Book One: Missed Shots

Aug 21, 2010 21:55

Title: Book One: Missed Shots
Author: ruilian_thatsme
Characters/Pairing: Heechul/OC
Length: Chaptered
Summary: Destiny is not always specific. Mr. Right can turn up at the most unusual time and place. There’s always a surprise at every corner and for a person who does not believe in happy endings but is willing to give “Love” a chance, destiny has prepared the biggest surprise ever. You just have to keep your mind open to any twist of fate that comes your way.
A/N: My first fic Super Junior Fic! This is the book one out of four stories that will be written by me, bingkay_baxia,and 1stfairchild   respectively. 

First shot
Second shot
Third shot
Fourth shot
Fifth shot
Sixth shot

Seventh shot

Time flies by so fast when you’re enjoying yourself. It’s already the last day of our tour.
                   That morning, Heechul did not show up to assist me or anything. I must admit, I kind of miss the princess treatment and I missed the prince doing that.^^ I wondered what happened to him. I guessed, like Cinderella, the magic wore off already.
                    Misaki was able to say her goodbye with Kyuhyun though. Despite her attempt to be cheerful, I can sense that she really feels sad parting with him. It was not only Misaki, both Byul and Chie seemed to be carrying something precious as I caught them sighing or staring blankly into space sometimes. Maybe, it’s better that I don’t see Heechul anymore, saying goodbye will not go easy.
                    My foot has gotten much better, but I was still limping. I went with my friends with the rest of the tour and got ourselves busy doing some last-minute shopping for the souvenirs and stuff. Imagine doing that while limping all over the place. Then we went to pack our luggage getting ready for tomorrow’s departure.
                    “I don’t remember buying this much stuff and carrying this much luggage.” I said out-of-breath as I struggled to push my luggage shut.
                     “Right, me too, I might need another bag for the others. This one’s already full.” Misaki said also struggling with her stuff.
                     “I think I’ve repacked this one a few times already. It still won’t fit.” Byul joined in taking out stuff from her bag once again.
                    “How about you, Chie?” Misaki asked shifting her gaze to Chie who was already dragging her luggage towards the small sitting room outside our room.
                    “Fine, somehow I’ve managed to fit everything in.” Chie answered as she came back to the room for her other luggage.
                    “Sugoi, how did you do it?” Byul asked bewildered, Misaki and I paused to listen.
                    “Well, besides the little souvenirs I bought for the ones back home, I mostly bought food which we already ate so that’s that.” Chie explained. We just sighed as we looked at our half packed stuff.
                      “Do you think we’ll be charged for additional luggage?” I asked worried, my money’s running out.
                      “I don’t know, maybe.” Byul said.
                     “Oh, I hope not. I’m really gonna be needing another bag for this.” Misaki sighed as she examined her stuff.
                        We managed to finish packing everything by dinner time.
                        After dinner, I got a tap on my shoulder. When I turned to look, I saw HeeChul smiling at me.
                        “Hey, I’m sorry I was not able to assist you today, my parents asked me to-” He started.
                       “It’s alright, really. I told you I’m fine already. My foot’s gotten better and my friends were there to help me.” I interrupted him. He looked rather annoyed or somewhat disappointed.
                        “I see, that’s great then.” He said finally. I thought he was going to leave but, “Hey, can I borrow your friend for a little while?” he turned to ask my friends who barely hid their teasing smiles.
                      “Of course, she’s all yours.” Byul answered amusingly. The others just nodded. Traitors, I thought. They’re trying to sell me again.
                     “Eh, what gives you the right to decide whether I’m going with him or not?!” I protested.
                     “He just asked us if he can take you away from us for a while, we don’t mind.” Misaki answered. She’s obviously amused.
                      “Will you come with me for a while?” HeeChul turned to ask me, “Please?” he added with a smile. That’s it. The next thing I knew, I was being whisked away again out the dining room.
                    He took me out into the garden with flashlight in hand, lighting our way, the other hand holding mine. I felt safe somehow. He led me further ahead, up a small hill. He carried me on his back the whole way to the top. I was still fussing about being out there he just returned my comments nonchalantly.
                       Once again, I’m surprised to know that he found such a great spot. The top was quite flat and bare except for two small trees in the middle and the flowers all over the ground. We sat down under those trees then he took off his jacket and placed it over my shoulders. A cool night breeze was blowing. As I looked up, I saw the sky filled with a million stars twinkling beautifully. It was magical.
                      He smiled as he saw my delight just as he hoped. We stayed like that for a while just watching the stars.
                    “I’m leaving tomorrow.” We both said in unison after a while. We were surprised then laughed.
                    “I see, so you’re also leaving tomorrow.” I said finally. I know that we’re going to part ways somehow but I can’t help feeling sad.
                   “Yeah, I have to comply with the military service, being the only son in the family. It’s my responsibility.” He explained,
                      “I came to spend vacation with my family here before I go away for two years.” He continued. He was looking up at the stars but not really seeing them.
                       “I, um, honestly don’t know what to say to that.” I admitted. I still don’t know why he took me out here and why he’s telling me all this.

