May 16, 2006 16:27
I went back to UT again today to sell my books back to the Coop and get my student ID replaced. I got $183.50 for three books (not bad), but the cashier lady was stupid and only gave me $83.50. Then, I was stupid and didn't count the money until I got to an ATM and was ready to deposit it. So of course, when I went back, they're like "You already left so we can't just trust you and give you more cash." Grrrr. Anyway, the manager person is gonna count the money tonight and call me tomorrow. If there's a matching discrepancy, he'll give me my $100. Ehhhh we'll see how that works out. :/
In other news, I was so good about not losing stuff this year. Then, I go and lose my student ID at the end of the year on the day I move out, while I was moving out. *headdesk* I was going to be lazy and put off getting it replaced until beginning of next semester, in the fall, but then I thought "What if someone found my ID and used up my OMG Dine-In Dollars?!" :p I <3 my Dine-In Dollars.
P.S. Potterpuffs mood theme! :)