Activated (4/14)

Sep 16, 2016 00:48

Author: ryosukekoibito
Pairing: Okajima, with some side Hikabu and Dainoo
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Weapons and violence, discussion of drugs
Genre: Action
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone. all non-english languages used in this fic were transcribed with the help of google translate, and while I tried to do research and properly check them, there may be some errors. Also this whole thing is ridiculous. I apologize in advance.
Summary: Special Agent team H.E.Y.S.A.Y.J.U.M.P. had never gotten a mission of their own, and now that they were being given the opportunity to prove themselves to their organization, they weren't going to let this chance slip through their fingers.Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3
A/N: This fic is dedicated to effi_g! This chapter is a bit slower, after the excitement from last week.

   The team don’t really talk until they get back to base, everyone coming down from their adrenaline rushes and processing everything that had happened quietly, internally. Keito felt drained from the morning’s events, and he leaned back in his seat, watching as across the aisle from him Inoo slipped his hand into Daiki’s, the two leaning into each other, their shoulders pressed up against one another in silence. Next to Keito Yamada fell asleep sitting up, the box he’d been carrying still in his arms, his head lolling with each turn Yuto took the van through. As they got close Hikaru broke the silence.
   “Everyone drop off all of the evidence you found at Chinen’s lab. He and Ryutaro are going to start sifting through everything. You have all got until three o’clock this afternoon to do whatever you want. Nap, shower, board games, I don’t care. After that we’ll meet for lunch and a debrief, and if Chinen and Ryu have found anything they’ll tell us then. After that we need to help them go through all of this.” Hikaru gestured to the wide array of objects in everyone's arms, and there were nods of understanding and subdued ‘Yes sir’s as Yuto parked the van.
   They all unload, their finds still in their arms, and Keito felt rather silly holding his little flash drive while some of them had boxes, but he fell into step next to Takaki, following the trail of teammates through the still confusing building to a lab that looked remarkably like Chinen’s lab back at headquarters, depositing the little drive on a long glass table along with everything else the others had found, before watching the rest of them disperse.
   He felt drained already, the adrenaline rush having left him hungry and sweaty and weary, and he found himself trudging listlessly through the halls for either his bed, a kitchen, or a washroom, and when he stumbled across a communal showering area he wandered right in. He stripped down in a haze, his stomach growling at him as he turned the water on, scalding hot and hard hitting, and it was cathartic, melting away the stress of the morning and allowing him to properly process everything that had happened, and realize that it was all a success. Even if they didn't find any leads about their mystery drug, it was still a win. They had kept a bomb from going off. They had saved people. And so even if the rest of it turned out to be a complete wash, they had still managed to accomplish something today.
   That thought put a smile on his face, and Keito got out of the shower feeling much better than he had when he went in; motivated and ready to get back to work-right after a meal. He meandered through the halls of the building for another twenty minutes before he managed to find a kitchen area, Yamada, Yuto, and Takaki all already there, sitting around a table with sandwiches, talking. Takaki seemed to be telling the other two about the experience of trying to subdue the yakuza crowd, and Keito listened as the older man talked, smiling to himself whenever Takaki would exaggerate the details.
   He made himself a couple of sandwiches, joining his teammates at the table just as Takaki was finishing his tale. Yuto seemed to have been very engrossed in what Takaki had been saying, and when the story ended he slouched back in his seat, looking almost disappointed, before he shot back up, turning and pointing to Yamada and declaring
   "You saw Yabu defuse the bomb!" His enthusiasm made Keito smile, and Yamada blinked in surprise at Yuto for a moment, chewing a bite of his sandwich, before he nodded, swallowing and saying
   "I did. It wasn't just him though. Hikaru helped." Yuto leaned forward, his meal forgotten, and he folded his elbows on the table, propping his head up and nodding encouragingly for Yamada to continue his story. Yamada snorted softly and shook his head, but it was obvious that he was going to do as Yuto wanted and explain what had happened on the fourth floor of the office building that morning.
   "Okay, so Yabu found it on what looked like a boss' desk. It was separate from the others, and it was by the window. I wasn't there when he found it; we'd all spread out to search the building, and by the time I got there he and Hikaru were already huddled around it. But it was a tiny little box, it honestly would have only blown up the person that triggered it, it couldn't have done any major damage. No mass murder or anything anyway. But it was rigged in such a way that if you opened the box properly the bomb would explode. Honestly I was useless. The way Hikaru and Yabu worked together you'd think they'd been doing it their whole lives. Hika got some forensic tweezers from his belt and held the explosive packing still while Yabu cut the wires suspending it inside the box. It was-there was something special happening between the two of them. I don't know how to explain it. It was stunning to watch." Yamada seemed to have forgotten about his sandwich now too, fully engrossed in the story he was telling.
