Activated (7/14)

Nov 13, 2016 00:21

Author: ryosukekoibito
Pairing: Okajima, with some side Hikabu and Dainoo
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Weapons and violence, discussion of drugs
Genre: Action
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone. all non-english languages used in this fic were transcribed with the help of google translate, and while I tried to do research and properly check them, there may be some errors. Also this whole thing is ridiculous. I apologize in advance.
Summary: Special Agent team H.E.Y.S.A.Y.J.U.M.P. had never gotten a mission of their own, and now that they were being given the opportunity to prove themselves to their organization, they weren't going to let this chance slip through their fingers.Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
A/N: Hello! I feel like it's been months since I posted chapter six, and I know it's been weeks, weeks longer than I thought it would be, and I'm very sorry for my inconsistency. Unfortunately my current living situation doesn't have a strong or regular internet connection. It is temporary, although I can't give a specific date in the future that it will change. Please bear with me. I appreciate your patience. This chapter is a fun one! Hopefully that will make up for the lateness to some degree. It does employ the use of lots of German, of which I speak none, so there may be awkward phrasing or inconsistencies, and if that is the case I do apologize, especially to darling nazo_yaya, whom I'm sure will cringe at my ignorance. I'm sorry Yaya. I tried really hard. This fic is dedicated to the absolutely amazing effi_g. I know I haven't talked with you in a while, but know that I think of you often, and that I miss you. As soon as I have a chance be expecting a long message from me. I hope this finds you, and anyone else reading it in good health!

Lunch was a fun affair, Daiki and Yamada coming in from combat training shortly after Keito and the deception duo had sat down with their food. They all sat together, talking and laughing, Daiki telling outlandish stories about the events of the training he and Yamada had just had, the two assassin’s hair sticking to their faces, bodies damp with sweat. The five of them stayed in the kitchen even after their plates had emptied, enjoying each other’s company, and it wasn’t until Yamada declared that it was getting to be nearly two o’clock that they realized just how much time had passed, everyone getting to their feet.
   Keito followed Inoo and Takaki back toward the duo’s room of disguises, asking as they walked if the older men were feeling up for more German practice. The response he got was less than enthusiastic, the two scrunching up their faces and sighing, before Inoo let out an almost whiny
   “Nein.” The denial made Keito smile, and he nodded, wondering if he should go try and make himself useful elsewhere when Takaki declared, enthusiasm in his voice
   “We could start working on your new identity for the party! We’ll need a name, and we haven’t cast you at all yet. We should, so we can start working on your prosthetics.” Inoo made a noise of excitement, and Keito, not sure what Takaki meant, but not wanting to display ignorance, nodded.
   Casting, Keito found out, meant making a mold of Keito’s head, so as to create fitted prosthetics for him. The process required nothing on his part except for the ability to remain extremely still, Inoo and Takaki flitting around him, joking and gossiping as they covered his face in what they told him was petroleum jelly, before getting out something that looked to Keito like more opaque whitish goo, and telling him that he didn’t have to hold his breath, before smearing the goo all over his face. He sat there for hours, listening to his teammates talk and trying to stay still as they smeared more and more goo on him, feeling it harden and weigh on his skin.
   It was a rather dull process, but Inoo and Takaki seemed to love it, and they assured him in the end, after they’d removed the rubbery mask, that in a few days when he saw the lifecast they’d created, he would understand their enthusiasm. The next few days continued in much the same way, with Keito helping Takaki and Inoo with their German in the mornings and the deception duo working on helping him create his character for their undercover work, whether that be by working on his acting skills or creating a new identity for him with custom made prosthetic makeup.
   While they worked on their new cover identities, the other agents had their hands full with tasks of their own. Chinen was holed up in the lab, working on creating gadgets and weapons that could be snuck into a yakuza party without detection, either from a simple pat down or a security scanner. Yuto, Yabu, and Hikaru spent lots of time casing the joint, Yuto flying the three of them out to Fukuoka frequently, the lot of them often found standing around a table littered in maps and blueprints, talking fast, fingers trailing over the pages. Daiki and Yamada spent nearly all of their time at the shooting range, staking out the Dojin-kai’s Tokyo branch, or being used as guinea pigs for Chinen’s new inventions, and no one saw or heard from Ryutaro, their youngest agent holed up, rarely leaving his computer screens.
