Activated (5/14)

Oct 07, 2016 01:20

Author: ryosukekoibito
Pairing: Okajima, with some side Hikabu and Dainoo
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Weapons and violence, discussion of drugs
Genre: Action
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone. all non-english languages used in this fic were transcribed with the help of google translate, and while I tried to do research and properly check them, there may be some errors. Also this whole thing is ridiculous. I apologize in advance.
Summary: Special Agent team H.E.Y.S.A.Y.J.U.M.P. had never gotten a mission of their own, and now that they were being given the opportunity to prove themselves to their organization, they weren't going to let this chance slip through their fingers.Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
A/N: I'm so so so so so sorry I fell off the internet for the past few weeks. I'm in the process of moving 1,900 kilometers across the country, and we're doing renovations and there has just been no internet availability. I do have some now, but I am not sure for how long it will last, so if I miss a week or two over the next few months (this is going to be a long and tedious process, we're only about halfway through, and we started moving at the beginning of August...) don't be alarmed. I probably simply don't have an internet connection. I'm sorry. I promise that as soon as possible everything will be back to normal around here, and I'll try to keep to my schedule as best I can. ALSO I switched time zones, so you may see the times I post changing slightly, but nothing extreme. An hour or two, most likely earlier. Thank you for your patience! I'm sorry. This fic is dedicated to
effi_g. I love you babe.

