Master list for my Challenges tables

Jul 11, 2007 16:30

Master List for Challenges

If you followed me through the years you know that I signed up to a lot of Challenges, a few is completed and some on hold, but most still open and I very, very slowly work on them to finish them. If you be interested of the challenge and which story that is and is filled for them here is the list to respective entry for the specific challenge.

I will put them in Completed, wip and on hold. And to help a little I will try to update this entry a few times a year.

Updated: 2012-12-13

Clarifying of how this is set
Name of challenge
Claim: what character
Progress: how many prompts I written/how many I posted to community or table/x total prompts
Tag: tag at community - tag here at this journal (often community name)
Little about the challenge and stories
Completed: when all is done and posted at community

Completed Challenges (Listed after completed date)
Orlando 10 letters
Claim: Orlando Bloom
Progress: 10/10/10
Tag: sagaluthien:rp:orlando:10c - challenge:10 letters
Letters written from Orlando to different people. Half is to Viggo and is replies in the viggos_50 challenge.
Completed: 8/10-08
A/N: The actually community is deleted, but I still have my stories posted at this journal

Viggos_50 Challenge
Deadline 20 October 2008
Claim: Viggo/Orlando
Progress: 50/50/50
Tag: fic challenge, sagaluthien - challenge:viggo 50
Prompts put in different stories and chapters.
Completed: 20/10-08

Orlando Bloom/Johnny Depp - 1 sentence
Claim: Real People: Orlando Bloom/Johnny Depp
Progress: 50/50/50  (posted 8/2-09)
Tag: ? - challenge:1 sentence
Short stories that is based out from Diamonds are forever.
Completed: 8/2-09

Seans 50 Challenge
Deadline 17 april 2009
Claim: Sean/Orlando
Progress: 33/33/50
Tag: fic challenge, sagaluthien - challenge:seans 50
Prompts put in different stories and chapters
FINISHED I did not fully complete the challenge and I didn't count on it.

SPN NaNo 30snapshots
Deadline 30 November 2009
Claim: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Progress: 30/30/30
Tag: author: missnegreenwood, claim: j2, table: nanowrimo, type: fiction
Most of them will be done as a story called Secret Fantasy Turns Real.- so far only posted at the community
Completed: 30 November 2009
A/N: I plan to make the snap shots into a full story with the same name and then post the story here

Chubwinchester Summer bingo 2010
Deadline 28 September 2010
Claim: Either Spn Characters or Spn rp
Progress: 9/9/10
Tag:- challenge:summerbingo
Diffrent stories after the prompt I was given, some can turn up in other challenge
Finished: 28 September 2010, though I missed one
A/N: I Might try to write the last one as a bonus one day.

Chubwinchester Summer bingo 2012 (wrong link, I'll fix it soon)
Deadline 28 September 2012
Claim: Either Spn Characters or Spn rp
Progress: //10
Tag:- challenge:summerbingo
Diffrent stories after the prompt I was given, some can turn up in other challenge
Finished: 28 September 2012, as you see I missed several.
A/N: I plan to finish those that was started even if they technically will not be counted in the challenge.

Challenges under work
Orlando Bloom at fanfic100
Claim: Real People:Orlando Bloom
Progress: 50/29/100
Tag: real people: Orlando bloom - challenge:fanfic100
As the claim is only Orlando Bloom the stories does change the other characters and you will find Jorli, Orlijah, Viggorli with more.

OB One word prompt - OWP
Claim: Either Orlando or one of his characters has to make his apparence
Progress: 39/17/100
Tag: OWP - challenge:ob_1_word_promt
A/N: this table came to from the yahoo group I'm a member of and was also made for help/or have fun for a old project.

Claim: See entry
Progress: 1/?1/12
Tag: ? - challenge:12 stories
Chance to use different fandoms

Jared (RP/orginal) - 100 Situations
Claim: Original Character/Real People Jared (Preston/Padalecki)
Progress: 3/0/100
Tag: ? - challange:100 situations
Short stories that is based or used either original character or real people. Some of the Original can turn up to be my Jared Preston in donbury_fic

Table for Drabbles or short stories wished at sagaluthien
Claim: My friend has claimed the character/fandom
Progress: 14/5/28
Tag: X - challange:friendswish
It was first thought to be drabbles, but some became longer or with short chapters.

Challenge on hold (or abandon)
Balian at Fanfic100
Here is the Diary of Balian - Kingdom of Heaven
Claim: Balian of Ibelin
Progress: 7/7/100
I have it also in  sagaluthien
--- I have dropped this one, when it seems I can't find the inspiration to continue right now. ---

Jorli - Smut69
Claim:RP: Orlando Bloom/ Johnny Depp
Progress: 14/8/100
Short stories that is based out from Diamonds are forever

Jorli - Slash me twice
Claim: RP: Orlando Bloom/ Johnny Depp
Progress: 12/8/100
Short stories that is based out from Diamonds are forever

Legolas/Eomer - Smut 69
Claim: LOTR: Legolas Greenleaf/ Eomer
Progress: 3/0/100
Short stories that is based from Time together and Tad Ind.

