Heroes Bigboom Art Post - {Mad World}

Sep 12, 2009 23:46

This is the official art post for the Heroes Big Boom 2009 fic, Mad World :D Comments are VERY appreciated.  I worked incredibly hard on the video and the art and while I don't expect you to rave, I'd love just a few raised hands to see if anyone even stopped by, heh. ;) But even more importantly, I urge you to check out the original fic because what you see here doesn't even do it justice. The world creation is incredible, the slash is sexy, and it's the fastest 25,000 words you will ever read. Anywhoo...onward!

- The Fic -
Story Title: Mad World
Author Name: jadedoll
Pairing: Peter/Sylar
Story Link: Here
Rating: NC-17 for slash, smut, language, and violence

- The Video-
Title: Mad World Trailer 
Background Song: "Tranquilize" by The Killers
Artist: rtwofan
Rating: R. Not Worksafe
Warnings: Slash, sensuality and do you really want to watch a Heroes fic trailer at work anyway? Lol.
Direct Link: Here
A/N: I would advise watching this AFTER reading the fic, because of spoilers.

-The Posters -
Rating: G
Warnings: Mild spoilers I guess. Just for characters.
A/N: These are just manipped mattes of New York with a lot of the characters 'shopped in :) They come in 1024 x 768 size, and 1200 x 800. Also, they come with and without words.

The wallpaper with title:

*1024 x 768 --- 1200 x 800 *

The wallpaper without title

*1024 x 768 --- 1200 x 800 *

Thanks so much to jadedoll creating such an amazing sandbox for me to play in, the mods of the Big Boom for starting this in the first place, and all of you for checking this out :D *steps off soapbox* 

rec: fanfiction, fanart: gen, fanart: manip, peter/sylar, video, fandomy tag: fanvidding, fandom: heroes, music: the killers, wip: bigboom, fanfiction, slash, fic: mad world

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