002 cats// log//incomplete

Nov 27, 2009 23:34

Who: Sohma Kyo, Open
What: Brooding, wandering around town
When: midday, November 27th
Where: Around town, maybe the edge of the woods
Warnings: Kyo has quite the mouth on him

A million faces, a million lies )

sohma kyo, edward wong hau pepelu tivrusky iv, alice liddell

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aka_reiten November 28 2009, 10:35:46 UTC
Good fucking god it was boring in the house with Ritsuka off at work. He'd been numbing his mind with video games all day only stopping when his friend came home long enough to eat and sleep. Maybe a movie too. That stupid annoying LP had been thrown in the closet weeks ago just so he didn't have to look at all of the new people arriving. If Natsuo showed up Ritsuka would tell him, otherwise they were unimportant.

Youji had almost stopped taking care of himself. Bathing was not the same because the bathtub was empty. Food was just...there. He ate it when Ritsuka made him and even munched on unhealthy food all day but that was about it. Today would have been like all the others, but he'd just gotten upset with his game and he threw the controller and accidentally unplugged the entire system. That sucked and there was no way he was going to re-do all of it at the moment.

So he'd gotten up, taken a shower, pulled his hair up in a masterful twist while most of it cascaded down his back. Triangular aquamarine ears were perked for the sounds of something interesting and his tail swished back and forth. Purple eyes were unfocused staring off into the distance when he nearly ran into Kyo. Youji blinked up at the taller boy.

"Watch where you're going! I'm walking here."


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 10:52:58 UTC
Kyo looked up from the ground at the irritated voice, a pissed look crossing his features almost immediately.

"Why don't YOU watch where YOU'RE going?!" The orange haired teen shot back accusingly, though rightfully the near collision probably WAS his fault. That was when he noticed the ears and tail, and immediately he thought of the other boy he had met his first day on the Island. Ritsuka, or something like that. Either way, he didn't care. This kid already pissed him off and it had only been about a minute.


aka_reiten November 28 2009, 10:59:13 UTC
Oh goody! A playmate! His tail swished back and forth in excitement. No one had freaked out at him this much since he first harassed Zelos.

"I was watching what I was doing. What were you thinking about so hard that you nearly ran me down?" A devious smile. His hands moved around to link behind his own back, giving him the illusion that he was younger than he actually was.


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 11:19:06 UTC
"That ain't any of your business!" Kyo practically hissed, and if looks could kill, this kid would have been dead.

Dark eyes scanned over the other cat-like human, and he noted the way his tail was swishing behind. Being a cat, he could tell the demeanor well, and this kid was just screwing with him. The way the tail flicked around meant playtime, it was easy to tell. Kyo wasn't sure if the person was a boy or a girl, but really he didn't care either way. All he knew he was pissed and this KID was asking him questions he didn't want to answer. Period.


aka_reiten November 28 2009, 11:31:02 UTC
He giggled a little. Oh yes, this guy was really fun. "You must be new around here. I'd say...less than a week. It's awfully stupid of you to be walking so close to the forest without a weapon."

Youji's clothes would not help Kyo decipher his gender either as he was wearing an extremely long shirt and knee-length shorts. Slowly the boy looked over the older male as if sizing him up. "What's your name?"


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 11:51:05 UTC
"Sohma Kyo." The cat replied quickly, stuffing his hands in his pockets and watching Youji with the same annoyed expression. Kyo gathered that the kid was male from the sound of his voice after concentrating on it for a moment.

"So you a relative of that Ritsuka kid or what?" He asked, referring to the ears and tail. Inwardly, it felt a little nice to see someone else with cat 'issues', even if it wasn't the same thing.


aka_reiten November 28 2009, 12:06:49 UTC
So, he knew Ritsuka. It seemed like nearly everyone knew Ritsuka. "Not related. We came from the same world. Everyone has cat ears and a tail when they're born. Then we lose them when we become adults." Hopefully he did not need to explain exactly what that entailed.

"I'm Sagan Youji." His hands came up to pull a knife out of his pocket. It was a kitchen knife but he was using it to clean the dirt out from under his nails. He was quite haphazard with it too, not really caring the force put behind it.


effinghateleeks November 28 2009, 12:20:26 UTC
"Become an adult...?"

Kyo's own mind wandered to what would be happening to him when HE became an adult, but he shook the depressing thought away. The orange haired teen pulled his hands out of his pockets and he fiddled with the bracelet on his left wrist absent-mindedly while watching the other boy clean out his nails with the nice. Gross, was Kyo's first thought.


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