Dear Author

Oct 23, 2021 23:40

Dear writer,

I will love whatever you write me! It's all good, just have fun! Having said that, if you'd like more details, here you go:

General likes:
* kink negotiation
* enthusiastic consent
* praise kink
* kneeling
* porn
* alpha/beta/omega AUs
* dom/sub or any other flavor of bdsm AUs

General dislikes:
* pining
* Any AUs that fundamentally change the setting of the source (college au, bakery au, space au, modern au, etc)
* bashing of female characters
* rape or non-con
* humiliation
* crossovers

Майор Гром: Чумной Доктор | Major Grom: Plague Doctor (2021)
Characters: Sergey Razumovsky, Oleg Volkov

I LOVED the movie and have a basic familiarity with the comic (I've read wiki summaries and seen some panels/pages from interesting moments). I'm also a native Russian speaker, but I've mostly been enjoying the art on the Russian side of fandom, less the fanfic side of things (which I know is abundant).

So basically I'd love a fic about Seryozha and Oleg, the forever ship. Here are some fun prompts:

- Oleg and Sergey growing up at the orphanage, with all the bittersweet heartbreak of them being together and things being Not Great and Oleg leaving for the military (there's that heartbreaking fanart of Oleg's last day at the orphanage, that vibe). Or just like, happy times with them growing from best friends to lovers while each dealing with their issues.

- Post-movie, Oleg dropping everything to come back and figure out what's going on with Seryi. This can go in the direction of Oleg breaking him out like in the comics, or of Oleg genuinely trying to help him overcome the bird, or drawing attention to what's being done to Sergey at the institution, or basically anything else. Maybe Oleg collaborates with Igor or Yulia to get Sergey the real help he needs.

- Any kind of porn between these two is always welcome, no matter what time you choose to set it in.

- Domestic fluff? Again, any era, I'm totally cool with absolute teeth rooting sweetness for these two.

Måneskin (Band)
Characters: Damiano David, Victoria De Angelis, Ethan Torchio, Thomas Raggi

I requested all four of them, but any combination of 2 or 3 will also be wonderful. Smut will be great, non-smut where they're all just friends will be equally as great.

The only thing I'd ask you NOT to write is a fic about the band as friends while Victoria/Damiano are a monogamous het couple.

Things I like for this fandom:

- Damiano: being a good coach for the rest of the band, being vulnerable and voicing his needs, being a giant ridiculous diva, needing to breathe deep because sometimes the pressure to succeed at the next thing is A Lot. Being the younger brother in his own family who now acts as the "dad friend" to his bandmates. Being in a relationship with someone who is both older and famous in her own right.

- Victoria: dealing with "coming out" as bi when she's a public figure and also a ~hot blond girl~ and all the stigma and fetishization and how she finds and enforces her own voice on that process, learning and making mistakes along the way. Navigating her public image to be a reflection of who she is while also balancing the marketing needs of making the band successful.

Dealing with grief at losing her mom right around the time she started the band that made her famous. Being at once someone who's determined to make the band succeed and also refusing to do the stereotypical girl/mom thing of being responsible for the boys not being late/eating meals/packing/etc. Bonding with Damiano over being giant extroverts who love to make an entrance. Bonding with Thomas about being guitarists who are always obsessed with being better musicians. Bonding with Ethan over fashion and being a good extrovert/introvert combo.

- Thomas: knowing you're the least "famous" or the least "hot" member of the band in the public's perception and being genuinely 100% OK with that. Thomas' sleep issues where NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO SPEAK TO HIM until he's "properly woken up" and how it annoys people on tour. Thomas being the one with the most "normal" ordinary home life, with a typical middle class family where both parents are alive and they didn't fly around the world when he was growing up, and being the only one in the band that graduated high school, despite being the youngest so fame disrupted his life the most.

Thomas bonding with Damiano because Damiano is kind of like a mentor for him. Bonding with Vic because they're each other's non-biological siblings. Bonding with Ethan because they're both kind of awkward and quiet in different ways, and also because they spent most of their music careers being thrown together as "the other two" while Vic and Damiano were up front, including bunking together on tour.

- Ethan: being a middle child of like 9 siblings where his oldest sibs are in their 40s and his youngest is a baby. Growing up in a disjointed but very open and ultimately cohesive sort of family, with a dad who's in the arts, and how that made Ethan who he is. Being curious about and deeply into gender fuckery. Struggling with body/image issues and wanting to get attention/adoration from fans but also needing to balance that with staying in control of his own body/image.

Being "the mom friend" who's usually the straight man to jokes and pranks, and whose unofficial job it is to raise Thomas, from their very first recording sessions where Ethan was spending his morning sorting out Thomas' cables in the studio to every tour vlog where Ethan's the one concerned about Thomas not packing on time, etc.

Specifically smutty things I like:

- polyamory
- gender fuckery
- kink exploration
- erotic choking (with Damiano especially because his voice is his trade)
- emotional vulnerability
- platonic friends who have sex
- non-sexual d/s
- deep trust
- caretaking
- ot3
- ot4

Shang-Chi RPF
Characters: Tony Leung

Look I've been a Tony Leung fan for like half my lifetime, I enjoy the other lead actors in the movie as well and feel free to involve them! But mostly I just want fic about Tony Leung shooting this movie and interacting with these young actors who mostly grew up watching him on screen, and dealing with a Hollywood director who also grew up idolizing him. Make it wacky and funny, make it cracky, make it deep and melancholy, I don't care! I just love watching Tony Leung doing interviews about this movie and I want more of it.

Also feel free to ship him with any of his male costars! If that's your fancy, I'm down with it.
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