   Keito and Yuto quickly took the last two seats at the end of the conference table, Daiki sliding convenience store bento lunches down the table for each of them as Hikaru began the debrief. It was pretty simple, just an open discussion about how everyone felt about everything that had happened on the mission, and if there were any ideas about improvements they could make to the way the situation had been handled. Everyone seemed to be feeling pretty good about the whole thing. They’d done many simulations and had worked for years training and figuring out how to work together, and it had definitely paid off. Nothing new was really covered until Hikaru’s last question was asked, and everyone turned their attention to Chinen and Ryutaro.
   “We’ve been looking over everything you all brought back. There’s a lot, so we haven’t gotten through everything yet, but we do have some new information.” Chinen started, setting his chopsticks down and leaning in. Keito automatically leaned forward as well, immensely interested in what Chinen had to say. It wasn’t Chinen however, that spoke next, Ryutaro swallowing a bite and declaring
   “The Dojin-kai aren’t distributing the drug. Probably.”
   “What? What do you mean ‘probably’?” Yabu asked, looking serious and almost frustrated.
   “I mean I’ve been through a lot of the digital files you all got, and nothing indicates that they’re distributing it, or making any money through new channels. They haven’t had a major change or a spike in their incomes since that big war they were in with the Kyushu-Seido-kai ended, and that was a few years ago. A hot new drug on the market should be a great source of income for them, but it’s simply not there. If anything, they’re losing money.” He paused. “Granted, we haven’t even started on the physical files you all got, or the video footage or any of that.”
   “Wait, I thought Chinen was going to do those?” Hikaru chimed in, looking confused. “What happened?”
   “I got a sample.” Daiki declared, a grin on his face, his chest puffed out a bit as he sat up just a little straighter.
   “A sample...of the drug? You brought back some of our mystery drug?!” Takaki’s voice rang with surprise. Daiki nodded, his smile growing bigger, and there were whoops and cheers all around the room, those closest to the short assassin patting him on the back.
   “I’ve been analyzing the pills, getting a chemical readout.” Chinen informed them, looking pleased with himself. “We’re not dealing with a drug in the LSD or PCP sense. It isn’t hallucinogenic or dissociative. You don’t shouldn’t lose your sense of self or go on a ‘trip’ when using these pills. The pills Daiki brought back actually would probably be categorized as an anabolic steroid. On steroids. It’s extremely potent, and it shares some chemical makeup with heroin, which makes me inclined to believe that it is extraordinarily addictive. This drug will bulk the user up at an exponential rate, but like any other anabolic steroid it’s use could-and probably would-result in extreme mood swings, paranoia, delusions, and jealousy. Not to mention high blood pressure, increased risk of a heart attack, and liver disease.  And that’s just the symptoms we know of without this highly addictive compound. Who knows what other side effects these people are feeling.” He pursed his lips.
   “This is a highly volatile compound, unlike anything I’ve ever seen or read about. Heroin isn’t supposed to make you more active. It’s supposed to knock you off your feet. This combination is a bad one; the two main components clash in your body. It’s like mixing alcohol and caffeine. It’s extremely dangerous and stupid. We-” Chinen gestured between himself and Ryu “-are currently working under the assumption that the Dojin-kai aren’t the distributors and are in fact the clients. This isn’t necessarily good news. Whoever the supplier is isn’t looking to have long term buyers in these guys, because no one could possibly live long if they’re ingesting this mess into their bodies on a regular basis.”
   There was a long pause, everyone taking that information in, before Inoo said
   “Well...that sucks.”
   “What about the bomb?” Takaki asked, lips pursing in concern.
   “What about it?” Chinen asked. “It wasn’t anything remarkable. If anything it was uninspired. Dull. I checked over what Hikaru brought back before I destroyed it, but there really isn’t much to say.” His casual tone made a few of the others glare at him across the table, but Keito felt that Chinen had missed the point. He shared a glance with Yuto, who promptly asked
   “Do we know who sent it? Does it tie in to our mission at all, or is it unrelated?” He took the words from Keito’s mouth, Keito just giving him a small smile.
   “I just started looking into that.” Ryutaro declared, looking almost frustrated. “I need more time. The sender name on the box matches a name in their accounting files, but I haven’t gotten a chance to look into it any farther than that.”
   “In short, we don’t know.” Chinen offered.
   “The bomb was a warning. A threat. It wasn’t meant to do any serious damage. It wasn’t supposed to massacre the Dojin-kai. It was supposed to scare them.” Yamada said.
   “D’you think it was sent by the supplier?” Daiki asked.
   “That would make a lot of sense, if the Dojin-kai were behind on payments or had acted out of terms of whatever agreement the two had.” Yabu sounded thoughtful as he spoke, the words coming slow, his face serious.
   “If it is connected, do you think you could trace the sender’s address back to them Ryu?” Ryutaro looked up from his lunch, nodding, his mouth full.
   “Probably. If there have been any electronic communications between the sender of the bomb and the Dojin-kai, then I should be able to. We still don’t have any proof that the bomb is related to the drugs though.”
   “Okay. Well then that’s our top priority. We need to figure out who sent this bomb, and if there is any connection from them to our...anabolic steroid-esque drug.” Hikaru declared.
   “Can we please come up with another name for this thing? I don’t want to say ’anabolic steroid-esque drug’ every time we talk.” Inoo asked, a slight whine in his tone.
   “How about we just shorten it? ASD?” Daiki offered, and Inoo smiled, treating Daiki to a look of warm affection.
   “Perfect. Have I told you that I love you recently?” Daiki beamed, and for a second they seemed to be encased in a bubble of their own creation, blocking out the rest of the world. The bubble broke when Yabu declared
   “ASD it is then. Anyone have any complaints?” The table was silent for a moment, before Hikaru declared
   “Okay. Kota, Inoo and I will help Ryutaro go through all of the electronic files and the video footage-”
   “I’ve also still got the hack open monitoring surveillance around the Dojin-kai’s building.” Ryutaro interjected, and Hikaru nodded, before continuing. “-and Yuto I want you and Daiki to pick a third person and go out to the address on the box the bomb was in and see if you can find anything there.” A grin spread over Yuto’s face when he heard the order, and he nodded.
   “Ooh, can I bring the grenade launcher this time?” Daiki asked, perking up at the thought of going out in the field again. Hikaru looked almost weary at the thought, but he nodded.