   Twelve days before the party they intercepted an invitation in the mail, the address on the front the same one they’d traced from the bomb’s shipping box. It was addressed to Sonne Gesundheitswesen, and excitement ran through them at the small victory of procuring a way in. Ryutaro had been the one to report it, emerging from his fortress of technology to tell them that he’d hacked the Dojin-kai’s servers and forged some communications, assuring them that there should be an invitation in the mail for them any day now. That feeling of victory was dampened however when the envelope arrived, and they found that while it was an invitation to Kobayashi Tetsuji’s birthday, it clearly specified that only two people were invited, and only two would be let in.
   They discussed over dinner that night which two of them would be the two sent in undercover. It was a hard discussion, but it was eventually decided that Keito would not go in with Inoo and Takaki, and would instead communicate with them over coms, feeding them enough German to come off as naturals, and listening in for any new clues in the multilingual chatter they were expecting to hear at the party. Keito felt that it was rather nerve wracking to change up their plan so close to its execution, but he wasn't truly nervous until one afternoon only three days before the big party, when Yuto confided in him that there was only one way in or out of the building that wasn't the front door, and it was an out of use series of dumbwaiters and trash chutes that had no proper ventilation. They had been talking casually as Yuto inspected the stretch limo he'd chosen to drive undercover for the operation, Keito helping him install their communications system into the car.
   “And we’re still moving forward with this plan? It's riddled with flaws.” Keito asked, anxiety bubbling up in his chest. Yuto shrugged.
   “Hikaru said he could do it. And Yamada is going to be on standby for close combat backup. Yabu even agreed to it, after Daiki found a good location to set up his sniper rifle. We’ll be waiting in the wings to scoop them out if it gets too fishy. Takaki and Inoo have lots of backup. It's not ideal, but it’ll be fine.”
   They worked as a group in the last few days leading up to the party to get their strategy as solid as they could, and Keito was feeling a bit better about the whole thing when the day of the party rolled around. Takaki and Inoo had worked very hard to perfect their German, and honestly as long as Inoo didn't get ’das Tor’ and ’der Tor’ mixed up they might actually pull off the whole facade. They certainly looked the part. He'd seen the deception duo do full transformation makeup before, but that night, when they emerged from their wardrobing room, he felt that this time they'd really stepped up their game. Takaki was immensely tall, even taller than Yuto, and he had a short militarian haircut, a thick mustache, and a sharp nose. He had color contacts in, giving him light blue eyes. Inoo meanwhile was done up in a metallic red dress, the plunging neckline revealing a startlingly large amount of cleavage. He had given himself a square jaw and blonde hair that was in elaborate curls, held in place with a jeweled barrette. He too was sporting colored contacts, and the light eyes were striking. They weren't recognizable, but they were definitely going to draw attention. Yuto too was dressing the part, in uniform for his role as Inoo and Takaki’s chaffeur.
   They had one final briefing outside the limo before they left, Chinen going over Inoo and Takaki’s gadgets with them, while Yabu and Ryutaro ran through the operation plan again. Keito started to feel his newly instilled confidence waver when as they were getting into the limo to leave, Yabu grabbed Hikaru by the hand, pulling him in for a quick kiss, worry all over their strategist’s face. The trip down to Fukuoka was a long one, and Keito ran over the details of their plan over and over in his mind, trying to focus on the task at hand and not the bubbling pit of worry in his stomach. Halfway there Inoo and Takaki pulled him into a conversation, one last practice of their German conversation skills before the party, and that continued until they made it to their first stop-an office building a few blocks away where Daiki was going to set up with his favorite sniper rifle just in case.
Keito and Yamada were then deposited a block away from the Dojin-kai’s main headquarters, Yuto assuring them that he'd be back as soon as Inoo and Takaki had made it inside. Keito felt rather helpless, standing there watching as his friends left to go into the belly of an underground crime syndicate. Yamada seemed to sense his discomfort, the smaller man putting a hand on his shoulder, assuring him
   “They’ll be fine. Daiki’s got their backs already.”
   “Everyone’s been saying that. But I just...I don't like this.” Keito admitted. There was a silence, and when he looked over Yamada was frowning at him.
   “Have faith that Inoo and Takaki can handle themselves. They've worked very hard for this.” Keito nodded. Yamada was right. If anyone could handle an operation like this one, it was those two. The warm summer wind played across his face and in his hair, and he took a deep breath, sighing and letting his shoulders relax. Yamada smiled at him.
