Alec left this morning. His flight took off at 5:45 am. I am still up...working on my room. organizing myself, getting rid of stuff, and making it my own space again so i am not crying all the time. i am going to miss that boy like crazy. hell i already do and its been like 2 hours. but i bet i only miss him that much because he's not coming back
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Hosted By: Jackie and Meghan When: Friday Apr 27, 2007 at 9:00 PM Where: 107 house AKA 'the box' 107 NE 74th ave (one block north of Burnside) Portland, OR 97213 United States Description: Jackie and Meghan
i don't trust you. you twist my words and make it look bad. when all i've ever wanted to do for you was help. you broke my heart, and rejected me. everyone else thinks that is acceptable. but to me it isn't. if you were of other gender, it would've been more acceptable. but they aren't as open as they seem
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sometimes i disgust myself. with my self pity and feelings of lack of self worth. i feel like i have worth when i am at work, when i am at school, when i am with my boyfriend. but lately i feel incredibly less of worth in my friends eyes. i feel like if i write these in certain areas that people will just alec. alec will just worry. he
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i told some people from my science class about sean last night. and they were amazed by how well i seem to be doing. i think i worry about that with people i know. that they think i got better too fast or that i should seem more of a mess. i am a little surprised the more i think about what they've said. though last night i had a flashback of a
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