After I fell in love with the version of Legolas that I have written in my story
Legolas and Robin, and seen Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, I came up with the idea of this. After using a Swedish book for the first one, why not use POTC and especially Will Turner after the end of the second movie? I really went into writing after a wild and crazy discussion one night with my friend
mleannephoenix. She came out of it by writing her own story World’s End.
So to sum up, this story is a crossover of LOTR and POTC.
To really understand things as well as possible, I do suggest you read
Legolas and Robin first, since this story will take place after the events in that story, but still before The War of the Ring.
Here is the general info and disclaimer for the series:
Fandom: LotR and PotC
Author: sagas_stories - Saga Chriztine
Rating: R to NC-17
Main Characters: Legolas “Missne” Greenwood, Will Turner
Other Characters: Gandalf, Galadriel, Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann with more
Warnings: Crossover, Legolas/Missne can be slight confusing but why is explained in the story; it can be seen as m/m slash, implied f/f slash
Beta: First three chapters
mleannephoenix, , the following by (to be announce)
Series/sequel: Sequel to Legolas and Robin, but still a stand-alone story
Feedback: Who wouldn’t want any?
Feedback address: Archive: ask first
Website: Moonlight fiction, Saga’s World, when I consider the story finished
Disclaimer: I don’t know them or own them. I have done it for my own amusement and not to make any money off it.
Author’s note: You shall have seen POTC: DMC, as this takes place from the end and can give away some of the film’s ending. Also, there are things I have used from my Legolas and Robin story. This takes place after the events in Legolas and Robin, maybe up to 100 years later in the LOTR world.
Author’s note 2: All Elvish that is in the story will get the translation in [ ], after it appears and it will also be translated in the end of the story. Some of the sentences are invented by me when I was not able to find the exact translation.
Link to Legolas and Robin: Summary: Will is broken, as his love seems to have deceived him. It doesn’t help that he falls into another world.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 This one will also be followed by short stories, ficlets, drabbels. See the entry about
Legolas-Missne Universe