Jul 16, 2010 00:01
- 08:52 The art is so good in this one. #
- 13:07 I want to end all conversations with, Monocle Smile. #
- 13:38 Twitter sneak peek. This might be my fav pic Bill has done for the WildPig Flyers. #
- 22:05 I made an awesome dinner. Homemade pesto, smothered on chicken on the grill, with grilled zucchini and
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Jul 15, 2010 00:01
- 00:50 Billy decided to put on the doctor dances while we sleep. im going to have nightmares of children in gas masks asking if im their mummy. #
- 10:11 Dear @Oldspice guy, I'm tired because I stayed up late watching your videos. Please stop being so funny, so I may sleep. love, Dani. #
- 12:04 I am so tired and I didn't bring lunch. Going up the bar
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Jul 14, 2010 00:01
- 12:12 Lunch time. That means watching the new episode of the Guild. #
- 12:31 Reading Thor vol 3 by JMS. I have a bad feeling I didn't finish vol 2. I think I need to organize trades tonight. #
- 15:44 Billy put up a facebook invite for my 30th bday party. I'm now obsessed with checking it. I never have parties for fear of no one coming. #
- 19:57 I
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Jul 13, 2010 00:02
- 00:16 Finally home from West Virginia. Stopped for dinner and then stuck in PA traffic for over an hour. I miss WV already. #
- 09:06 It seems we're starting Monday off just right, with no air conditioning in the office. #
- 15:24 Who the hell prices photos on istock? One photo I need is ridiculously expensive and really not that good. #
- 23:13 Baltar's
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Jul 12, 2010 00:01
- 01:57 Wow, it seems Bill is tweeting from my account to celebrities. Oh drunk twittering. #
- 02:04 Doctor Horrible! #
- 02:26 The hammer is my penis. #
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Jul 11, 2010 00:01
- 14:20 I heart @dcorsetto part of WV. Nice relaxing weekend. Me and @jessiawesome are going to go get our toenails did. #
- 23:54 Hanging out at the infamous meck with ms @dcorsetto and @bfellis . totally drunk texting. #
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Jul 10, 2010 00:01
- 14:30 In west Virginia hanging out with@dcorsetto and @jessiawesome and boyfriend @bfellis #
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Jul 09, 2010 00:02
- 08:57 The air conditioner isn't working in the office. We can't complain to much because the people in the warehouse never have air conditioning. #
- 09:36 Screw it, I'll complain. It's fucking hot and humid in here. And our office is hotter then others. #
- 10:20 Office is crazy humid. I now have stomach cramps. Not a good day. #
- 11:07 I could go home
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Jul 08, 2010 00:01
- 13:15 Epicurious is becoming my new best friend. I see some soups in my future with summer squash, corn and bell peppers. #
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Jul 07, 2010 00:01
- 09:12 New comic up. #
- 23:28 I'm twittering from our new iPod touch. Billy got a new mac which means I got an iPod touch. I'm an app fiends. #
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