   “You don't have any place to be worrying anyway. We’ve got an easy job this time. We’re stuck in the car.” Keito nodded again, and Yamada’s grin grew bigger, his tone taking on a teasing note as he added “Although if you and Yuto need a private moment I’d be more than happy to remove myself from the equation. Give you two some quality one on one time.” Keito hadn't been expecting the suggestion in Yamada’s words, and he found himself sputtering out protests and denials, his companion laughing as his face flushed a deep red. Yamada watched him work himself up even more for a few minutes before he said, laughter still evident in his tone “Alright, I get it. You're a chicken.”
   “No. It's just that…”
   “That what?” Yamada asked, and suddenly seemed much more invested in their conversation, his curiosity piqued. Keito tried to fight the blush off of his cheeks.
   “He's not interested in me like that. He doesn't see me like that.” Yamada’s eyebrows went up, and he was giving Keito a calculating look.
   “So you're saying that if you thought you had a chance you’d just go for it? Have you ever displayed any signs that you like him yourself?” Keito shrugged.
   “You tell me. How obvious am I?” Yamada nodded.
   “You're right. You're totally transparent.” The blush Keito had thought was calming down returned full force at those words, and he found that he couldn't look Yamada in the eye.
   “Shut up.” It was at that moment that a familiar black limousine turned the corner headed their way, and Keito was relieved, until Yuto pulled the car to a stop and hopped out, his chauffeur uniform perfectly fitted, the white of his shirt stark in the streetlights, and he bowed, opening the limo door and saying
   “If it please you sirs, would you join me on this beautiful evening?” Yamada gave Keito look, and they climbed in the car, Yuto going around to the driver's seat, declaring as soon as he got in “Keito! Want shotgun?” Yamada treated Keito to another pointed look, and Keito mouthed a quick ‘shut up’ to Yamada before climbing up and settling in next to Yuto, a big smile on the taller man’s face. It was cute, and Keito got caught up in it for a few moments, until the com link in his ear chirped, indicating that either Inoo or Takaki had turned theirs on.
   “Hey, can everyone hear me?” It was Takaki, and Keito listened as the rest of their team responded affirmatively in his earpiece, Ryutaro adding
   “I have thermal imaging and a full render of the venue. Those cuff links are fantastic, Chinen.”
   “I know.” Chinen chirped, the words confident, his tone enthusiastic, and Keito could tell that their little inventor was glowing under the praise.
   “Hikaru how are you?” Yabu asked, his tone anxious.
   “Fine. Not in yet. I’ll keep you updated.” Hikaru didn’t sound too concerned himself, and his calm was assuring.
   “Inoo, what are you doing?” Ryutaro’s voice came sharply over the intercom.
   “Sorry! Sorry.”
   “Shut up!” Yabu hissed. “You're not supposed to know Japanese. Only German from now on; you can't blow your cover.”
   “Ja.” The sass in Inoo’s voice was thick, and Keito shook his head in amusement.
   “What?” Yabu asked, sounding confused.
   “Du hast recht.” Inoo declared, his accent thick. Behind him in the limo, Keito heard Yamada sigh.
   “If this keeps up its going to be a very long evening.” The assassin declared. Keito was inclined to agree with him. They all fell silent, listening to Takaki and Inoo, getting as much information as they could from the chatter in the background noise. Keito didn't have much to do at first, most of Takaki and Inoo’s words directed at each other, the two of them working well enough together to derive the others meaning, even if the language used wasn't precise. Keito would occasionally feed them lines, compliments and flattery they could say to the other guests, and he reminded them of any forgotten vocabulary, but their lessons had paid off. Inoo and Takaki were maintaining their cover well.
   It was almost two hours into the event, when during the presentation of the birthday cake Inoo declared
   “We’ve been spotted.”
   “Spotted? By whom?”
   “Das Geburtstagskind.” Takaki cursed lowly in his ear, and Keito felt his heart jump in his chest.
   “Not just him; the head of the Tokyo branch too. Kackfass!” Their intermittent use of the German language didn't have the charm it usually did, Keito feeling rather nauseous. The whole car froze, everyone going still and silent as they listened to their ear pieces, Inoo and Takaki’s words coming in overlapping each other, and it was apparent that they had split up, the two of them each tackling a different target. Keito shut his eyes, trying to keep track of the two different conversations at once, the two languages being spoken all jumbled up on top of each other making it difficult. Inoo seemed to be doing well, he was being flirtatious with the head of the Dojin-kai, keeping his tone light and occasionally throwing in a few choice words of flattery obvious enough for the man to understand. It was Takaki whose conversation was much more interesting.
