Time to do some Dragon*Con planning, right?

Jun 20, 2010 13:17

As is my wont, I plan lots of things quite a ways in advance. I have rooms reserved. Many, many rooms. So many that I plan to cancel reservations. The point being, that if you still don't have rooming plans, let me know. Of course talking about Dragon*Con now seems like it may be coming late, but there are heads to count and decisions to be made. Let's do them in order.

Like I said, I have many reservations. Part of this is because I figured I'd go ahead and grab rooms for friends so that they wouldn't have to worry about it. Some of you I have talked with about this, some of you maybe need to talk to me? I don't know. ANYWAY! Here is my current list of people I'm counting on being there. If you need to be on this list, let me know. If you are on it but shouldn't, also let me know.

Without further ado...

(people confirmed to the best of my knowledge, let me know if I'm wrong)

(people I assume are in but don't have direct confirmation for yet)

(people whose need for my assistance is contingent on still-other-people getting back to them)

(people I don't know about, but have heard vague rumors of)

(people whose names I am listing here not because I know anything about their plans, but because I want them to come to Dragon*Con, it's probably safe to ignore this list unless you're on it and want to come)

I know I'm missing at least one or two from some of these lists, but my notes are scattered all over my computer(s) and this is the best I could piece together from them. If I missed you or missed someone you know is coming, let me know!

There's also a little matter of deciding which hotel we want to use, or if we want to use multiple different hotels. You know, whatever. Let's throw this discussion behind a cut, too!

The four official con hotels are full. I am sitting on a block of six rooms in the Marriott Marquis which is the central hotel for the con in terms of location. Which is, you know, nice. Except that I think they've realized that they can charge pretty much whatever they like and it's about $400 a night. The price of convenience, I suppose.

I'm also sitting on a block of six rooms in the Atlanta Marriott Downtown, which is a non-convention hotel about four blocks from the Marriott Marquis. (For those of you familiar with the area, think about where the Sheraton is in relation to the Hilton. The Marriott Downtown is about like that in relation to the Hyatt, which is to say about a block and a half south, but add a block west putting it slightly farther away from the con.) What do we get for this four block walk to get to the con? $200 a night.

Now, I can hold these reservations (all of them) until the week of the con with nor penalties, so there's no rush, but I wanted to let people know what the options were since, you know, budgets. There is, of course, no reason we even have to decide as a group. It could go half and half to each location, or whatever. So what do people think on this front?

(edit to add)
Quick note! These six-room blocks are both made up of two single-king rooms and four double-queen rooms. It's usually very easy to switch doubles to kings if we need to, but I figured I'd mention it in case people are looking specifically for the king thing. Also worth mentioning: these are those standard rooms that technically sleep four and that typically sleep six during cons.

(edit to add)
And for my own reference, I'm going to include a little running total of votes for the two options. If you want to vote without posting a comment to do so, just let me know. I mean, I'm easy to find ON THE INTERNETS.
Marquis ($400/night): 3.5
Downtown ($200/night): 3

Aaaand that's it for now.

Organized and stuff,


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