'm pretty!" than anything else. XP
I'm glad you like it. ^_^
And yeah, Skywarp is a bit of a goofball. XD
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