   He’d apparently gotten into a conversation with the head of the Tokyo branch, and the tone of their words was much more serious. Takaki seemed to be doing his best to maintain his ‘oblivious German’ cover, but his fabrication didn’t seem to be convincing the other man, who kept insisting
   “Speak Japanese! We need to talk.”
   “Ich bitte um Ihre Erlaubnis.” Takaki’s words came tensely through Keito’s earpiece, and he rushed to translate.
   “Takaki wants to know if he’s allowed to speak Japanese with this guy.” His words were quickly disregarded however, because the man Takaki was speaking to seemed to give up, his voice suddenly much clearer, as if he was leaning in close to Takaki’s ear.
   “We need to move the date of the Sarushima deal. I want to do a week from Monday instead of Thursday like we had discussed. We’ve had a situation arise that needs to be handled. You understand.”
   “Nein.” Takaki declared, and there was a pause.
   “You had said that you could be flexible.” The man’s voice was low, threatening, and Keito could feel himself getting more anxious.
   “Nein.” Takaki said again. “Donnerstag.” There was a long silence from Takaki’s end, the only voice Inoo, who's flirting sounded like it could be getting a little out of hand. Then, the man said
   “Il n'est pas mon chien à la porte.” Keito froze for a moment. That wasn’t Japanese. That wasn’t even English or German. It was French. It was ridiculous French at that. It was a code, he realized. It was a code, and Takaki didn’t know the corresponding phrase. Their cover was blown.
   “Get out!” Keito yelped. “Get out of there now!” Yuto immediately turned the car around, circling back toward the Dojin-kai’s headquarters.
   “Ich stecke fest.” Inoo’s voice was laced with urgency, and Takaki muttered
   “Kommen.” Their grip on the language was slipping as their cover was crumbling, and Hikaru’s voice came over the coms
   “What’s going on? I thought things were going well?”
   “Takaki’s been outed. There was a coded phrase, and we didn’t know the corresponding response.”
   “I’ve got eyes on them.” Daiki declared. “I’m on standby if they need.”
   “Uns gehen!” Takaki said, his tone calm, but assertive, and Inoo’s responding “Ja.” made Keito feel that perhaps they’d regained control of the situation, but then there was a curse, and Inoo’s voice came in through the coms, high and all pretense of an accent dropped
   “Yuto, are you ready for us?”
   “You’ve got four coming from the east.” Daiki warned, Takaki muttering
   “I see them. Shit.”
   “Run!” Daiki sounded anxious.
   “We’re nearly there, coming around the south side now.” Yuto declared, the limousine accelerating at a rate that shouldn’t have been possible, Keito wondering for a split second what kinds of modifications . Somewhere in the back of his mind Keito wondered just what type of modifications Yuto had made to the vehicle.
   “We’ll be waiting for you!” Takaki declared. Yuto turned a corner and out the window Keito saw his teammates burst out of the front doors, running pell-mell toward the car, and there was the crack of gunfire ringing out in the night, men in black suits chasing after them. Yamada pushed the limo door open, Yuto slowing down, and Keito could do nothing but watch as Yamada returned fire, Inoo and Takaki leaping into the still moving car and shouting “Go! Go! Go!”
   Yuto pulled out away from the building, wheels screeching on the pavement as they left, and in his ear Keito could hear Daiki yelling, and Yabu asking for a status report, and the ringing left in his head from the gunfire. He’d just started to get his bearings when there was a loud thud on the roof, and the car shook, Keito jumping in surprise and nearly yelping when a head popped into view, leaning over their windshield. It was Hikaru, holding onto the roof. He gestured for Keito to get the window, and Keito did, rolling his passenger side window down, Hikaru sliding in with surprising grace, his face pink and hair a tangled mess from the wind.
   “Is everyone okay?” Hikaru asked, still situated in Keito’s lap, glancing over Keito’s shoulder to look at Takaki and Inoo, the deception duo sprawled out on the limo floor, Yamada hovering over them.
   “Yeah. We’re fine. No major injuries.” Inoo assured them, brushing blonde hair away from his face. “You?”
   “I’m going to be feeling that fall tomorrow, but I’m fine.” Hikaru said, a small smile on his face, and Yuto announced over the coms
   “Daiki, get packed, we’re coming to get you. Cargo is secure, no one’s hurt, we’re coming home.”
   “We’ll debrief tomorrow morning guys. Stay safe.” Yabu’s voice said, everyone making noises of consent, before going radio silent.


multi-chap: activated

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