(no subject)

Jun 30, 2013 12:29

Milk & Honey #13. Public Display of Affection with Cookie Crumbs
Story : knights & necromancers
Rating : PG
Word Count : 526
Cookie Crumbs : Alternate version of Dancing, though it contradicts the original. I'm not sure which role I prefer for Ski in the matter.

Ski braced herself against the wall, just outside the doorway, closed her eyes, and took one deep breath and then another. She felt such a fool for being nervous, but try as she might she couldn’t stop the frantic pounding of her heart or the trembling of her hands, and she could just see herself stumbling to a halt in front of Rune and blurting something like “I love you” in place of “hello.”

Chiding herself for entertaining such thoughts, she stepped into the room. It was something between the two that needed saying and she was determined to say it to him tonight. Once inside, the swell of music and voices surrounded her and the bright colors of banners and gowns swam before her eyes. A few unsteady paces forward and she was headed for the buffet instead.

“Ski,” Tess called from behind her as she reached for a glass and a bottle.

“Tess.” She spun around with both in hand, half hoping that Rune would be with her and the decision to find him made for her, but Tess was alone.

“We were starting to think you weren’t coming.”


Tess nodded in the direction of the wall, and Ski spotted Farran, Ilya and Dalton circled together.

“And Rune…?”

“Entertaining the new recruit.” She nodded again, this time towards the dance floor and Ski searched for a moment among the crowd of couples weaving this way and that before picking out Rune and Lyssa.

“I need to have a word with him.”

Tess frowned. “This isn’t like the talk you had last year, is it?” She caught Ski’s hand that held the bottle with her own. “Because if it is, you’d best leave this here.”

Ski’s jaw dropped and her cheeks flushed. “So I am to be considered a danger to myself? I should hardly think- Here, take it,” she said, when Tess didn’t budge. “Then I shan’t be needing this either,” she added, replacing the glass on the table. “You need not look at me like that.”

Tess shrugged and refilled her own glass as Ski strode away.

Halfway across the dance floor she could feel herself begin to tremble again. She’d spent a year dodging the subject, pretending the events of last year’s ball had never happened, trying to move on and failing. She had wondered the whole time but never dared ask if he felt the same.

Rune had Lyssa’s hands in his and the two were slowly swaying to the beat and laughing at some private exchange. Ski’s throat tightened as she considered approaching and asking to step in, and she lingered out of their sight.

The song ended and still she stalled. The pair turned to look in the direction of the others, Rune perplexed and Lyssa grinning. Then Lyssa caught Rune by the collar, pulled him down and kissed him full on the lips. Ski stood transfixed, gaping at Rune from the back, the lump in her throat swollen to suffocating proportions.

Lyssa let go and Rune shuffled back a pace, but Ski didn’t wait to see the look on his face. She headed straight for the door.

[topping] cookie crumbs, [challenge] milk & honey, [author] shayna

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