Vanilla Custard, Fudge Ripple, & Garlic, w/ Butterscotch, Nuts, Peaches, Pineapple - Dream Walking

Mar 02, 2011 03:01

Author: Nikki
Title: Dream Walking
Summary: The dark side to Chloe’s powers.
Story: Phase - Supernatural AU
Timeline: 1646 - Chloe is 19.
Challenge: Vanilla Custard #24 (You became my addiction. - No Way Out by Leanne Rimes), Fudge Ripple #3 (exhaustion), Garlic #5 (cross your fingers - Chloe's first gig)
Toppings/Extras: Butterscotch, Chopped Nuts, Peaches (Laughter and lighthearted banter aren't a part of tonight's more subdued social scene.), Pineapple (She really gets me high, you know that’s no lie)
Word Count: 458
Rating: R

A few of her more sympathetic elders had told her, days after she had sold her soul, that the first time was always the hardest. She thought that maybe they had just been trying to make her more frantic, something she didn’t need any help with. Once a succubus was made, they were on borrowed time until they stole the life force from another, and Chloe’s time was very short.

So, she went out into the night, into the human world, little more than smoke in her new form. She considered going to a nearby town but stopped barely a mile away from the gates. Her powers, still sensitive, picked up on everything as if she were feet away and amplified it. The amount of repressed sexual need and desire made her metaphorical head spin and she quickly darted away. She would save that for later, when she was stronger, a little less green. Instead, she went west, towards forest and smaller settlements. Once she was there, finding her prey was easy enough.

He lived on the outskirts of what could barely be called a village, alone and banished from what she could tell. He was drunk, passed out, and it was easy for Chloe to slip into his mind and find what he wanted. Her form changed, as easy as anything, and she woke him with a kiss. Sinking onto him, it wasn’t long before he peaked and she drew his essence into her, a hand grabbing his jaw in a bruising grip as she breathed into his ear, “Dream of me.”

And then she was gone, slinking around in the shadows in her smoke form so swiftly that he wondered if she was a dream. It wasn’t long before he fell back into sleep, and his energy started to leave him as he began to dream. Chloe felt herself grow stronger, and stayed to watch him grow weaker. As human as it was, she felt that he needed a witness in his last few moments. It was only fair.

He breathed his last breath just before dawn, and Chloe shuddered as whatever kept him alive transferred over to her. Suddenly she felt stronger, more aware, than she had in days. For a moment, her form snapped into her old human guise, black curly hair and fair skin and blue eyes, and she knew she had to leave. She stole into the predawn light like the thief she was, and left no evidence for others to follow.

Slipping out of the forest and out of the human world entirely, Chloe couldn’t help but think the elders had lied to her. How could the first time be the hardest, when she had had no idea what to expect?

[inactive-author] nikki, [topping] chopped nuts, [extra] fresh fruit : peaches, [topping] butterscotch, [challenge] fudge ripple, [extra] fresh fruit : pineapple, [challenge] vanilla custard, [challenge] garlic

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