LURE Sochi 2014 - Part VI

Feb 14, 2014 23:00

Title: LURE Sochi 2014
Author: sajaal
Disclaimers: Not mine wish they were, I just like to play with them.
Rating: G - R; (language and “sexy-times”)

A/N: All mistakes are mine and all opinions are mine.  This is the beginning or the next part of Luke Snyder - journalist and Dr. Reid Oliver - Olympic team doctor on their way to Sochi, Russia for the Olympic games following their night in Manhattan.  Once again I must thank zzzfreckles for asking me to consider writing a story of these two at the Sochi 2014 Olympics and of course falling in love and living HEA. I will post sporadically throughout the games and take cues from the games to write…should be interestingJ with that said let the games begin.

(Just making it under the wire for Valentine's Day here...hope everyone had a good one!!!:-))

Part VI

Once again they found themselves in a cab taking them to Luke’s apartment this time.  It was like a repeat of the previous two times but both men were exhausted.  The toll of the travelling, spending time in Vienna had caught up with Reid.  He sat silently in the cab his head lying back on the headrest his eyes closed.  Luke grabbed his hand and squeezed it and Reid’s eyes opened and he gave him a weak smile.

“We’re here,” Luke, told him and they stepped out onto a cobblestone sidewalk and Reid looked up at a very large old style house that had been converted to apartments.

“Does it have a proper toilet and shower?” Reid asked hopefully and Luke nodded.

“Yes I checked everything out and then my grandmother double checked just to be sure it had what it said it had,” Luke chuckled remembering Lucinda’s words, “Darling, I’ll just make a few phone calls,” she’d told Luke.

“So what are you saying that your grandmother had a spy come here and check it out for you?” Reid joked and then his jaw dropped at Luke’s answer.

“Yeah, something like that, I don’t ask my grandmother who all her sources are, it’s better that way,” Luke told him seriously.

They climbed up two flights of stairs into Luke’s small but neat apartment.  The floors were original wood with a herringbone pattern in the living room and bedroom.  The entrance way had beautiful tiles that were in the compact kitchen and bathroom.  Reid wandered to the French doors in the living room that led to a small balcony that overlooked the black sea.

“Beautiful view,” Reid told Luke who’d taken his bags to the bedroom.

“C’mon Reid, I know you’re exhausted, I am too, let’s just crash,” Luke yawned pulling Reid into a soft kiss.

Reid nodded he was beyond exhausted after his day and he needed to tell Luke that he’d be leaving the next day for the Rosa Khutor Ski Resort.  He just wasn’t sure when and he was promised that the accommodations at The Tulip Inn were much better than the hotels in Sochi.

The bed in Luke’s bedroom was tiny compared to the one they had in Vienna not quite the size of a standard double.  They climbed in kissing and stroking each other but neither of them had energy for anything else.

Luke woke to an empty bed and a voice murmuring in the living room.  He stretched wondering what was gong on in his heart and his head.  Dr. Reid Oliver had taken over his waking thoughts and even some of his dreams before seeing him on the plane but now he was worming his way into Luke’s heart.  Sneaking in while Luke seemed unaware and it didn’t hit him until he saw Reid standing beneath the Olympic Flame looking tired and lost.

Luke’s heart pounded at the sight of him and it had not even been twenty-four hours that they were apart.  When those blue-eyes looked up at him Luke had to stop himself from running to him and gathering him in his arms and kissing that vulnerability off his face.  It wasn’t because they were in Sochi that Luke didn’t do it but that Luke wasn’t sure of Reid’s response to such an outward display of emotions.

Luke had not known Reid long but he did realize that Reid held him and others at arms length.  Reid had some big walls erected around him and Luke wasn’t sure he could scale them.  For now he would take what he could get and enjoy the time he could spend with this enigma of a man.

“Hey,” Reid said as he walked back into the bedroom his hair sticking up and looking adorably rumpled in his t-shirt and boxers.

“Hey yourself,” Luke sat up and Reid climbed back onto the bed and leaned in to kiss him, “Mmm, who were you talking too?” Luke asked as Reid continued to nuzzle and kiss his neck.

Reid sighed leaning his forehead against Luke’s, “The head of our medical team.  They’ve requested that I go up to the Rosa Khutor ski resort where the skiing and snowboard events are being held.”

“When do you have to go?” Luke asked knowing from Reid’s stillness that it would be soon.

“I have to leave in an hour,” Reid told Luke kissing him again.

“What about he resort, what is it like?” Luke questioned he didn’t want Reid to leave they hadn’t had enough time yet.

“They assured me that it was much better than the hotel down here,” Reid told Luke, “I just hate hotels and hotel beds,” he shuttered and Luke shook his head.

“You were fine in Vienna,” Luke said in confusion and Reid flushed.

“Well, uhm, you were there and I just focused on you,” Reid admitted and looked into amused brown eyes.

“Like now,” Luke teased huskily and Reid nodded deepening the kiss and rubbing against Luke’s cock with his own.

