LURE Sochi 2014 - Part IV

Feb 09, 2014 22:43

Title: LURE Sochi 2014
Author: sajaal
Disclaimers: Not mine wish they were, I just like to play with them.
Rating: G - R; (language and “sexy-times”)

A/N: All mistakes are mine and all opinions are mine.  This is the beginning or the next part of Luke Snyder - journalist and Dr. Reid Oliver - Olympic team doctor on their way to Sochi, Russia for the Olympic games following their night in Manhattan.  Once again I must thank zzzfreckles for asking me to consider writing a story of these two at the Sochi 2014 Olympics and of course falling in love and living HEA. I will post sporadically throughout the games and take cues from the games to write…should be interestingJ with that said let the games begin.

Part IV

They actually maintained a remarkable amount of restraint the rest of the flight.  Reid still couldn’t believe that he’d literally bumped into Luke Snyder on a plane bound eventually for Sochi.  He’d never expected to see the hot young blonde man again so soon.  Reid had already decided that he’d contact Luke when he was in Chicago but to meet him now he shook his head in disbelief.

Luke tried not to seem too eager when he saw Reid again and he had to stop himself from touching more than just Reid’s hand and wrist.  He too was reeling from the shock of seeing Reid again and then finding out he was a doctor for the US Olympic team just blew him away.  Luke had always felt insecure about many things in his life, his relationships with men was just one of them.  He knew it stemmed from his first long term relationship that had completely stripped him of his self-confidence.  It had taken a few years of therapy and getting his degree in journalism and creative writing to pull him back together.

Luke had never tried a long-term relationship after Noah, but he had learned a lot about himself.  He wasn’t a slut but he decided to explore his sexuality and allowed himself to have fun without any hang-ups.  Luke learned to enjoy sex and gained confidence something he never had with Noah.  As he gazed at Reid he felt a calmness and rightness that he’d never felt with anyone before.  He flushed and squirmed in his seat remembering his night with Reid and Reid gave him a knowing look.

“Good I’m very happy you’ll come with me,” Luke replied huskily after Reid had agreed to spend time with him in Vienna.

They chatted during the rest of the flight and Luke found out that Reid had grown up outside Boston and had practiced in Dallas and now New York.

“What made you come to New York?” Luke asked curious to know more about this man.

Reid shrugged in response, “A colleague of mine had a chance to come to New York and asked me if I’d come with him,” Reid explained and watched as a frown crossed Luke’s face.

“Is that the guy I saw you with that night?” Luke asked a lump suddenly forming in his throat and he ducked his head feeling like a stupid kid, Reid probably had a string of men waiting for him and Luke was just a blip on his radar.

“Hey,” Reid said pulling Luke’s eyes back-up to his, “Jase is my best friend Luke and happily committed to his boyfriend Roman,” Reid reassured him and Reid wondered once again why he was being so nice to this young man.  He really shouldn’t care or need to explain his life to Luke he’d never given the time of day to his other one night stands, but then it hadn’t been like the others.

“It’s really none of my business Reid,” Luke managed to say, “But I’m happy to know that there isn’t a boyfriend back in New York,” he admitted shyly.

Reid snorted and gave Luke a look, “What about you Mr. Snyder, anyone back home in Chicago?” Reid hoped the answer was no since he felt an inexplicable possessiveness for this young man.

Luke shook his head, “No, no boyfriend,” Luke answered, “But my family lives outside of Chicago in a small town called Oakdale,” he offered instead.

The overhead lights suddenly flickered and the captain’s voice came over the speaker,” Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Vienna, please return to your seats and secure your seatbelts for we will be landing shortly.”

Luke looked up to see Clare making her way back down the aisle, “I’ll be waiting for you outside of customs,” Luke told Reid squeezing his hand as he got up.

“I’ll see you their Luke,” Reid promised and was rewarded by a brilliant Luke Snyder smile, which helped Reid get through the plane landing.

It was early morning in Vienna and Luke should have been feeling exhausted but he wasn’t his body was vibrating with expectation.  He watched as Reid made his way towards him, he could watch this sexy confident man forever.  Reid seemed oblivious to the stares of men and women alike as he made his way to Luke, his eyes never wavering from Luke’s.  Luke sucked in his breath feeling his whole body warm and respond to Reid’s gaze.  Luke hoped the hotel was close he wanted to remove those clothes that covered this amazing man.

Reid smirked at Luke knowing what was going on behind Luke’s calm demeanor.  Luke stood hands balled in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels as Reid approached.

Reid heard a sharp inhale of breath as Reid came into Luke’s personal space and Reid couldn’t help but tease, “Are you ready to go Snyder?” Luke nodded licking his bottom lip and grinned hearing an almost inaudible growl out of Reid, “Brat,” Reid whispered as Luke stepped back with a little whistle and walked away.

