Time to do some Dragon*Con planning, right?

Jun 20, 2010 13:17

As is my wont, I plan lots of things quite a ways in advance. I have rooms reserved. Many, many rooms. So many that I plan to cancel reservations. The point being, that if you still don't have rooming plans, let me know. Of course talking about Dragon*Con now seems like it may be coming late, but there are heads to count and decisions to be ( Read more... )


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Comments 73

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rushin_doll June 20 2010, 17:22:24 UTC
I shall make a note. In this very post! Of both your attendance and the preference for the Marquis!

Because you can EDIT posts!


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rushin_doll June 20 2010, 17:27:45 UTC



gramarye1971 June 20 2010, 17:39:56 UTC
The Graphic Engagement conference is, alas, 2-4 September, which means that if my paper's accepted and I wanted to go to D*C I would pretty much have to go straight from the conference to the convention and miss two days of the latter. (I don't know whose bright idea it was to have a comic/animation academic conference on the same weekend as D*C, but it was probably the only time that they could book the conference facilities at Purdue.) So as much as I would love to go to D*C with such awesome people, it is probably not feasible this year. However, if matters change, I will definitely keep you informed!


rushin_doll June 20 2010, 17:42:39 UTC
*sigh* If only you weren't so smart, and didn't have such an interesting topic proposal, you might make it to D*C. Sadly, you are smart and have an interesting proposal, so I'm afraid that leaves us with option two.

Experimental high-speed cloning.

But, seriously, that is sad, but understandable. If things change, or they reschedule the GE conference, or aliens attack, or you do go through with the cloning thing, let me know. I suspect we'll be able to fit you in somewhere.

It's nice to have options,


gramarye1971 June 21 2010, 01:08:33 UTC
I would be very jealous of my clone, whichever place I ended up. ^_^ So perhaps it's for the best.

There is also the not-insignificant matter that I wouldn't be able to finish a certain costume in time for late August, and even if I could Atlanta on Labor Day weekend is quite possibly not the best time to be wearing a high-necked long-sleeved military uniform with a wool cape and velvet trim. Just saying. But there will be other cons!


rushin_doll June 21 2010, 03:54:58 UTC
You make a good point, I suppose. But I'm totally holding you to that 'other cons' thing.



weaverandom June 20 2010, 17:44:54 UTC
ahahahahaah :(

When are you people going to start holding cons in sensible places - like Melbourne? Huh?


rushin_doll June 20 2010, 17:46:55 UTC
About the time you people stop having whether that makes Christmas-on-the-beach the best idea ever.

Actually... Christmas-on-the-beach is pretty awesome,


weaverandom June 20 2010, 17:48:27 UTC
Christmas on the beach is kickass.

*googles flights to Atlanta thoughtfully*

....... yeah, i am not going to have $2000 for flights spare any time soon. Whose idea was this dumb going-back-to-uni thing anyway?


rushin_doll June 20 2010, 17:51:52 UTC
That's okay. You need to be saving up for that trip where you'an'me'an'Li'an'Amanda'n'Debi all hang out for, like, two weeks.



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rushin_doll June 20 2010, 18:06:28 UTC
And, again, I shall make a note!

Also: my Eisenhower jacket is not here yet. This makes me sad.



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rushin_doll June 20 2010, 18:18:02 UTC
All together now... "OOOOOOOOOOH! SHIIIIIINY!"

I am excited,


copinggoggles June 20 2010, 18:28:59 UTC
Mmmmme, tentatively. *also stuck in the conscience-stricken limbo of WHY AM I GOING BACK TO SCHOOL WHY*


rushin_doll June 20 2010, 18:34:35 UTC
Then I shall stick you in that "waiting to hear back" section. YAY YOU!

Now that I've graduated, I can say: school is silly,


copinggoggles June 20 2010, 18:46:28 UTC
IS THE MARQUIS REALLY CHARGING $400 A NIGHT D: I love being in con central, but urrrg. On top of a trans-Atlantic flight, that is going to stack up.

I am assuming the rooms are the standard two-doubles, meant-to-sleep-four-but-will-end-up-sleeping-about-six size?

(And it is probably too early to ask, but! Do you know is anyone confirmed/planning to fly in and/or leave a day to either side of the con? The idea of rolling off a 9-hour flight and straight into Con Mode makes me want to die.)


rushin_doll June 20 2010, 18:52:04 UTC
Actually, I think it comes out to $385/night with taxes and fees and all (I'd have to check to make sure, but it's in that area), so... yeah. As for early/late stuff, I've had a couple people ask about keeping a room or two Monday night so that people can fly out Tuesday. No one has (yet) mentioned coming in early, but if anyone does I'll make sure to let you know!

And, yes, exactly that on the room-size thing. It's always worked for us in the past!



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