the spn six words drabble-a-thon

Apr 01, 2009 19:26

+ the spn six words drabble-a-thon +

Based on the multi-fandom six-word drabble-fest. Write a drabble in six words!

These things are so fun and really (I think) inspiring for fanfic writers. I wanna see what everyone can come up with for the Supernatural fandom! ;) Pretty much anything goes as far as rating, pairing, content--even crossovers--as long as everything is properly labeled. The one rule: only one subject per comment. So you could have ten different drabbles about Dean Winchester in one comment, but you'll need to make a completely separate comment for another subject (like Castiel or Sam/Ruby).

In the subject line, write the character/pairing and rating.

And also: PIMP THIS LIKE MADDD. ;P">+ the spn six words drabble-a-thon +

category: drabble, fandom: supernatural

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