March Malt #2

Mar 02, 2011 10:51

Pineapple #19. As Far As I Can Throw Him
with Hot Fudge, Whipped Cream, and Malt
Story : knights & necromancers
Rating : PG13
Timeframe : 1253
Word Count : 733
Malt Prompt : Trick or Treat (Marina) something that drives your main character completely crazy

Bonnie, Kairn's second girlfriend. I was going to make a lengthy piece of this and spit out the whole mess (from Reida and Sethan's PoV) but it started to feel a bit contrived, summing it all up at once, so I think I'll visit it a few times and maybe let her develop a little personality along the way.

“I hate her,” Reida spat.

Sethan sighed and looked up from the lines he’d been drawing in the dirt to follow Reida’s gaze across the yard, not that he really needed to. As expected, the girl in question was to be found in Kairn’s lap. Oblivious to the world around them, the two seemed set on consuming as much of each other’s faces as possible.

With a sigh, Sethan turned back to his work while Reida continued to stare. “I’m not terribly fond of her myself,” he said. “I could use a hand here.”

“I don’t know what he sees in that whore. I’ve seen rats dead a week with more brains.”

“Yes, well, I don’t expect it’s her mind he’s interested in. Would you hand me that bone already?”

Her eyes never leaving the kissing couple, Reida scooped a long, thick, yellowed bone from the ground. With a snarl, she clenched her fist around it. “Tell me he did not just stick a hand up her shirt.”

Trying to follow the bone as it jerked back and forth in her grasp, Sethan rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you just get it over with and go club her over the head with that so we can get back to work.” He flinched as the bone came sailing towards him. It landed at the edge of the ring, sending clods of dirt raining over his form. “Watch the lines!”

Reida fanned her skirts and settled beside him in a huff. She picked up a stick and gouged fresh lines in the dirt where the bone had erased the old ones. His own stylus idly twirling between his fingers, Sethan raised a brow at her.

“What?” Reida snapped, glaring at him over the stick clutched in her white-knuckled fist.

“Nothing,” said Sethan, reaching for the bone.

There was a moment of peace while Sethan started arranging his construct before Reida pushed the matter again.

“Is he fucking her?” she said.

Well aware that she didn’t mean now, Sethan looked up from the half-finished piece anyway. The two were still eagerly sucking each other’s faces, and Kairn did indeed have a hand thrust up the girl’s blouse. Really, someone should inform them that the tree they were under didn’t afford that much cover. “It would seem to me they both have all their clothes on, and at any rate, I’m sure Kairn has more sense than to-” Reida backhanded him across the shoulder, and Sethan shot her a smirk. “Do you really think I pay much attention to these things?”

Reida shrugged. “You share a room with him. I’d think a girl in the bunk under yours squealing ‘Oh, Bonnie!’ half the night might be a little hard to ignore.”

“If they are, they’re not doing it when I’m around. You know the extra points only work if the construct properly meets with their centers.”

Reida scowled at the bones she’d already placed and the pile still left in her palm and let out a loud “hmph!”

“I don’t recall you complaining half so much about Elsie.” He gingerly shifted a few pieces into their rightful place.

“Elsie was easier to scare. It was almost fun. The pincers, the rats under the bed. That bitch could scream.”

“And you’ve tried scaring Bonnie?”

“Everything short of maiming her.” She paused, hand poised over an incorrectly placed bone, to catch his eye as if looking for approval. “I figured I might catch trouble for that.”

Sethan shook his head. “You realize even if you do chase her off, he’s just going to find another one.”

“And maybe he’ll need something to tide him over in between,” she said, with a none too subtle shift of her shoulders that forced her chest forward and earned her another patronizing shake of the head from Sethan. Reida sighed, shoulders slumping again, and reached for another misplaced bone. “You know, I liked it better when he was just your girlfriend.”

“Me too.” With a choking sputter, Reida dropped the bone she’d been arranging, sending half a dozen others tumbling out of place and blurring a few more lines. Sethan met her open mouthed stare with a roll of his eyes. “Not like that. When everyone thought Kairn was in my bed it was easier to get decent help out of him.” He scowled at the fresh damage to the form. “And you.”

[challenge] pineapple, [extra] malt, [topping] whipped cream, [topping] hot fudge, [author] shayna

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