Reid groaned a little louder this time and could’ve sworn that enticing butt in front of him swayed a bit more as Luke strutted away from him.  The cab ride was reminiscent of the one in New York both men lost in thought and gazing out the window seeing the snow covered mountains.

Reid waited patiently as Luke registered at the hotel desk and was handed the key card.  Once in the elevator they stood close to one another but hadn’t touched yet or kissed.  Neither wanted to start something they couldn’t finish so they waited and the sexual tension was thick as they finally made it to the door.  Luke’s hand shook a little and he sighed as the light turned green and the door opened.  Their overnight bags hit the floor as the door slammed shut behind them and Luke pushed Reid against it his lips seeking Reid’s for a deep aggressive kiss.

“Fuck,” Luke breathed, “I’ve been hard since I set eyes on you,” he groaned rubbing his jean-covered erection against Reid’s.

“Luke,” Reid muttered thickly, unwinding that beautiful cashmere scarf and unbuttoning Luke’s coat, “Clothes off now,” he commanded pushing Luke’s coat off his shoulder and heading to the buttons of Luke’s jeans.

Luke pulled away his lips already feeling bruised with the force of their kisses this was going to be quick and rough if they didn’t slowdown, “Reid,” Luke breathed out, “Let’s go into the shower.”

Reid took a deep breath and nodded, he could wait he did have some self-control but it was hard to keep it in check when Luke Snyder was in his arms.  Luke managed to rid himself of his clothes and find the beautiful walk-in shower and turn it on.  Reid was right at his heels and as Luke stepped under the spray he turned seeing Reid’s magnificent naked body.  Again he remembered feeling that firm smooth chest move across his back when Reid was deep inside him and his cock jumped at the memory.

Reid smiled seeing Luke’s obvious reaction at the sight of his naked body and he reached out to swipe the pearl of pre-come on the tip of Luke’s cock that hadn’t been washed off yet and brought the finger up to his mouth to suck on it.  Luke groaned at the erotic site and pulled Reid in for another earth shattering kiss his tongue seeking entrance and tasting himself in Reid’s mouth.  Tongues tangled, hands explored, fingers tweaking and teasing nipples, rubbing down shoulders and lower backs.  The water cascaded down as the men lost themselves in one another only breaking apart long enough to catch a breath.

Luke finally needed more and tried to push Reid’s hand down to his aching cock.  Reid grabbed Luke’s hand and then turned him away pushing him face first against the tiles.  Luke put his hands up to keep from banging into the smooth tiles and exhaled as Reid’s hand reached for his cock and the other rubbed his stomach.  He groaned feeling Reid’s thick cock slide against the cleft of his ass.  Luke spread his legs further and Reid stepped back and thrust forward his cock sliding between Luke’s butt cheeks and nudging the underside of his balls.

Luke shuttered and moaned as Reid stroked his cock harder, tweaked and twisted a nipple and tugged Luke’s earlobe with his teeth.  Luke’s senses were in overload and he pressed his cheek against the cold tiles.  Reid continued thrusting against Luke’s ass and the friction against Luke’s balls was intense.

“Reid!” Luke cried out as the tingle down his back sparked the beginning of an explosive orgasm.

Reid held onto Luke’s cock until Luke shuttered and he felt Reid’s orgasm bath his balls with hot liquid and even the shower couldn’t mask the incredible feeling of Reid pouring himself out onto Luke’s balls.

“Fuck,” Reid panted in Luke’s ear and wrenched Luke’s face around for a bruising kiss that had Luke shooting even more as his legs almost gave way.

Reid held him up and they kissed for a few more minutes until they slowly regained their breath and then washed each other tenderly.  They lingered over raw nipples and taut ass muscles until the water started to cool.

“What do you want to eat?” Luke called to Reid.   Luke had walked into the bedroom area a towel wrapped around his waist.

“Anything, I’m starving, just no fish I’m allergic,” Reid told Luke wandering in a wearing only a pair of black jeans.

“Sounds good,” Luke replied and called down ordering a late breakfast for he and Reid.

Luke walked over to his bag that was still lying by the door and Reid tugged on the towel pulling it off revealing Luke’s delectable ass and a half-hard cock.

“Oh to be twenty-six again,” he grinned palming Luke’s cock and seeing it fill before his eyes.

“Reid,” Luke groaned leaning into Reid’s expert touch, he was ready to strip those jeans off of Reid and fuck him into the mattress, but a loud growl from his and Reid’s stomach stopped him.

“Hold that thought Oliver,” Luke leaned in kissing those so soft lips and gripping those wet auburn curls.

dr. reid oliver, !author|artist: sajaal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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