Happy place

May 31, 2014 09:13

I'm feeling sore and out of sorts this morning (though tea and a heat pack are finally helping) so I thought while I have a few minutes before I have to be anywhere, I'd share my happy place. With a week of rainy weather, my balcony herbs and flowers have really started getting lush.

You can see three kinds of sage, three kinds of basil, lavender, rosemary, coleus, marigolds, bee balm, a couple of tomatoes, a pepper, oregano, some morning glory seedlings, and my Dallas fern and maple tree. Not pictured: spearmint. It's not fancy, but it feels nice and garden/jungley, which is a good thing to have here in the city. I decided this year to concentrate mostly on plants that I know from experience will be favorites of bees and hummingbirds once they're blooming.

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rain, garden

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