   "And then they had it. It didn't take them very long at all before Hikaru could just lift the explosive material out of the box and put it in an evidence bag. It was amazing. They never panicked, or bickered or anything, they just did it, and when it was all over they were looking at each other they were in awe. Like they'd never seen anything as amazing as each other, and it was really something. I've never seen a look like that on Hikaru's face before. He's always so good at keeping himself in check. Yabu really brings something out in him, I think." Yamada seemed embarrassed just recounting the private moment between their teammates, and he turned away, shoving a large bite of sandwich into his mouth. It took him a few moments to compose himself, and when he continued there was a note of finality in his tone.
   "After that we just got back to work, swept the area for anything useful, and hauled ass back to the van with everyone else." Yuto leaned back in his seat, groaning a bit.
   "I can't believe I missed the whole adventure." He whined, blowing his bangs out of his eyes before sitting back up and picking his sandwich up, examining it half-heartedly.
   "You didn't though." Keito assured him around a bite of sandwich, leaning in and knocking their shoulders together in an attempt to be comforting. "You're the getaway guy. If we didn't have you we could have been overrun by the cops or the yakuza and we never would have made it out. You saved us." He leaned in, swallowing and whispering so the others couldn't hear "I would have rather been in the van with you." It wasn't a lie. He was rather envious of Yuto's position in their group. He was a key element to their success, and he had a place that he belonged, literally and figuratively. Yuto gave Keito a look, a small smile pulling on the corners of his lips, before he nodded.
   "Maybe you're right." He conceded, and Keito beamed, leaning back into his own chair and picking up his next sandwich. From there conversation turned to more casual things, like if Daiki and Inoo were sharing a room and scenarios in which they’d need to use the ridiculous animal costumes Chinen was making for them. It was nice, and relaxing, and they sat and talked long after their plates were empty.
   Eventually however, Yamada stood up and declared he was going to take a nap. That was everyone’s cue that the conversation was over, and Takaki left to go work on unpacking his disguise props, leaving Keito and Yuto there alone. They cleaned up together, before heading back to Yuto’s room, Yuto wanting to change into a different bodysuit, telling Keito in a slightly embarrassed tone that he’d accidentally fallen asleep in one he was wearing the night before, and when they were woken for the bomb threat he hadn’t had time to change.
   Yuto’s room was almost identical to Keito’s, the only differences the string of numbers
engraved above the bed and a small polaroid photograph taped on the wall next to it. Keito crossed the room to look at the picture while Yuto went to the little closet, Keito hearing him unzip his uniform. It was a picture of Yuto’s little brother, Keito recognized the kid immediately, despite having never met him. Yuto always had one. The image changed over the years as the boy had grown up, but it was always there.
   “This is new, when did you go back?” Keito asked, pointedly keeping his back turned as Yuto changed. There was a pause in the sounds of his companion shuffling out of his clothes, and Yuto’s voice was enthusiastic when he said
   “Last month! It was my mom’s birthday. I took him out driving, he’s not bad.”
   “How old is he now? He’s not old enough to drive, right?”
   “Raiya’s seventeen now, that’s almost old enough. By the time I was his age I could drive every wheeled vehicle known to man. And most water ones.” Keito found himself smiling, and he looked back up at the photograph. Yuto had been recruited very young, not even ten years old, but he still kept in contact with his family. He was one of the few who did, and he made it a point to visit them on important dates like birthdays and holidays. It was very sweet, Keito thought, and Yuto’s hard work seemed to be paying off. He had a very close relationship with his parents, and a fierce love for his younger brother.
   Keito hadn’t seen any of his family in years; not since the recruitment when he was fourteen, and honestly he didn’t think about them much any longer. He thought about his old dog sometimes, but Pablo was probably dead by now, already having been elderly when Keito had left.
   “He’s good? Have you ever thought about asking him to take the test? It must be hard keeping your job a secret.”
   “No.” Yuto sighed, walking over and slinging an arm around Keito’s body from behind, leaning up against him and resting his head on Keito’s shoulder, looking over at the photo on the wall. “He’s too old. Next to no one gets in once they hit seventeen. Besides, he’s going to live a long, happy life away from mystery drugs and bomb threats.”
   “Sounds boring.” Keito teased, and Yuto chuckled in his ear, giving Keito a squeeze before pulling away.
   “Yeah. I don’t think I could stand it.”
   “Well you’re an adrenaline junkie.” Keito’s jibe didn’t go unnoticed, and Yuto had a light in his eye, a smile curling his pink lips up, tugging at the little scar on the left side in a way that Keito had always found cute.
   “Look who’s talking!” Keito giggled, knowing Yuto was right. “You wanna practice sparring for a bit, adrenaline junkie?” Yuto asked. Keito nodded, pretending to be nonchalant to the amusement of both of them as he said
   “Sure. I’ve got nothing on for a few hours.”
   They found a training room after nearly an hour of searching, tucked away between the hangar, and what appeared to be a room of nothing but blades, and they trained for the next couple of hours, talking and laughing as they threw punches and wrestled each other to the ground. It was fun, the time whirring by in Yuto’s strong arms and boisterous laugh, and it felt too soon when Keito looked up and realized that they had to be in the conference room for the debrief in ten minutes. It was then that the sparring turned into scrambling for the door, and they just barely made it on time, the rest of the team already there when they came in.


multi-chap: activated

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