LURE Sochi 2014 - Part V

Feb 11, 2014 22:49

Title: LURE Sochi 2014
Author: sajaal
Disclaimers: Not mine wish they were, I just like to play with them.
Rating: G - R; (language and “sexy-times”)

A/N: All mistakes are mine and all opinions are mine.  This is the beginning or the next part of Luke Snyder - journalist and Dr. Reid Oliver - Olympic team doctor on their way to Sochi, Russia for the Olympic games following their night in Manhattan.  Once again I must thank zzzfreckles for asking me to consider writing a story of these two at the Sochi 2014 Olympics and of course falling in love and living HEA. I will post sporadically throughout the games and take cues from the games to write…should be interestingJ with that said let the games begin.

Part V

The food was amazing and as they finished they couldn’t stop yawning they still had hours before they needed to get back to the airport.

“C’mon, let’s nap for a bit,” Luke suggested stripping down to his t-shirt and snug boxer briefs.

“Good idea Snyder,” Reid agreed taking his black jeans and maroon sweater off and climbing into the king size bed, he took a silent breath and tried not to cringe, he hated hotels and hotel beds.  Reid was almost too tired to care, almost but he did manage to lie down and then the feel of the younger man’s body next to his calmed his usual racing heart and he fell into a deep sleep.

Reid woke to kisses along the nape of his neck and a nose nuzzling under his earlobe, “Luke?” he questioned sleepily.

“Were you expecting someone else in your bed in a hotel in Vienna,” Luke replied and Reid could feel the smile on Luke’s lips as he continued to kiss Reid’s very sensitive neck.

Reid chuckled and turned his head and saw passion filled brown eyes looking at him and he watched as a flush began to creep up Luke’s neck, “Luke?” he questioned again wandering why Luke was suddenly acting shy.

Luke smiled weakly and stammered, “Uhm, Reid, I want to fuck you but I didn’t bring any condoms, because,” he shrugged and Reid didn’t need more of an explanation knowing where they were going.

“In my shaving kit, I didn’t bother taking them out, I was in a bit of a hurry when I left New York,” Reid offered and Luke breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thank god!” Luke said and jumped out of bed to go into the bathroom, “Lube?” he called back.

Reid shook his head and smiled to himself, “In the side pocket,” was he really going to let this hot young man fuck him, and his cock hardened and his ass twitched at the thought, “You’re damn right,” and he turned stretching out on the bed and let his cock tent his boxers as he watched a naked very aroused Luke Snyder walk back into the room a look of triumph on his face as he held the lube and condom in his hands.

“Get those off,” he growled at Reid who quirked an eyebrow in response, “Please,” Luke added those brown eyes softening and that smile lighting his face as Reid obeyed.

Luke fell on top of Reid pinning their bodies together and rubbing his cock against Reid’s.  They aligned perfectly and Luke propped himself up on his elbows and proceeded to kiss Reid deeply his hands massaging the sides of Reid’s head.  Luke held Reid’s face and started to thrust slowly against him. Reid moaned at the touch and intimacy his hands stroking Luke’s shoulders, upper back and then his sides his fingers brushing over a poorly stitched scar that he’d seen in the shower.

He smoothed his fingers over the puckered skin and mumbled between kisses, “Kidney?” he questioned.

“Uh-huh,” Luke muttered in return as he started to kiss along Reid’s neck and move to his collarbone.

“When?” Reid asked and Luke looked up at him.

“Ten years ago,” Luke replied and bent his head to grasp Reid’s nipple between his teeth and tugged.

Reid hissed but continued to question Luke, “Are you okay?  Is the kidney okay? Are you taking your meds?”

Luke stopped and put his forehead on Reid’s chest, he so didn’t want to have this discussion now or ever.  He let out a deep breath and looked up at Reid plastering a smile on his face, “I’m fine Reid, I take my meds, okay? Let’s not talk about this right now I have something more important on my mind,” he told Reid huskily and before Reid could utter another word his cock was enveloped in wet heat as Luke swallowed him down.

Reid couldn’t think anymore as Luke sucked, swirled and nibbled his way around Reid’s cock.  Luke had pushed Reid’s knees back towards his chest rubbing a finger wet with Luke’s saliva down the thin skin behind Reid’s balls then around his pucker.  Reid tensed a little but then felt another finger with cool liquid circle, then press and finally slip inside.

“Luke,” Reid groaned from the burn and Luke played him like a master the finger sliding in and out while he continued to such and tease Reid’s cock.  Then another finger slid alongside the first and went a little deeper this time and zeroed in on Reid’s prostrate.  Luke continued his assault on Reid’s senses and Reid grabbed Luke’s hair, his grip tightening.

“Please, Luke please I’m ready,” Reid, begged gasping as the third finger had him wanting even more.

Reid heard the tear of the condom package and then Luke’s face his lips swollen from sucking Reid appeared and he smiled as he pushed into a waiting Reid.  They groaned in unison and Luke thrust harder until he was deep into Reid’s incredible tight heat.

