002 cats// log//incomplete

Nov 27, 2009 23:34

Who: Sohma Kyo, Open
What: Brooding, wandering around town
When: midday, November 27th
Where: Around town, maybe the edge of the woods
Warnings: Kyo has quite the mouth on him

A million faces, a million lies )

sohma kyo, edward wong hau pepelu tivrusky iv, alice liddell

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madcuriosity November 28 2009, 06:58:15 UTC
She was humming one of the many tunes she knew. Her bright blue cloak was wrapped around her shoulders and her white hand muffler was in her basket beneath all the daisy crowns. She had been out in the forest (having told Riku where she would be of course) and was now returning home. Her own daisy-crown was atop her head and Dinah was trotting after her. As she walked, bright blue eyes gazed at the boy with such terribly bright orange hair! Alice wondered if he had eaten too many carrots or oranges! His skin was very tan as as well.

She blinked as she watched Dinah trot over to Kyo and Alice shuffled after her quickly.

"Dinah... Dinah you silly kitten where are you going it's time to go home!"

Alice watched as Dinah started purring and rubbing along Kyo's ankles. Alice giggled as she reached Kyo and Dinah.

"I'm sorry sir, Dinah can be such a silly kitten," she said as she bent down and picked up her little cat, gazing up at the orange haired boy. "But she seems to like you very much!"


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 07:11:22 UTC
Kyo was surprised when he felt something brush against his leg and heard the sound of a girl's voice behind him. He turned to glance back right as Alice picked up the cat that had made it's way to him and he took a big step away from the girl. It was too close for comfort for the cat.

The orange haired teen made a face when he really focused on the girl, and inwardly he wondered if every kid's parents on the island even cared what they did. Or if their parents were even around for that matter.

"...Don't most people leave their cats at HOME when they go out?" Kyo asked in a rather flat voice, lifting one hand to scratch at his head in confusion. He carefully avoided the subject of why the kitten may have liked him, really he was getting sick of the whole 'they've always liked me' excuse.


madcuriosity November 28 2009, 07:19:27 UTC
"But why ever would I do that? Dinah is a very good girl you know," she smiled at Kyo and giggled lightly. Her parents weren't on the island to begin with, and never would be since the only people from her "world" had been Cheshire. She very much doubted her mother and father or sister would come to the island. A terribly cruel fact really... but one Alice accepted all the same... most days anyways. She adjusted her grip on Dinah and pushed her daisy-crown back on properly.

"Oh I do beg your pardon though," she said. "My name is Alice, Alice Liddell," she curtsied with one hand. "It's very nice to meet you sir." Dinah made to reach out for Kyo, waving an arm for him. "And this of course is Dinah, who looks quite anxious to be introduced to you as well."


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 08:34:03 UTC
"Ah...Sohma Kyo." The orange haired teen replied, eying the cat. He debated on whether or not he would pet the cat, Dinah she had said, or not. Kyo wouldn't consider himself a cat person, even if he did turn into one or attract them from all over the place. Maybe it was just because it got old to him very fast, but any pets really seemed to have lost their appeal. Dogs were annoying, and birds chirped and gave him headaches. Fish were useless and any other animals were kind of worthless in the pet department.

Kyo ignored the statement about the cat wanting to meet him and sighed heavily before reaching out to pet her. If he did, the cat would quit scrambling to greet him and there would be less room for questions. Akito wanted him to stay on the radar just the same as if they were back home, and Kyo wouldn't have wanted to expose his secret anyway.


madcuriosity November 28 2009, 08:48:33 UTC
Dinah purred and butted her head against Kyo's hand. She even gently nipped a finger and Alice smiled. Dinah was such a sweet girl and Alice smiled up at Kyo.

"Sew-ma Ka-yo is that right?" she tried to pronounce. Oh, he was oriental! But he didn't look like some of the other oriental people she had met. Then again, neither did Takuma and he had a very... oriental name. She supposed she would have to stop assuming things based on names alone. But names were so rarely wrong! Or the names she knew were rarely wrong. What a most peculiar thing to have a name that was wrong. That seemed like a very upsetting thing. Alice thought about having a wrong name. Like if she had the name Agnis. Agnis was a very stuffy and terrible name as far as Alice was concerned. But what if she was called Agnis (and she was becoming more grateful she was named Alice) but still looked the way she did. No one would think she was named Agnis upon looking at her! And her name would be all wrong for her ( ... )


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 09:01:29 UTC
Kyo made a weird face at the awful pronunciation and gave Dinah another little head rub before pulling his hand back. He stared at Alice almost incredulously, where could she possibly be from that she got his name THAT wrong after he said it?

