Maxis Taste Dare #30: I do (2nd entry)

May 31, 2012 21:01

When I told you I was broken, you quickly disagreed.

'I'll make you care,' you boasted, so certain to succeed.

You wooed, you pled, you said to me you'd gladly give your life...

And so upon that promise I agreed to be your wife.

Now the party's done, the guests all gone, I've shooed them all away.

It's time I share some facts with you on this our wedding day.

I cannot love you husband dear, I know this to be true.

My heart belongs to someone else and never will to you.

Please understand the one I love is not someone I lost...

And for us to be together then your soul must pay the cost.

I've tried so hard to see him but it wasn't meant to be...

No one would go willingly as you said you would for me.

And now it's time to say farewell but before our last adieu...

I wonder if you've figured out yet who my heart does belong to?

Well -- recall those sappy, rambling vows you spoke straight from the heart?

And came my turn, my only words...'Til DEATH shall do us part...'

So I hope it makes sense. Thanks for reading. There's a whole long story here about Olive but I don't have the time or rhyming capability to do the whole thing. :)

And a shout-out to aegagropilon on dreamwidth. I didn't think anyone had used Olive in this dare but while I was looking for the original rules just now I came across this. Perhaps I did see it before in which case it was subliminal influence. If it was, then thanks! :)


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