Legolas/Will - 1 sentence
Claim: x-over LOTR/POTC: Legolas Greenleaf/William Turner
Progress: 34/0/50
Tag: ? b:pairing:crossover:legolas/will turner

Short stories that is based from Legolas Greenleaf you first meet in Legolas and Robin and continue in Deciving Creature.
It looks like lost the claim...

Legolas/Will - Lover100
Claim: x-over LOTR/POTC: Legolas Greenleaf/William Turner
Progress: 0/0/100
Tag: b:pairing:crossover:legolas/will turner
Short stories that is based from Legolas Greenleaf you first meet in Legolas and Robin and continue in Deciving Creature.

Legolas Greenleaf/William Turner - Established relationship
Claim: x-over LOTR/POTC: Legolas Greenleaf/William Turner
Progress: 1/1/100
Tag: sagaluthien: lotr/potc: legolas/william
Short stories that is based from Legolas Greenleaf you first meet in Legolas and Robin and continue in Deciving Creature.

Legolas Greenleaf/William Turner - Hurt & Comfort
Claim: x-over LOTR/POTC: Legolas Greenleaf/William Turner
Progress: 1/0/10
Tag: sagaluthien: lotr/potc: legolas/william
Short stories that is based from Legolas Greenleaf you first meet in Legolas and Robin and continue in Deciving Creature.

Orlando/Johnny Hurt & Comfort
Claim: RP: Orlando/Johnny
Progress: 0/0/10
Short stories that is based out from Diamonds are forever

Legolas/Will - 10 prompts
Claim: x-over LOTR/POTC: Legolas Greenleaf/William Turner
Progress: 0/0/10
Tag: sagaluthien:lotrpotc:legolaswill:3
Short stories that is based from Legolas Greenleaf you first meet in Legolas and Robin and continue in Deciving Creature
- It looks like the community is started over so I need to reclaim this - I'll might do that later when I finished some of the others.

Legolas/Eomer - 10 prompts
Claim: LOTR: Legolas Greenleaf/Eomer
Progress: 1/0/10
Short stories that is based from Time together and Tad Ind.
- It looks like the community is started over so I need to reclaim this - I'll might do that later when I finished some of the others.

Legolas 10 letters
Claim: Legolas Greenleaf
Progress: 16/10/30
Tag: sagaluthien:fp:legolas:30a 
Every letters is a chapter of a story I call The Lost Letters of Legolas
- The community has been deleted, but I will finish the letters/story one day

Dark Hunter - Acheron - 50 Ficlets
Claim: Dark Hunter Acheron
Progress: 2/1/50
Tag:sagaluthien: acheron (ash) - challenge:50 ficlets
Drabbels to very short stories (ficlets) with Acheron.

Dark Hunter - General - 50 Ficlets
Claim: Dark hunter General (Sherrilyn Kenyon)
Progress: 0/0/50
Tag:sagaluthien: dark hunter [gs] - challenge:50 ficlets
Like above but with some Original characters and general characters.

SPN  30snapshots
Claim: Sam
Progress: 0/0/30
Tag: author: missnegreenwoodclaim: sam winchestertable: 03type: fiction (type: art ) 
Will be snap-shots and art to a base story called Some Should Not Be A Hunter and is a cross over with Dark-Hunter.

Tables for Garden Of Flowers previous Bloom's Hotel
Claim: Being for gardenofflowers it be for any of the Characters there I feel it is suitable for
Progress: 1. 0/0/50, 2. 0/0/50 3. 0/0/50
Tag: - If used they will be posted at the community
A/N: The table was uploaded and done when I took part in Bloom's hotel, so it might be so I never use this.

Legolas/Sunniva - 10 prompts
Claim: Garden Of Flowers: Legolas Greenleaf/Sunniva Nilsson
Progress: 0/0/10
Tag:sagaluthien:lotrblooms:legosunni:cust - challenge:10 prompts
Short stories that takes place between the main couple at gardenofflowers
not sure if I use it

Other tables; (Below is some tables that I use for stories but haven't left a claim on)
100 situations Missne/Will

Extra Situations Orlando….
Will be used for different Orlando stories...

fandom:kingdom of heaven, paring:legolas/will, fandom:real people, paring:legolas/eomer, character:sam winchester, challenge:establish relationship, challenge:1 sentence, character:acheron, challenge:12 stories, challenge:viggo 50, paring:legolas/sunniva, paring:johnny/orlando (jorli), fandom:lotr, character:sean bean, character:jared padalecki, table:prompt, character:jensen ackles, challenge:slash me twice, challenge:spn30snapshot-nano, challenge:10 letters, challenge:smut 69, fandom:lotr/potc, character:orlando bloom, challenge:seans 50, fandom:supernatural, challenge:ob_1_word_promt, masterlist, character:balian de ibelin, challenge:100 situations, fandom:dark-hunter, fandom:potc, challenge:fanfic 100, character:viggo mortensen, table

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