God may be pro-choice...

May 07, 2006 00:39

...but he hates me anyway.

The so-called "grape-sized hail" from Wednesday (Tuesday? Thursday? Can't remember.) frickin' cracked my windshield. It's not very big (size of a quarter-ish), and it's near the bottom corner on the passenger side, so I didn't see it until today. But doom, those were some powerful hail.

EDIT: Lol it's too long after the fact, so probably no one will see this, but I'll just post it anyway. The crack was not caused by hail; it was hit by something (I don't know what) when my parents drove it to Galveston three months ago. Yup, it was there for three whole months, and I didn't see it. *FACEPALM* On the bright side, God still does not induce hail strong enough to crack windshields. The universe has been righted again.

weather, cars

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