A song was playing in my mind,
Out here in the quiet of the night,
Beneath the stars and moon,
We both know we’ve got something on our mind,
We won’t admit but it’s true,
You looked at me, I looked away
I wanna tell you what I’m feeling but
I don’t know how to start.
I wanna tell you but now
I’m afraid that you might break my heart.
Oh, why can anything so easy
Ever be so hard to do
I wanna tell you what I’m feeling,
And to say that I love you.
Why, why do you turn away?
It must be you’re the same as me
I tried but I can’t pretend that I don’t feel for you
The way I do, can’t you see?
                      He suddenly turned to face me, “This is my way of saying goodbye.” he said. “The day I’ve spent with you is very memorable for me. Neomu haengbokhe. What I really want to say is, Will you wait for me for two years?” he asked.
                 I was really taken aback, “wha… what do you mea.. mean?” I stuttered. “I’m going back tomorrow.” I said. How lame can I be?! *sigh*
                 “I mean, can we meet again here after two years? I want to properly court you by then.” He clarified patiently.
                 “I - I don’t know… two years is a long time, I might not be able to return here again.” I replied. I was confused by everything that’s happening.
             “I’ll still wait here by then.” His eyes were filled with determination. “Yaksohkae, I promise you.” He took my hand and cupped my face. As he leaned in for a kiss, images of girls crying flashed through my mind.
               “Stop.” I turned away from him. He looked hurt. I feel pathetic.
               “I’m sorry, when you got closer, images of all those girls I’ve listen to crying to me because of broken hearts flashed through my mind. I-I don’t want to be like them. I’m scared of getting hurt-- again.” I told him.
               “Were you hurt before?” he asked, his expression softened.
               “I don’t want to be left by someone I love again.” I start to sob. I couldn’t hold my tears back anymore as painful memories flooded me. He pulled me slowly to his warm embrace, comforting me.
                I hate myself. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry because of and in front of a guy, yet here I am crying helplessly like a baby. Lesson learned, not listen to so much love problems by friends, can be traumatizing.

The next day, as promised, we didn’t see each other, but when I saw Byul and her own knight at the church, I couldn’t help wondering, if only our parting wasn’t spent with me crying, then maybe… I was happy for Byul, and I was finally given the chance to tease her. We even got to tease Chie. Seriously, the both of them are so secretive, they’re good at it too. Seeing them made me feel hopeful that maybe, no surely, Heechul and I would meet again, somehow, somewhere. I wished the same for my friends in this amazing journey to the land of the rising sun.


A/N: The end! haha... should I just end it here?  I wonder.... I guess it depends on the wishful hearts!

For the Wishful hearts...  here.

pairing: heechul/oc, band: super junior, fic: missed shots, length: chaptered

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