Thank you Kikinini-san for the scan :D
And Sho-kun was wondering why nobody recognized the famous Yattaman… LOL
as always, please feel free to drop some comments and corrections <333
Sho’s Part
今回のテーマ“Sweet & Bitter”にちなんで、甘いor ほろ苦い経験
In relation with this time’s theme “Sweet & Bitter”, your sweet or slightly bitter experiences
The other time, when I had spare time in the drama, I went with my manager to a family restaurant, after a long time. In the seat next to us, together with their family, there was this girl around elementary school and her little brother, and also there was a girl around kindergarten. These kids were ve~ry energetic, they were running around our table yo, they were like, kyakya kyakya! They ran 3 rounds, probably… but they rea~lly didn’t notice me at all (laughs). And then, this time on the seat right in front of me, there’s this little boy around 4 years old, held by his mother. “Don!” his eyes met with mine, for a moment, it seemed like he was like, [Ah, it’s Yattaman…], but then it seemed that he thought, [No, as expected it’s not him]… In the end, I stayed there for almost an hour, but nobody called out to me (t/n: as in, nobody recognized him) (laughs). Why was it na~ that kind of feeling. It was slightly bitter ne (laughs).
Tell us Sho’s idea of “Sweet words of affectation”
「問題!あなたのことを好きなのは、次のうち誰? A/ オレ B/ オレ C/ オレ D/ オレ」。って…『ザ.クイズショウ』やってなきゃ使えないね(笑)。
[Question! The one that you like, from these choices, which one? A/ me. B/ me. C/ me. D/me.] like that… If I weren’t doing [The Quiz Show] I wouldn’t use it ne (laughs).
One recent situation
なんかね、いまインド熱が高まってきてて。っていうのは、ドラマの参考になるかなと思って『スラムドック.ミリオネア』を観にいったの。で、おとといぐらいかな?『ムトウ~踊るマハラジャ~』を観て。立て続けにインドが舞台の映画を観ちゃったから…ちょっと行きたくなっちゃってるんだよね(笑)。あと、J-WAVEで太宰治の『人間失格』の朗読っていうのをやらせてもらうんだけど(5/4にOA済)。それに付随して、猪瀬副都知事の取材に行くのね。そのために、『ピカレスク 太宰治伝』っていう猪瀬さんが書いた太宰治の本があるんだけど、それを読んだり、その映画を観てたりして。もちろんドラマの撮影もあるし、それと並行して、いろんな(ZERO)取材もしてるんだけど…けっこうたて込んでて。まあ、結果から言うと、訳わからない(笑)。だから何もやってないよ、仕事以外。新しいトピックスとしては…コンビニのカード作ったぐらいかな(笑)。
Somehow, recently India-fever is rising. Because of that, I thought maybe it become a reference for the drama, so I watched [Slumdog Millionaire]. Then, maybe around two days ago, I watched [Muthu~ The Dancing Maharaja]. Because I watched Indian movies consecutively, it makes me want to go there ne (laughs). Also, I was given the chance to do the recitation in J-WAVE (5/4 OA) for Dazai Osamu’s [Ningen Shikkaku](t/n: English title: “No Longer Human”). Along with it, I went to gather materials from Inose Deputy Governor of Tokyo. For the sake of it, I read the book about Dazai Osamu written by Inose-san, titled [Picaresque Dazai Osamu Biography], and watched the movie. Of course, there’s also the shooting for the drama. While keeping pace with it, I also gather various materials (for ZERO)… it was pretty busy. Well, to say it from the result, I don’t really understand (laughs). That’s why I haven’t done anything else other than works. As a fresh topic, it’s only about me making a convenience store card (laughs).
Also the theme song for the drama, [Ashita no Kioku] with things like contradictory words or outlook on the world and with medium tempo music, it’s a really good song, it really fits the drama point of view. I like it, and I often listen to it in the dressing room. When talking about inside story, when it was shooting for the quiz section, I don’t listen to it, but when shooting in the white room with Yokoyama, as expected it’s somehow being played frequently in the dressing room. Iyaa, the drama seems to be getting more interesting yo. Attacking on Saturday at 9 p.m… of course it can be watched by the whole family, but probably for now, the feelings, somehow it’s more for the adults, it feels like the fathers and mothers can enjoy it. The drama, please watch it ne.
Wikipedia sources for those who’s interested: