Dark Chocolate/Black Cherry/Cheesecake

Jul 22, 2011 13:59

Story: Jinxed! (?)
Title: Come Under My Spell
By Jillian Stephens
Prompts: Dark Chocolate #9. vanity/ Black Cherry #23. stubborn as a mule/Cheesecake #29. I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game
Word Count: 580
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jessica bends the rules of spell-casting -- just a bit!
Notes: Story Summary/ Main Characters/ Index/ New Prompts!/ Office Staff Bios

It was a Friday night around midnight during a full moon. The evening was lovely, a mild summer night, no humidity with a lovely breeze stirring the curtains.

You would think on such a lovely summer's eve, that I would be in a wonderful mood, but I wasn't...

That's it, I'm fed up with the cosmic force and it's stubborness, I thought. Love spell after love spell and...no boyfriend!

I was getting quite frustrated about the whole situation. What good is it being a witch? I thought, even angrier at myself for such a thought. I looked around for a moment as if the Goddess herself would appear and scold me for such blasphemous thoughts against Divinity.

Well, I was angry. What is so terrible about me that I can't land a guy? I was starting to sound like my sister when she gets on her soapbox and that was scaring me also.

My sister had always taken her magick to a dark place.

Oh stop! I scolded myself. One little love spell. At this point, I need to start thinking of my future and if that means bending the rules a little...then...so be it. Besides, this wasn't a dark sentiment. Love...it's a positive thing...isn't it?

I gathered pretty rose scented pink candles, vanilla incense and a photo that I had picked out of my boss, Chris Foley, who I've had a crush on for the past few years.

Chris was harsh on the outside but deep down he was a good guy. I knew it. For some reason, he was attached to vain, snotty Suzanne who did everything she could to humiliate and embarrass me in front of him -- and everyone else for that matter.

See, with witchcraft, one can cast a spell to attract an influence such as love in their lives but not a spell on a specific person. Honestly, I couldn't see the harm. The principle is that you can't make someone love you. Well, I was certainly determined to try.

What's the worse that can happen? It just...wont work? I'll be an old maid living in my sister's attic with a litter of my cat's offspring after I lose my mind from loneliness?

After I set my candles and incense to burning on my little makeshift little bedroom altar, a cute round white wooden table I picked up when I first moved into my apartment. I took a look at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath.

I took a moment to stand in front of my bedroom mirror and say, " I am a powerful and desirable witch." Then, I went through the motions of casting a circle and on and so forth.

Energy surrounded me and rose within me as I meditated. I concentrated my energy on Chris, on the photo I held in my hand, chanting my wish, my prayer for love to the All, feeling heat and energy rise within and around me. Sweat broke out on my skin, then, I sent the energy into the seemingly ordinary every day objects I held in my hand -- Chris' photo and a piece of parchment, charging them with the energy of my desire. For the grand finale, I wrote my wish on parchment, then burned both photo and my little wish in the candle flame.

Damn, I wish witchcraft were truly at the twitch of a nose, I thought as I finished with my spell, feeling a bit drained.

Story: Jinxed! (?)
Title: Dream a Little Dream
By Jillian Stephens
Prompts: Dark Chocolate #27. 6. disillusionment /Black Cherry #11. happy as a clam/Cheesecake #24. On a bright cloud of music, shall we fly?
Word Count: 287
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jessica's fantasy about her boss, Chris.
Notes: Story Summary/ Main Characters/ Index/ New Prompts!/ Office Staff Bios

Saturday night, after a long day and a long night of friends and fun and alcohol, I fell into bed and thought of Chris and my spell of the night before.

I let my mind wander fantasizing about being at the office late at night alone with him....

I felt energy rise around me and I closed my eyes and images played in the darkness behind them like a movie.

Chris called me into his office and I walk in, feeling an energy moving inside me. I feel completely confident as if nothing can touch me.

"You really do a wonderful job around here and I don't appreciate you enough," he said, walking close to me slowly, with a smile on his face.

I lean against his desk and he leans in close. "Forgive me," he says, his lips almost touching mine.

I can feel my body heat rising at the promise of his touch. "You're forgiven," I say, almost breathlessly.

His hands travel up the sides of my body. " Jessica, I can't control this anymore. I can't deny myself any longer," and our lips touch, finally. My spirit practically soars out of my body just fantasizing about it.

I feel as if ready to explode as I let him lift me up onto the desk and allow him to finally consummate his feelings for me on his desk. I can almost feel him on top of me, inside of me.

I ride on waves of pleasure rippling throughout my body, completely losing myself in them, feeling as if I'd drown in them and welcoming the possibility.

As my desire is released from my body, I wake alone in my bed, wishing he were really there.

Story: Jinxed! (?)
Title: Change of Heart
By Jillian Stephens
Prompts: Dark Chocolate #24. neglect/Black Cherry #1. busy as a bee/Cheesecake #10. Our games of make believe are at an end
Word Count: 579
Rating: PG
Summary: It's Monday at work -- how will Chris behave?
Notes: Story Summary/ Main Characters/ Index/ New Prompts!/ Office Staff Bios

Monday morning...back at work again...with a little twist

When I walked in the door, I found a large coffee with my favorite type of donut -- chocolate iced Boston cream-filled  on my desk. I looked at Dottie.

She smiled. "You'll never guess."

"Never guess?"


"Chris?" I asked. "Am I being fired?" I asked.

Dottie laughed. "No, Jess. I wasn't sure what to think either at first, but no."

"Maybe Suzanne put rat poison in it."

She laughed again. "Nope. He asked me to get it."

"Of course. He wouldn't know my favorite kind of donut in the whole wide world, now would he?"

"Nope, or how you take your coffee."

I smiled. "Thanks, Dottie."

"Hey, Chris bought."

I smiled again, thinking, I would enjoy this Boston cream donut more than any I had in my life.

At noon, it was almost time for lunch. I hadn't really seen Chris all morning, except for the few calls I relayed to him. He said nothing about the coffee and donut.

I wasn't expecting Suzanne that day. Chris had a business lunch with some clients that afternoon. When he came out of his office I greeted him with a big smile, expecting him to stop and say something. He grinned tensely and nodded in my direction without another word.

My spirits dropped a bit, but then, it was just coffee and a donut. How many times have my coworkers treated me to coffee and donuts?

Later that night I was the last one left at the office. I started thinking of my fantasy and I felt that energy around me again, whenever I feel intense emotion.

"Jessica," Chris called from behind me.

I turned to see him standing in the door of his office.

"Yes, anything I can do for you?" I asked with a smile.

"No, I think you do enough around here," he said, approaching me with a smile.

I felt heat rise to my cheeks.  I was standing by my desk with my bag slung over my shoulder and shades over my eyes, ready to leave.

He looked down at me, still smiling, he then leaned against my desk and sighed. "I know I can be difficult."

Feeling completely awkward at his comment, I looked down with a smile, then felt his hands touch my shoulders and felt a rippling, vibrating energy within me. When I looked up, the sentiment, the feeling behind those hazel eyes was one I had never seen before.

"Are you really that sweet, Jess, that you can't even tell me what an asshole I am?"

I smiled again, awkwardly. "I don't think that, Chris."

"Yes, you do, you're too nice of a person to admit it. Everyone here thinks I'm an asshole, but...I 'm the boss so I can be," he said with a rare twinkle in his eye.

"Sure, if you like," I said with a shrug and a big awkward grin.

"I just want you to know that I appreciate you putting up with my bullshit. Not many assistants would," he said, his expression suddenly serious. I could feel that he meant it and searched for that feeling I so wanted ...a feeling of desire, of lust for me but...none.

I smiled, truly touched even though a bit disappointed..."Thank you, Chris, I appreciate hearing that," I said.

"Have a good night, Jess."

"You too, Boss!" I called with a girlish giggle, which got once last rare smile from Chris Foley's lips.

[challenge] cheesecake, [challenge] dark chocolate, [challenge] black cherry

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