Fic: Mad World Masterlist

Sep 07, 2009 15:03

Mad World (24,595)
Pairing: Sylar/Peter
Rating: NC-17
Author Notes: Huge thanks to
rtwofan for not only the delicious artwork below, but also for providing a fast and clean beta reading at the latest possible moment. This fic is way better because of her imput and advice. Thank you Michelle, it was a true pleasure working with you. Written for heroes_bigboom round three.
Summary: Peter is trapped five years in the future. If he can find his family after all this time, will they even be as he remembered? One man certainly is.

Art Link: Gorgeous banner, wallpaper and trailer by the awesome rtwofan. There are spoilers in the trailer for the story, so be warned if you go look at it first.


“You flew! That wasn’t me; that was you!”

Peter flinched away from the fury in Nathan’s voice. His own anger had seeped away and the only feeling holding any power over him was exhaustion. He’d been moving non-stop for how long now? Weeks? And now Nathan was yelling and pushing and demanding answers.

“Because you’re my brother and I love you.”

Peter just wanted to sleep.

“That’s not what I would have done.”

A kick to the guts would have hurt less than those words. Peter watched Nathan disappear into the ebony sky and sank wearily to his knees. The woods smelt pleasant, cold and clean with leaves crunching under his hands. Just a few minutes rest and then he’d go…where? Peter hadn’t been home in months. Was his apartment even his own anymore?

Too many questions. He’d rest, go to his mother’s house and find some clothes then…

Leaves crushed by approaching feet. Peter raised his head dazedly, the world not quite in focus.


But then a sickening wrench of power and Peter was somewhere else completely.

Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4 
Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8

mad world, nc-17, heroes, sylar/peter, fic

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