Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: What's the worst that could happen? Well... Starscream could always end up stuck with these morons for the rest of his function...
More of this fic is over here! The first half of this part! (
What? Starscream is a stubborn little glitch. You didn't think he could be wooed and won in a single post, did you? Ha! )
Comments 59
Must go re-read a gazillion more times!
AN: that's so cool about your kitty! And I'm sorry about your relation. And your sunburn. *nod*
... try not to hurt yourself! XD
Hum... I'm afraid I don't have a lot to say except praises.
..... Oh wait, that's not totally true.
I have a question. Maybe it was asked before but I don't recall anything about it (then again I have the attention-span and memory of a goldfish)
It concerns the Raids. If the Council takes into "custody" seeker sparklings, even in the case that those are given a different frame, does this mean that, at some point, the possibility remains that a bond could be formed between seekers (or flightless) and an Autobot unaware of his true heritage?
Aw shucks. *scuffs feet*
... pfft! XD
I have an answer! (And goldfish can be deceptivly clever little creatures.) ... Wow, you went and twigged on one of the major plot devices I'm going to be using later.
But yeah, to answer your question; I've already got a planned scene of stolen skyborn finding their trinemates totally on instinct, even when they have no idea what's going on. Unfortunatly - or perhaps not - the skyborn Seekers are the ones that the Senate was the most interested in, and thus they got experimented on more than the flightless seekerlets. So a much higher percentage of the stolen flightless seekerlets survived than the stolen skyborn. (As an example... I have notes on only 3 surviving stolen skyborn, whereas there are... *counts on fingers* 9? or more surviving stolen flightless seekerlings. Plus, those skyborn that did survive have very subtle Sigma talents, and the surviving flightless all have... interesting personalities to say the least ( ... )
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Hope your sunburn gets better too. Try using Aloe Vera, the herb is actually for burns and its very good and very cooling.
As for the story...
Aww... I love this! More please? Star totally did an about turn...
Dragons! I want! I only got the strange markings one... *pouts*
On another note, I got a Manticore egg for MS ^^
( ... )
The sunburn is gone now. XP My friends all hated me for that when I was a kid. They'd be bright red and peeling and in hurting but I never felt pain and within 24 hours, I had a tan. And we've got two or three aloe vera plants here in the house. XP I use them when the kitchen gets a bit wild.
I'm glad you enjoyed the story! Yeah, Seeker trine protocols are pretty intense...
Aw, you got a Hyper? Neat! XP That one's going to give me some trouble, since there are now three possible eggs to get from that description. XD
*wings high, happy trill* :D
*flutters back, croons*
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