(no subject)

Apr 10, 2009 00:19

Molasses #4. Forbidden Fruit with Hot Fudge
Story : knights
Rating : G
Timeframe : 1258
Word Count : 285

“I know what you’re thinking.” Shasa plucked at the rumpled scarf between them, for which both their hands had reached and still laid entwined.

“Do you now?” said Sethan, lips twitching as he peered at her fingers slowly winding their way more firmly beneath his own.

Shasa pressed the back of her hand to his palm with a grin. “You’re not so hard to read as you might think.”

“Is that so?” One finger slid its way over the back of her wrist, curling and stroking its way around her arm.

“It is. And…” She leaned in, the scarf crumpling in her grasp. “and I’ve been thinking it too.”

One dark, slender brow drew itself into a sharp arc. “Oh?”

“I don’t see what the harm would be.” He was following her lead now, tipping forward, slowly sinking, until he was so near to her she could pick out every long, curling, ebony lash, until his breath grazed her cheek. “I mean it’s just…”

Their noses brushed, and then their lips, and Shasa parted hers against his. Sethan kissed her with the same quiet certainty with which he did anything, his lips forceful, their motions smooth. She found her balance faltering as she leaned in further still, and threw her other hand to the ground. His grip on her wrist tightened as, for a long, breathless moment he pulled at her lips.

They drew apart, those thick lashes batting again over brilliant blue as he retreated, his lips still parted as she’d left them, his hand slowly sliding free of her arm.

“…a kiss,” she finished, her voice barely a whisper.

“Of course,” said Sethan, drawing his tongue over his lips. “No harm at all.”

[challenge] molasses, [topping] hot fudge, [author] shayna

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