Reid continued thrusting against Luke and Luke opened his legs wrapping them around Reid’s waist.  He didn’t want to stop and search for supplies he just wanted to feel Reid.

“Skin, Luke I need to feel your skin,” Reid mumbled against Luke’s mouth pulling Luke’s shirt off and his own, then Luke’s boxers and his own.

Then they were skin against skin thrusting and grinding against one another kissing deeply, tongue’s entwined and breath’s mingling.

“Reid,” Luke whimpered needing just a little more and he wrapped his legs around Reid’s waist again increasing the pressure.

“Come for me Luke,” Reid growled against Luke’s lips and Luke tensed throwing his head back, crying out Reid’s name, “Beautiful,” Reid panted and let himself go.

After they had showered and dressed Luke handed Reid a set of sheets from the linen closet and Reid chuckled, “At least you know they’re clean,” Luke offered with a grin.

“I just hope they fit the bed,” Reid told him giving Luke a kiss, “Thank-you, I’ll call you or text you when I get there, okay?” Reid questioned he’d hated doing this to Luke but he’d come to Sochi to work with the athletes and straighten out his life not spend it with Luke Snyder.

“Good, have fun and I’ll see you when you get back,” Luke told him trying not to be too clinging and emotional.

Later that day Luke wandered through the town of Sochi meeting people from all over the world and the locals they were pleasant but reserved.  He found a bakery and outdoor stalls selling all kinds of food that he picked-up.  The assortment of foods in the market area smelled delicious and he chose his dinner at one of the stands, chicken and dumplings.

He smiled with relief when Reid texted him to tell him he had arrived and the room was much better and the sheets fit the bed.  Luke tried to call but he wasn’t able to get a hold of Reid.

The next day Luke contacted Dana and Matt who were physical therapists for the luge and skeleton teams.   They went out to dinner at a restaurant close to Luke’s apartment called the San Marco Café.  After dinner they went to the club across the street called the Platforma.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow Luke,” Matt told him as he and Dana headed back to their hotel.

“Thanks Matt, it’s great that you got me an interview with Erin Hamlin,” Luke told him.  Erin Hamlin was on the US women’s luge team and was expected to medal in her race on the 11th.

“Hey how are you?” Luke asked Reid, he’d finally got a hold of him on Monday night.

“Busy, we’ve had a few problems, one concussion from a Norwegian downhill skier that I’m monitoring,” Reid told Luke yawning and stretching.

“I thought you were helping out the US team?” Luke asked in confusion.

“Yeah, but once one of the Canadian doctors recognized me and told the other medical teams who I was and they called me in to consult,” Reid explained to Luke.  Reid had been so surprised to see Dr. Blair Wilson in the hotel he hadn’t seen her since she’d done a rotation in Boston.

“So your brilliance precedes you I see,” Luke teased realizing that he was hanging out with a well-known neurosurgeon.

“Humpf, hardly but it has been an interesting few days.  What about you?” Reid asked and Luke told him about interviewing Erin and then they chatted a bit more before saying their goodnights.

The next day Luke was thrilled to see Erin win the gold medal in the women’s luge. She was a wonderful person and completely fearless and she had come to the games to win the gold medal.  Luke still couldn’t believe that she reached speeds of over 130 km/hr., which was about 70 mph.  Today he was able to interview Nicole Pikus-Pace the US women’s skeleton medal contender.  Once again another woman who races down an ice covered track, on her stomach rather than her back, nuts that’s what Luke thought, just plain nuts both of them.

Reid had told the Luke the day before about the Canadian freestyle skiers, sisters that had won a gold and silver and then the men from Canada turned around and did the same, “These people are crazy Luke,” Reid had said the previous night, “I’m amazed they haven’t broken their necks doing those jumps and flips.”
The next night Luke called Reid again, “Hey how are you?” Luke asked he’d seen some of the reports on the slope style skier that had been hurt.

Reid sighed and told Luke about the Canadian slope-style skier, Yuki Ysabota who’d broken her jaw after a nasty fall on her final run.  Reid had helped Blair checking the scans and making sure that no other damage was showing up from her fall.  Luke told Reid about the interviews with Erin and Noelle and his plan to interview John Daly and Matthew Antoine the next day.

Luke yawned as he got back to the apartment and put all the food onto the counter.  The last few days had been busy with interviewing the men and women of the US skeleton team.  Noelle had own a silver medal in her competition and John Daly and Matthew Antoine were sitting in 3rd and 4th place after the first two runs.  Luke had been so excited to meet these athletes and for them to medal was an amazing feeling for him knowing how dedicated they were to their sport.

About fifteen minutes later Luke heard a knock on the door and turned from the candles he’d lit on the small table he’d placed by the balcony doors.

“Hey,” Luke said breathlessly seeing Reid at the door.

“Hey,” Reid replied a smile tugging at his lips as he stepped inside, “What’s all this?” he asked seeing the candles and the table set.

Luke shrugged coming up behind him, “Happy Valentine’s Day,” he said quietly.

dr. reid oliver, !author|artist: sajaal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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