   “I want you to back the other two up. Just in case things go south, I want you to be able to protect them. If we can avoid blowing things up I would prefer it, but if there is a need, you are authorized to destroy whatever you feel is necessary, understood?” Daiki nodded, looking serious but enthusiastic, and Hikaru turned his attention to the room. “The rest of you will be helping Chinen out in his lab and going through the physical files that were brought back. How’s that sound?” There were murmurs of consent all around, and Keito got up to go follow Chinen back to his lab and offer his assistance, when he felt a hand on his arm.
   “Want to be our third?” Yuto offered, excitement on his face. “This could be a lot of fun! More fun than reading old files in Chinen’s lab anyway.” There was a jolt in Keito’s stomach at the offer, and he didn’t know if it was from anxiety or excitement, but he smiled, nodding.
   “Of course.”
   “Great! I’ve gotta tell Daiki, and we have to figure out which vehicle we want to take. I need to see just where we’re going; if it’s far maybe we could take the helicopter! Or maybe Rosalin! I’ll have to check the hangar. This is going to be great!” The words tumbled out of Yuto’s lips in a rush, and he practically bounced away, his long legs carrying him out of the conference room in a few quick strides, and in the blink of an eye he was gone.
   Daiki was still in the room, standing off to one side with Inoo, the two holding hands and talking quietly to each other, smiles on both of their faces, and Keito decided he’d make himself useful checking their com equipment and getting the address from the bomb’s box before going to the hangar, hoping that by the time he got there Yuto would have made up his mind about which vehicle they were going to be taking for this trip. When Keito got the box and saw the address, he realized that their vehicular options were going to be limited if they were planning on being back that night. He put his ear piece in, asking over the feed as he made his way to the hangar
   “Hey Yuto, you there?” There was a moment of silence, before Yuto’s voice chirped in his ear
   “Yup! What’s up? Don’t tell me you changed your mind on me.”
   “No...but the return address on the bomb’s’s in Miyagi.”
   “Miyagi? Where in Miyagi?” Yuto sounded like he was calculating, and Keito could picture the serious look that had crossed his face, the furrowed brow and the pursed lips, one hand up, his fingers pressing the com softly into his ear.
   “Furukawa.” There was silence for a few moments more, and then Yuto declared
   “The helicopter can make it that far. We’ll go to the Sendai airport and rent a car from there to get the rest of the way to Furukawa. This is going to be awesome. A proper adventure!” Yuto declared, and Keito couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm, asking
   “How long do you think it’s going to take to get there?”
   “About two hours each way, most likely.” Yuto declared immediately.
   “Maybe we should pick up dinner for everyone on the way back home.” Daiki’s voice cut in, as Keito rounded his last bend in the hallway, opening a door and entering the hangar to see Yuto flitting around one of their three helicopters, checking to make sure it was in top shape for the trip they were about to take it on. As he approached Yuto’s voice filtered back through the coms.
   “Okay. What would everyone want? Miyagi is known for their oysters right? But Keito won’t want those....Hikaru talked about natto onigiri or something that he ate when he was a kid. Maybe those would be good.”
   “You’re going to feed everyone natto onigiri for dinner?” Daiki asked, seeming to find the idea ridiculous and amusing, as Keito reached Yuto, putting a hand on his shoulder to announce his presence, Yuto too wrapped up in checking the helicopter over and the conversation going on in their earpieces to have noticed his arrival. Yuto smiled at him in greeting, before climbing up on the body of the aircraft to check something with the rotors, saying over the com in a light, teasing tone
   “Only you if you take much longer. We’re all ready to go; where are you?”
   “Hikaru didn’t put my grenade launcher back where it belongs! I had to track it down!” Daiki told them, sounding as if he expected some sympathy. Keito couldn’t help think that a grenade launcher was really one of the last things one should misplace, regardless of the circumstances, and he was about to say so when Daiki’s voice rang out from across the hangar.
   “I’m here!” The smaller man had two large nondescript canvas bags with him, one slung over each shoulder, and they looked heavy, the bulk slowing him down a little, and Keito wondered for a moment just what all Daiki had packed. The thought must have registered on his face, because Daiki declared “Hikaru authorized me to ’destroy whatever I feel is necessary.’ I am not letting this opportunity go to waste.” He had a light in his eye, an excitement about the prospect that was like that of a small child on their birthday, and Keito decided he didn’t want to know what all Daiki had packed, instead just taking one of the bags off of Daiki’s laden shoulders and carrying it gingerly into the helicopter, having to dodge a swinging foot as Yuto scampered down the side of the aircraft and jumped the last meter or so down to the hangar floor.
   “It’s ready!” He declared, leaning into the body of the helicopter and fishing out headsets for everyone, passing them out before clammering into the pilot’s seat, Daiki taking the seat next to him, Keito content to strap in behind Daiki as the hangar ceiling opened up, giving way to the city above them, and Yuto fired the engine up. Keito watched him work, his hands smooth on the controls as he got them in the air, rising up over the buildings, Tokyo soon passing below them in a wash of gray as the afternoon sun glinted in the sky to their right.
   It was an uneventful trip, the way up to Sendai passing by in light conversation; speculation about what they were going to find when they got to their destination. Theories were swapped in a joking manner, building in dramatics with each one, scenarios escalating as the time passed. It was fun, Daiki’s elaborate rescue plans making all of them laugh, the smaller man’s vocal sound effects whenever he’d declare that he blew something up particularly amusing. As they got closer to their destination however, things turned more serious, and when Yuto got in contact with the Sendai airport about their landing plan Keito took the opportunity to turn to Daiki and ask, voice low
   “Do you think we’re actually heading into a hostile situation?” Daiki pursed his lips, shrugging.
   “Maybe? If the bomber is dumb enough to have put their real address on the return label, then it could potentially be dangerous, but at the same time, it would make our job very easy. If it’s a false address then this trip will amount to nothing more than a chance to see Miyagi. Regardless of which it is, I’m here to make sure you get out of this in once piece, okay?” Keito nodded. Daiki did have a point. There was a good chance that this whole trip was going to be a bust.


multi-chap: activated

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