"No. SO as in so what, MA as in mom? Then KEY-OH." Kyo said slowly, his tone very annoyed sounding.


madcuriosity November 28 2009, 09:03:32 UTC
"So," Alice repeated, "Ma," she giggled. This was terribly fun. Although the expression on Kyo's face told her he wasn't liking it one bit. That made her giggle harder unfortunately. "Key..." she almost couldn't finish pronouncing the name she was giggling so hard. "Oh!" she finally finished, quite please with herself! Still she kept giggling.


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 09:09:57 UTC
"Oi, what the hell is so funny? My name?!" Kyo asked, folding his arms over his chest and glaring at the girl. Really, she was nice and he knew he should probably return that, but he couldn't. It wasn't her fault, but those giggles coming from her almost felt like nails on a chalkboard. It was probably just the context of the conversation, but still the cat found himself boiling with rage on the inside.

"Your name is funny too, little girl!" A lie, but he really had nothing good for a comeback otherwise.


madcuriosity November 28 2009, 09:16:54 UTC
Oh now that instantly made Alice stop laughing.

"I never said your name was funny! And mine is not funny thank you very much," she said as she put her free hand on her hip. "And don't yell at me for my laughter!" she said shaking a finger at him. "If you started laughing, it's not like you could help it! I beg your pardon for laughing about your name, but I will not have you lie about mine." She frowned as she continued to look up at him. Her name wasn't funny at all. Alice was a very pretty name she told herself. Much prettier than Agnis.


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 09:25:22 UTC
"Well laughin' about it implies ya think it's funny! And I'll yell about whatever I wan-"

Kyo stopped when she shook her finger at him, completely taken aback by the action. Was she really shaking her finger at him like a mother would to their child having a tantrum?

The orange haired teen gave a little 'hmph' and tipped his head up so his nose was turned up, and he watched her out of the corner of his eye.

"Liddell sounds like something you'd use to stir soup!"


madcuriosity November 28 2009, 09:32:14 UTC
"That's ladle silly!" she giggled. She never had her name compared to the soup spoon before... it was actually quite funny! "Liddell and ladle don't sound anything alike you know," she nodded her head. Even if they did (and they did) she wouldn't have Kyo make fun of her name. "And just because you may think something implies something doesn't necessarily mean that what you thought it implied is what it really meant. Just because you thought I was laughing at your name doesn't mean I was."

Though to be fair Alice wasn't quite sure if she had been laughing at his name. She didn't THINK she had.


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 09:55:54 UTC
"Ladle, liddell, close enough!" Kyo shot back, that annoyed look and tone only increasing at her words. When she spoke again, inwardly he found himself surprised. This little girl had a pretty extensive vocabulary, which was surprising since she didn't look like she could possibly be a day over twelve.

"Well maybe ya shouldn't giggle at the wrong time then!"


madcuriosity November 28 2009, 10:03:18 UTC
"Oh and can YOU control every single laugh you've ever had Mr. Key-oh? That I very much doubt. No one can be in complete control of their laughter ALL the time. Or then NOTHING would be funny! And that's just simple logic! Did you always stop after a joke was told and said to yourself 'My that was quite a funny joke, I should laugh, ha ha ha!'? No I should think not," she nodded her head. Her logic was quite sound. And there was no way Kyo could argue with it lest the other boy never laugh at anything.

What a terrible sickness (for what else could it be called) than to never be able to laugh without thinking about it first. She hoped she would never get such a disease.


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 12:54:45 UTC
Her logic did make sense, only Kyo never found himself laughing. Ever. The last time he could remember even laughing a little was when Tohru showed him her awful punch.

"Yeah well I don't find a whole lot of crap funny so I don't really laugh without thinking about it!"


madcuriosity November 28 2009, 22:52:43 UTC
Alice frowned when he said that. She found plenty of things funny, and Kyo didn't seem so serious to her that nothing would seem funny. Alice held Dinah closer and adjusted the basket in the crook of her elbow. She frowned at his vulgar word but said nothing about it. He was most certainly not the sort to care about cursing in front of a lady... or a child.

"You don't find a lot of things funny?" she repeated. "I don't think you're looking very hard then.


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