Jul 06, 2010 00:01
- 20:13 The pool is no longer green. It's a cloudy blue, but swimmable. I might just take a dip. #
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Jul 04, 2010 00:00
- 00:30 We have just attempted the Car Bomb Jello Shot. We'll see how it comes out tomorrow. #
- 12:48 Must make more jello shots. Instead, I'm watching the third season of True Blood. I missed the last 2 episodes of last season. So confused. #
- 14:16 i bring to you my greatest success or failure. the irish car bomb jello shot. #
- 14:
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Jul 03, 2010 00:00
- 13:17 I went home for lunch and Billy was watching Dr Who season 4. I still get teary eyed every time the Doctor and Rose see each other. #
- 13:30 My co-work didn't know we got out early today or had Monday off. Is it weird that I'm counting down the days before my next day off. #
- 14:55 Tonight I'm making a shit ton of Jello-Shots. I'm thinking
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Jul 02, 2010 00:00
- 09:37 Netflix instant just added all of Babylon 5, Veronica Mars and Pushing Daisys. Bill will be watching Babylon 5 soon. #
- 13:51 Go read Bill's comic. and then comment. I'm such a doting mom checking it constantly for updated comments. #
- 15:55 Listened to @comicgeekspeak I have a feeling me and @bfellis will be hitting
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Jul 01, 2010 00:00
- 10:07 Anyone else finding the humor that people are angry over a female costume change where she's completely covered up. #
- 10:10 Not saying I like the costume, but it does seem functional. You'd think people would be happy w/her ass and boobs not hanging out. #
- 13:52 I'm incredibly saddened that Party Down was canceled. I watched it through
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Jun 28, 2010 00:03
- 14:26 So how does dani prepare for a baby shower in a park. she drinks mimosas and screwdrivers. #
- 17:25 Baby shower, then graduation party all in the heat. I skipped out of dinner at Bills parents house for his b-day cause I'm tired. #
- 17:47 Im so ridiculously tired it's not funny. I'm going to watch tv and hopefully not fall asleep. #
- 22:38 Hey
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Jun 26, 2010 00:03
- 12:17 NYC is so close, yet so annoying to get too. I wish path stations were in convenient places w/cheap parking. #
- 14:34 Anyone suggest a good safe parking place around a Path Station in NJ? Going into the city tonight and want to take a Path in. #
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Jun 24, 2010 00:03
- 09:29 I've been considering getting an e-book reader. Now I'm thinking screw it all, lets get an iPad. #
- 09:33 I just realized if I stayed a freelancer I could have bought a iPad as a tax write off. Damn the need for health benefits. #
- 11:47 Just suggested to Billy that we could go to the drive-in Friday night and watch Toy Story 2 and Prince of
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