An Overabundance of Torture Ahoy!

Jan 04, 2011 20:30

So I wasn't having the best day yesterday, and I resorted to brutally throwing nameless idiots into the clutches of the Blaze Family in order to blow off some steam. The good news is when I looked at it again today, it wasn't nearly as gory as I remember writing it so I don't feel too bad about posting these all at once. XD

Story: Blaze Mob Family
Title: Put Him On Ice
Prompts: Chocolate #8: appreciation, Amaretto #23: drumroll, Vinegar #10: refrigerate after opening
Rating: R for torture
Characters: Felix Wade, Soul Wade, Paul Robinson, unlucky schmuck #4
Summary: The boys geek out over their new appliance. There’s no reason for why Paul is visiting Soul and Felix alone, why the boys are doing all this in their apartment, or why I had so much fun writing something this subtly sadistic.

“A freezer?”

Soul and Felix both grinned, practically glowing in their smug excitement as they sat on top of the large white chest freezer in the middle of their kitchen. “Firebird said to put our target on ice, and we always aim to please.”

Paul rolled his eyes. “You two are so fucked up.”

“We haven’t opened it for three hours now,” Soul said, his anticipation palpable. “We were waiting for you before we saw if he was dead or not.”

“You mean he’s not dead?” Paul looked at freezer. “How the hell did he fit in there?”

“He fit in there whole!” Felix said.

Paul circled the freezer. “No way. You got a full grown man in there without cutting anything off first?”

“Swear to god,” Felix put a hand over his heart to show his seriousness. “This freezer is the best kitchen appliance we’ve ever gotten for work. Even better than the automatic can opener.”

“Can we open it now?” Soul said with barely contained excitement. “We threw him in the shower before we put him in so he should have frozen to the sides.”

Paul tapped on the top. “That’s gonna be a bitch to clean out.”

“Fuck no,” Felix jumped off and pointed at a spout hidden on the side. “The salesman sold us on this model because it’s easy thaw. You just turn it off, open the top, and all the ice melts and drains out the bottom. We pull the bastard out after he’s thawed, rinse it out with a garden hose, and wham bam thank you ma’am, good as new.”

“No kidding,” Paul said, a slice of admiration in his voice.

“Open it!” Soul said, bouncing on the balls of his feet in anticipation.

Paul rounded the freezer to stand beside Soul. “Yeah, I gotta see this.”

Felix pulled a key out of his pants pocket and quickly unlocked the heavy padlock over the handle. He’d barely pulled it off before Soul was crowding him and pushing the lid open.

They all leaned over the freezer to peer in at the contents.

“What do you know,” Paul said, “This thing looks so much bigger on the inside.”

“Told you.” Felix nudged his partner. “He doesn’t look very alive. Is he?”

Soul set his fingertips on the man’s neck, searching for a pulse. He grinned suddenly. “He’s still alive, but not by much. Another hour and he’d be a goner, just like I thought!”

“Hey! Bastard!” Felix hit the man hard on the head. The poor schmuck stirred a little, but his movements were sluggish and he couldn’t move much at all. “He’s still responsive even! We could totally put a guy in here to soften him up, pull him out and question him, then throw him back in here to finish the job.”

“Good if you’ve got multiple people to take care of,” Paul agreed.

“And the salesman said this puppy’ll keep a steady temp for weeks so you could jack the temp up a bit and throw a guy in there to let him slowly freeze over days if you wanted.”

Soul patted the side of the fridge. “I love this thing!”

Story: The Blaze Family
Title: Father-Son Bonding
Prompts: Chocolate #26 nostalgia, Amaretto #19 back in the saddle, Vinegar #6 do not operate machinery
Rating: R for implied torture
Characters: Nicky Nails Blaze, Soul Wade, unlucky schmuck #5
Summary: It’s moments like these that really bring a father and son together...

“Jeez, I haven’t used one of these things in years.”

Soul threw down the blubbering schmuck on the warehouse floor and idly pointed his gun at the man to keep him still. “Used what, Dad?”

“A road roller,” Nicky circled the heavy road machinery. “Back when I was a soldier, we were havin’ trouble with the construction unions, so my brothers and I came out here all the time to put some fear in ‘em. We got real creative, but this baby was always my favorite.”

Soul looked at the heavy cement roller on the front of the machinery then down at their victim. “You’d just run him over?”

The victim’s eyes widened. “N-no! Please no!”

“Yeah. It’s slow too so they’ve got lots of time to talk before you finish the job.”

