Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: What's the worst that could happen? Well... Starscream could always end up stuck with these morons for the rest of his function...
More of this fic is over here! The first half of this part! (
What? Starscream is a stubborn little glitch. You didn't think he could be wooed and won in a single post, did you? Ha! )
I'm sorry to hear about your great-aunt; my family and I went to a funeral earlier this week for a neighbor, so I feel for you.
Thanks for the sentiment. ^_^
I kid. Actually, from what I can tell from the Canadians I've met (a small number, yes, but more than a lot of other people), ya'll are pretty cool. ♥
And now that I've unmasked myself, do you mind if I friend you?
Canadian girls kick ass. And I've got the t-shirt to prove it. XP Truth of the matter is that a lot of American's who go overseas to Europe pretend to be Canadian. They love us over there. XP
Please feel free to do so! I like making friends! ^_^
Europeans, while not liking Americans in general, love Texans. Srsly, if in the mood, I can go on a Texas vs. Everyone Else shpeal, but like I said, you Canadians are cool. XD
I'm glad you think so! I tend to enjoy being Canadian myself. That being said, I have to ask... is it true that everything is bigger in Texas?
*reads lower posts* Heh heh heh. I was actually thinking about the kidnapped seekerlings for some time and was imagining most of your answer even before you answered it. Awesome!
Oh really... good thing I'm working on that plotline then. XD
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