Introduction of my Legolas Universe
To let you know and understand some of the specialities of This Universe comes here some background.
Main Character that will show up in all stories (mention in the end) is Legolas Greenleaf. His looks are the one we have learned through the Lotr films. Then I have taken the liberty to play with him and his character is different because of what heritage I given him.
We all know very little about it from what Tolkien have let us knew, so I saw that I was able to invent a lot of it.
I've taken half of his person to mix with another character I've come to love in my teenage years. That character is a fen elf, love to banter with the people he loves, and is able to change appearance after which gender the other person is.
Legolas heritage is that he is a Sindar elf and Prince from Tanduril and his mother was a fen elf - Edhellô. The Edhellô is a neuter, which makes that they appear as a man for a woman, woman for a man.
Legolas goes under several names, most often he uses two names. One that we do knew him as - Legolas Greenleaf and the other is Missne. Though there can be that he is spoken as Calla Palustris.
Because of his double heritage he constant fights with himself of which part that shall be dominant. That does that he live in periods at his father and then in the wood.
The very first story you meet him in is Legolas and Robin. I come to love the character I created and also saw there could be more… especially if I would connect or do crossover stories with others that I really love.
Next story came to after I seen Pirates of Caribbean Dead mans Chest and wanted to use William Turner in first hand. That one is called Deceiving Creature.
When I finished Legolas and Robin I did decided that will be a sequel to it that explain a few not told things I left. That story is to come and has to get a title as well.
To Deceiving Creature there will be x short stories where the main paring is Legolas/Missne-William.
The other stories that will probably turn up when I finished the bigger ones in turn is,
The night is so much longer here - crossed with Harry Potter, followed by one called I'm Here where also Will Turner come back, can be seen as a sidestep story to my planned timeline.
Ethereal Being - with the character Salamander that you meet in Katherine Kerr's books about Deverry.
Timeline of all the stories (will be updated after they are written and posted);
Legolas and Robin, before LOTR and Legolas are around 500 years old.
Deceiving Creature, about 100 years in Middle Earth time after that Legolas and Robin took place.
An Elf's Love Legolas/Will, the story is one of the ones in the challenge
20_est_relships and from a wish of a prompt I put up.
Gift Of Love Legolas/Will, the story contains of 26 1 sentence as it was written for the
1sentence challenge.
Farwell Legolas/Will, the story is one of the ones in the challenge
20_est_relshipsThe night is so much longer here, (can be another title and a sequel) - another 100-200 years from the previous.
Ethereal Being - the one story that will take place after LOTR. Legolas probably passed 1000.
I'm here a side story that has several of the different characters mention in it…