“How did you keep them from running?”

“We’d just nail ‘em onto the floor. It’s better when they’re stretched out flat, so the ride doesn’t get too bumpy.”

“No! Please! I”ll tell you anything you want!”

Soul hit the man over the head with the buttof his gun. Now was not the time for that. He looked at the machinery again, then at his dad. “Could you teach me how to use it?”

Nicky stepped up into the cab of the road roller. “Of course, son.”

Story: The Blaze Family
Title: Torture 101
Prompts: Chocolate #29: relief, Amaretto #27: multiple choice, Vinegar #15: high voltage
Rating: R for torture
Characters: Firebird Blaze, Atlas Blaze, unlucky schmuck #6
Summary: Like all Blazes, Firebird had to do her fair share of wetworks before she got to sit in the driver’s seat. She turned out to be very good at scaring information out of her victims, but the actual pain and violence part wasn’t her favorite for multiple reasons.

“How do you want to do it, baby girl?”

Firebird looked at the options laid out before her on the table. She reached for the gun. “I’ll just shoot him in the head after I’m finished speaking with him.”

Atlas gave his fourteen year old daughter a patient look. “That’s a sound plan, but these are here to be used to make him talk, not shut him up after.”

Firebird looked down at the table again. “All of them?”


“That doesn’t seem very efficient.”

“Then just pick one,” Atlas said, then picked up the baseball bat to move the conversation along before Firebird could get on a tangent on how to better improve the Family’s torturing efficiency. “The baseball bat is one of the most classic Family weapons. It’ll break any bone in his body with just one solid hit.”

Firebird took the bat. She swung it a couple times, then turned to their victim, who had his full attention on the mobsters. “No,” Firebird said, setting the bat back on the table. “The damage can’t be controlled very well.”

“Alright,” Atlas said, careful to keep his growing impatience out of his voice. He handed her a short switchblade. “If control is what you want, then a knife is the way to go. You can control the length, depth, and location of every wound you inflict."

Firebird looked down at herself then back up at her dad. “But I’m wearing my favorite flats.”


“Knife wounds are so messy,” She looked at their victim, whose face was pale as a sheet now. He had started shaking and was imploring her to have mercy with his eyes since they’d gagged his mouth. Firebird didn’t notice. “He looks like a squirter. My shoes will definitely get dirty.”

“You are not going to get out of this just because you don’t have the proper footwear,” Atlas warned his daughter.

Firebird gave him a wide-eyed look. “I’m not trying to get out of it, Daddy. I just don’t want to use a knife. Or anything else that would make blood pools I might step in.”

Atlas clenched his jaw as he set the knife back down on the table a little harder than necessary. “Fine. How about this?”

“A car battery?” Firebird looked at the battery then up at their victim, measuring them both up. She shrugged a shoulder. “That might work.”

“It’ll work great,” Atlas immediately latched onto his daughter’s hesitant agreement, talking loud enough that he could be heard over their victim’s sudden muffled shrieking. “I’ve used it a hundred times and never had a problem. You just keep zapping the idiot and he’ll break down in just a couple hours-”

“Hours?” Firebird interrupted with a disbelieving look on her face. “But I still have to prepare for the meeting with our accountant tomorrow and meet with the soldiers we sent to the Metro. I don’t have all day to spend forcing idiots to lick batteries.”

“Firebird!” Atlas snapped, finally losing his patience with her. “Those are your options. Pick one.”

“Okay, Daddy,” Firebird said in her most pacifying tone. She tapped her nails on the table and looked over the weaponry. “Maybe I'll use the knife after all. I suppose I could just take my shoes off and keep them out of the w-“

She looked up at their victim again. His muffled shrieking had turned into muffled talking. “What was that?”

“Firebird...” Atlas warned his daughter when she stepped over to the crying man.

“Don’t worry, Daddy. I just would like to hear what he’s saying.” Firebird reached under the gag and pulled it down.

The second it cleared the man’s mouth, he sobbed, “P-p-please! I’ll tell you e-everything I know! Please, j-j-j-just don’t use those on me! J-just shoot me a-a-after! Ple-ease!”

“Wonderful,” She patted the sobbing man on the cheek and looked back at her father. Atlas’ eyes narrowed when he saw the knowing smirk slip onto Firebird’s face. “That’s a much more efficient way to do this, don’t you think Daddy?”

[challenge] vinegar, [challenge] amaretto, [inactive-author] kaitygirl, [challenge] chocolate

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