
May 13, 2006 03:17

Hmm it seems like my first year of college is over. How did that happen? :p

Gacked from Hoonay - Semester in Review:

Things I shall miss:
~*~ My super shmexy TAs! Alex Kahle (who still hasn't friended me back on facebook :( ) with his Australian/New Zealand accent and his receding hairline and his thong sandals. Harry Potter (I can't pronounce his name and his initials are HP) with his cute, awkward fobbiness and his killer quizzes. Hasrat Godil with his messenger bag and his LIPS and his knowing who I am even though I never go to his class.

~*~ Digital logic design! And self-paced classes! And everything about EE316! Even the gross testing area with eraser shavings everywhere!

~*~ The Robert Pattinson look-a-like from my math class. He shows up at exactly the end of every class to turn in his homework while looking like he's half-asleep or drunk or stoned or all three. It was a beautiful piece of slackerdom while it lasted.

Things I shall not miss:
~*~ My super non-shmexy professors! Durbin with his tiny, tiny notes from 1993 and his tiny, tiny voice that he can't project and his Prime Obsession. Swartzlander with his rich white person mansion in Beverly Hills and his Schaack-esque manboobs. Barber with her $70 useless, non-resellable course packet and her lecture notes copied/pasted verbatim from frickin' Wikipedia and her general stupidity. (She is a really nice person though, which made me feel bad about slamming her on the Course Instructor Survey.)

~*~ Laplace transforms and Fourier serieses and the Waterfall method and the Halting problem and Willy Loman the Traveling Salesman. Sadly, I'll be seeing all of them again.

Now, your Moment of Zen:

Creepy, creepy Yao Ming-lovin' Chinese people.

(This entry is crap. I really just wanted an excuse to post that video.)

classes, fun links, moment of zen, school, profs

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