002 cats// log//incomplete

Nov 27, 2009 23:34

Who: Sohma Kyo, Open
What: Brooding, wandering around town
When: midday, November 27th
Where: Around town, maybe the edge of the woods
Warnings: Kyo has quite the mouth on him

A million faces, a million lies )

sohma kyo, edward wong hau pepelu tivrusky iv, alice liddell

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Comments 26

joo_got_haxored November 28 2009, 06:48:53 UTC
Ed hadn't been back to where she was supposed to be living in almost a week, having been wandering around the beach and then around the city trying to figure out what to use now that MPU was gone. The redhead balanced her computer ontop of her head while strolling around with giant steps and swinging her arms back and forth. Without Ein Ed wasn't really sure who she should talk to, everyone else always seemed busy busy and had other things to do. But at least no one was yelling at her anymore, at least for the moment.

Seeing another red headed child Ed cheered up and ran over towards the other zig zagging as she did so and holding her arms out straight. Stopping and looking at him Ed didn't recognize him, "You must be new~ Ed hasn't seen you before."


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 07:02:26 UTC
Kyo looked up in surprise at the sight of a pair of legs, and then what seemed to be a little...boy? Kyo wasn't exactly sure, the voice that came out of the child sounded a little more like a girl's voice, but he also wasn't an expert on that sort of thing. Whoever this kid was, they were really weird. Were they referring to themselves as Ed, or someone else?

"A-ah...I guess I'm new. Been here a couple of days." Kyo answered, unsure of how to even react to this kid. What parent or guardian let their kid run around without shoes, and by themselves at that?


joo_got_haxored November 28 2009, 17:44:37 UTC
Ed smiled widely, "Ed knew it! Ed will introduce Ed, full name Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the Fourth." Still balancing the laptop on top of her head she stood on her tip toes looking up to the other red head, "What's your name?"

With how slow Ed's leetpod had been without the additional power she hadn't been net diving as much and missed a lot of the more recent activity on the network otherwise she would have already known.


madcuriosity November 28 2009, 06:58:15 UTC
She was humming one of the many tunes she knew. Her bright blue cloak was wrapped around her shoulders and her white hand muffler was in her basket beneath all the daisy crowns. She had been out in the forest (having told Riku where she would be of course) and was now returning home. Her own daisy-crown was atop her head and Dinah was trotting after her. As she walked, bright blue eyes gazed at the boy with such terribly bright orange hair! Alice wondered if he had eaten too many carrots or oranges! His skin was very tan as as well.

She blinked as she watched Dinah trot over to Kyo and Alice shuffled after her quickly.

"Dinah... Dinah you silly kitten where are you going it's time to go home!"

Alice watched as Dinah started purring and rubbing along Kyo's ankles. Alice giggled as she reached Kyo and Dinah.

"I'm sorry sir, Dinah can be such a silly kitten," she said as she bent down and picked up her little cat, gazing up at the orange haired boy. "But she seems to like you very much!"


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 07:11:22 UTC
Kyo was surprised when he felt something brush against his leg and heard the sound of a girl's voice behind him. He turned to glance back right as Alice picked up the cat that had made it's way to him and he took a big step away from the girl. It was too close for comfort for the cat.

The orange haired teen made a face when he really focused on the girl, and inwardly he wondered if every kid's parents on the island even cared what they did. Or if their parents were even around for that matter.

"...Don't most people leave their cats at HOME when they go out?" Kyo asked in a rather flat voice, lifting one hand to scratch at his head in confusion. He carefully avoided the subject of why the kitten may have liked him, really he was getting sick of the whole 'they've always liked me' excuse.


madcuriosity November 28 2009, 07:19:27 UTC
"But why ever would I do that? Dinah is a very good girl you know," she smiled at Kyo and giggled lightly. Her parents weren't on the island to begin with, and never would be since the only people from her "world" had been Cheshire. She very much doubted her mother and father or sister would come to the island. A terribly cruel fact really... but one Alice accepted all the same... most days anyways. She adjusted her grip on Dinah and pushed her daisy-crown back on properly.

"Oh I do beg your pardon though," she said. "My name is Alice, Alice Liddell," she curtsied with one hand. "It's very nice to meet you sir." Dinah made to reach out for Kyo, waving an arm for him. "And this of course is Dinah, who looks quite anxious to be introduced to you as well."


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 08:34:03 UTC
"Ah...Sohma Kyo." The orange haired teen replied, eying the cat. He debated on whether or not he would pet the cat, Dinah she had said, or not. Kyo wouldn't consider himself a cat person, even if he did turn into one or attract them from all over the place. Maybe it was just because it got old to him very fast, but any pets really seemed to have lost their appeal. Dogs were annoying, and birds chirped and gave him headaches. Fish were useless and any other animals were kind of worthless in the pet department.

Kyo ignored the statement about the cat wanting to meet him and sighed heavily before reaching out to pet her. If he did, the cat would quit scrambling to greet him and there would be less room for questions. Akito wanted him to stay on the radar just the same as if they were back home, and Kyo wouldn't have wanted to expose his secret anyway.


aka_reiten November 28 2009, 10:35:46 UTC
Good fucking god it was boring in the house with Ritsuka off at work. He'd been numbing his mind with video games all day only stopping when his friend came home long enough to eat and sleep. Maybe a movie too. That stupid annoying LP had been thrown in the closet weeks ago just so he didn't have to look at all of the new people arriving. If Natsuo showed up Ritsuka would tell him, otherwise they were unimportant ( ... )


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 10:52:58 UTC
Kyo looked up from the ground at the irritated voice, a pissed look crossing his features almost immediately.

"Why don't YOU watch where YOU'RE going?!" The orange haired teen shot back accusingly, though rightfully the near collision probably WAS his fault. That was when he noticed the ears and tail, and immediately he thought of the other boy he had met his first day on the Island. Ritsuka, or something like that. Either way, he didn't care. This kid already pissed him off and it had only been about a minute.


aka_reiten November 28 2009, 10:59:13 UTC
Oh goody! A playmate! His tail swished back and forth in excitement. No one had freaked out at him this much since he first harassed Zelos.

"I was watching what I was doing. What were you thinking about so hard that you nearly ran me down?" A devious smile. His hands moved around to link behind his own back, giving him the illusion that he was younger than he actually was.


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 11:19:06 UTC
"That ain't any of your business!" Kyo practically hissed, and if looks could kill, this kid would have been dead.

Dark eyes scanned over the other cat-like human, and he noted the way his tail was swishing behind. Being a cat, he could tell the demeanor well, and this kid was just screwing with him. The way the tail flicked around meant playtime, it was easy to tell. Kyo wasn't sure if the person was a boy or a girl, but really he didn't care either way. All he knew he was pissed and this KID was asking him questions he didn't want to answer. Period.


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