Title: Diamonds Are Forever
Fandom: RPS; Orlando Bloom - Johnny Depp
Author: Saga Chriztine
Chapter: Prolouge/??
More Info and disclaimer see; General info Jorli series,
http://sagas-stories.livejournal.com/25492.html and the first entry for the story. I don’t know them or own them. I have done it for my own amusement and not to make any money out of it.
Rating R - NC-17
Warnings: m/m sex, mpreg, hermaphrodite
Betad: Soar
Author’s note: This is the big story with Orlando and Johnny. There are additional stories that I wrote for some challenge and when they take place will be announced. Please also remember it is fiction and everything might not fit with reality.
Summary: Summary to come when a few chapters are written.
Sonia was exhausted, barley able to keep her eyes open or even take in what the nurse was telling her. She had been in labor for the last 18 hours and had just given birth to her second child. Never had she expected her second pregnancy to be as problematic as it had been. The first had gone so well and she had believed this would go the same way.
Fighting to push her child out had brought her to the edge of what she could manage. Almost as if at a distance, she heard the nurse announce that it was a boy. For a minute or so they seemed chatty, but then suddenly it became silent. She thought it was from her tiredness, though right then, her only wish was to hold her child before she fell asleep.
One of the nurses noticed Sonia’s searching eyes, and understanding what she wanted, decided to let her hold her baby. What Sonia didn’t know was that they had deliberately hesitated to pass over the baby to her. When she didn’t respond to what she was told, the nurse gave the baby to it's mother. The nurse hoped it wouldn’t hurt any if a day passed before Sonia was told the whole situation.
The moment Sonia held her son in her arms, some of her weariness disappeared. The baby was cute, but then, what baby wasn’t? Already a few dark tufts of hair were visible. He tried to suck his tiny little hand and watched her with big blue eyes. A smile spread across her face and she fell hopelessly in love with him.
The next day, she was surprised that the staff didn’t allow her to spend much time with her baby, or to change his diaper. When she asked why, they avoided her and became very vague. She asked several questions and was met with silence, or she was told that she would get them answered by the doctor later. Their behavior started to worry her. She didn’t like it at all. Adding to that, they hadn’t let her have her baby for any longer than a few moments. That wasn't how it had been with Samantha.
During the afternoon, the doctor came to visit her with his assistant. Seeing his face made her worry increase tenfold.
“Please let me know what’s wrong? Because I suspect something had to be,” she asked as he seemed to hesitate about where to start. “Why do they keep him away from me?”
"Hmm, I don't know how I should put this… why we kept your baby with you as little as possible is that we needed to examine him… a little closer," The doctor explained.
"What? Sure, I had a problematic pregnancy, but I couldn't see anything wrong with him," Sonia stated.
"Sadly, there is. The baby has all his fingers and toes, but the gender was difficult to confirm. At first, it looked like your baby was male. When we examined more closely it also appeared that there were female genitalia." The doctor paused for Sonia to understand what he was telling her.
"Upon closer examination, it was discovered that your baby is of both genders." He paused again, a pause that was too long for Sonia. "Even if we can't say today how well either of the genitals will work in a reproductive way, we would recommend that you decide which one he/she will have. An operation as soon as possible would actually be the best."
Sonia just stared at him and the others. She didn't want to believe what he was telling her.
When she got her voice back she said, "Please let me see him. I want to see for myself."
"Of course you shall." The doctor turned to the nurse that was with them. "Bring the baby here."
After that, Sonia learned what they had first kept from her and she was allowed to have her baby at her side. For her, it didn't matter that he had two genders, she loved him anyway. When the doctor asked if she had decided what to do, she told him that there wouldn't be any operation. She wanted her child to be able to decide by him-herself, when he was old enough to understand it.
The doctor tried to make her to change her mind about that, but she didn't. When it was time to register her child, she had to choose a name, and after a few hours of anguish, she decided to let it be a he. Together with her family, they decided to give him the name Orlando.
During the first few years, there were no problems and he didn't seem different from any other boy. Some problems did develop later, but in general, it worked out well. When Orlando had learned how special he was, and had the choice to decide if he wanted an operation, he chose to remain as he was.