Happy place

May 31, 2014 09:13

I'm feeling sore and out of sorts this morning (though tea and a heat pack are finally helping) so I thought while I have a few minutes before I have to be anywhere, I'd share my happy place. With a week of rainy weather, my balcony herbs and flowers have really started getting lush ( Read more... )

rain, garden

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Comments 5

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rustydog May 31 2014, 22:48:08 UTC


padawanpooh May 31 2014, 15:48:55 UTC
Those are beautiful! You're going to have a gorgeous little oasis in a few weeks :-)


rustydog May 31 2014, 22:49:04 UTC
Thank you! The herbs and coleus especially will get huge and bushy and put up pretty flower spikes. And I already have some little tomatoes and peppers growing!


sunbrae June 1 2014, 00:19:12 UTC
That's lovely. I can't handle a full yard, but I could start small like this. I'm happy for you.


mad_jaks June 1 2014, 06:33:12 UTC
So lush! What's bee balm?
Mind out for those morning glory, they'll try and take over the world if you set them free. *g*


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