“Move Luke,” Reid said through gritted teeth the fullness of Luke overwhelming but he still needed more.

Luke leaned forward capturing Reid’s lips and as he thrust into Reid’s ass his tongue thrust into his mouth.  Reid’s cock brushed against Luke’s stomach as they moved together he couldn’t believe it when he felt the pressure build in his spine so quickly.  Luke pulled up and flung his head back crying out, “Reid!” as he emptied himself in Reid and Reid’s orgasm blasted between them coating their stomach’s and Luke’s chest.

‘Luke,” was all Reid managed to say as Luke collapsed on top of him.

Luke propped himself back up on his elbows, panting and taking in big gulps of air, “Wow, that was wow!” he finally gasped.

“Fuck, Luke,” Reid whispered and his heart was racing from his orgasm, it had never been this intense before.

Luke moved and Reid winced as Luke pulled out it had been quite awhile since Reid had bottomed for anyone.  Luke brought a towel back from the bathroom tossing it to Reid.

“We have some time before we need to be back at the airport,” Luke told Reid heading back to the bathroom, “Why don’t we get cleaned up and explore a little of Vienna before we leave.”

They showered separately and checked out leaving their bags at the front desk.  The city was beautiful and they stopped at Mozart’s Café having a late lunch of goulashsuppe with crusty pumpernickel bread and Reid couldn’t pass up dessert of traditional apple strudel.

Both men were quiet as they headed back to the airport and checked back in.  Clare waved to them and they went to sit with her, neither wanting to break the spell of the other.  Luke told Clare to take care of Reid on the next flight and she laughed, “I’m not sure that we’ll be sitting together,” and they checked her boarding pass and she was two rows up and promised Luke she’d look after Reid.

Reid shook his head at Luke and Luke looked at him indulgently, “I’ll see you in Kiev,” he told Reid softly squeezing his hand as they announced the start of boarding.

As Reid settled in his seat he cold feel his pulse begin to race.  He closed his eyes and shifted in his seat feeling a sudden ache and he smiled.  Reid’s mind was suddenly filled with the taste and smell of Luke Snyder and the vision of the man as he came made Reid forget all about flying.

Luke’s head rested against Reid’s in the airport in Kiev as they waited for the last leg of their journey to Sochi.  Luke was fast asleep his mouth open and an adorable drop of drool hung on the corner.  Reid sighed in disbelief did he really just think that.  They would be boarding soon and then, well Reid didn’t want to think about then.  He wanted to see Luke again but wasn’t sure if it was smart to try and see him while they were in Sochi.

He sighed again wondering for the hundredth time what he was doing with this young man.  They’re time in Vienna only made him want Luke more and he’d figure out some way to see him sooner than later when they returned to the states.  The announcement for the pre-boarding of their flight woke Luke and he opened his eyes seeing blue ones looking at him intently.

“Reid?” he mumbled sleepily putting a hand up cupping the back of Reid's head, leaning in to inhale Reid’s scent and nuzzle his temple.

Reid put a hand up to rub Luke’s head, “Hey sleepy head,” he teased and Luke looked around, it was late and they were one of the last flights out for the night so the airport was  quiet and they were seated in a secluded alcove.

Luke leaned in for a soft kiss, “I was exhausted,” he admitted with a yawn.

Reid shrugged, “I’m used to long hours without any sleep,” and he got up grabbing his bag, “You’ve my number and we can try and meet up in Sochi, I’m just not sure where I’ll be,” Reid told him holding a hand out and pulling Luke up beside him.

“Yep, I know how to get a hold of you here and when we get back to the US,” Luke said with a sigh and then staring into those gorgeous blue eyes he grabbed Reid’s hand tighter, “I want to see you again Reid.”

Reid nodded, “Me too Luke and we will I promise,” and they headed to the boarding area.

They didn’t see each other when they landed in Sochi and Luke managed to get a hold of Jane and Kelly and watched the opening ceremonies with them.  The atmosphere was electrifying and the Russians put on an amazing show.  Luke still felt tired they had landed at three in the morning Sochi time and Luke had slept most of the day in his tiny but very clean apartment, with a view of the Black Sea from one side and the mountains on the other.

As they were leaving the opening ceremonies Luke’s phone buzzed and he checked his messages, “Can you meet me by the flame,” the message read and Luke was shocked to see Reid’s number.  He told Jane and Kelly to go ahead and he’d meet up with them another day.  As Luke made his way to the base of the flame he saw Reid standing with his bags at his feet.

“Reid?” Luke said hesitantly.

“Oh god Luke,” Reid almost grabbed Luke but stopped himself and just touched his arm, “I can’t stay there, the hotel,” he shuttered remembering the garbage bin beside the toilet that he was supposed to throw used toilet paper into, “I can’t stay there.”

“Come stay with me,” Luke offered giving Reid a reassuring pat on his shoulder.

Reid nodded and Luke grabbed his rollaway bag and they headed to Luke’s apartment.

dr. reid oliver, !author|artist: sajaal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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