Day 23 - Fic: Team AU: Vigil Strange I Kept

Oct 23, 2010 13:46

Team: AU
Title: Vigil Strange I Kept
Rating: R
Warnings: Angst, sexual situations, instances of crude language, implications of major character death
Genre(s): Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 11,355
Summary: Remus' lycanthropy has caused his body to seriously deteriorate over the years due to the constant stress of the transformations, and by his ( Read more... )

team au, rs_games 2010, fic

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Comments 43

an_fhanai October 24 2010, 01:32:34 UTC
That. Was. Incredible. Your grasp of not only the emotional toll of dying, but the physical as well, the look of the body as it shuts down further and further, the loss of sexual capability and appetite, all so well done-there's no way to fully express just how impressed I am with the writing of this entire piece. I had tears in my eyes toward the end, and you had given no hint, none at all, as to whether the story would end well; in fact, all signs pointed the opposite way.

And adding Teddy to it, the "Da" and "Papa," man, that almost wrecked me right there. Not to mention the absolute honesty of aging bodies and relationships-that deserves not only respect but gratitude as well. Authors who are willing to tackle that subject and show how beautiful love and sex can be as the body ages are a gift to the fandom.

So again. INCREDIBLE. I cannot wait to find out who you are.


whitmans_kiss January 27 2011, 21:16:52 UTC
I'm so sorry for this late response!

I can't express how much I appreciate your comment - thank you, thank you. This story wasn't so much about Remus and Sirius as it was about their family, and how Remus' illness affected all of his relationships. But the love thing, the amount of love in that family keeps them together not only in this fic, but in all of the stories out there written about them.

Thank you so much. ♥


mommyconk October 24 2010, 02:16:04 UTC
This s an amazing story. The long term relationship between Remus and Srius was beautifully done.Of course Teddy was going to stay for the new moon and Lolly was just wonderful, taking care of them and helping Teddy hide out. Fabulous read-thanks.


whitmans_kiss January 27 2011, 21:38:16 UTC
I'm so sorry for this late response! Thank you so much for your comment; I truly appreciate it.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Teddy and Lolly are part of the family, and this is the sort of family held together so strongly by love that nothing could ever really break them apart - not even death, of the threat of it.

Thank you.


phiso_kun October 24 2010, 06:29:57 UTC
I was going to kill you if that ending was sad.

This is terribly beautiful, and deals with a subject familiar to our corner of the fandom in a very different way; instead of it being sudden, violent, it was slow and painful, and it made it all the worse. This is an amazing piece that deals with the end of disease with fantastic tactfulness and prose; it's brilliant, really, and speaks the truth.

So yeah. I hope you've written more, mystery author, because as soon as your name is released I'm totally LJ-stalking you.


whitmans_kiss January 27 2011, 21:36:37 UTC
I am so sorry for how late this response is!

Thank you so, so much for your comment. You have no idea how much I appreciate it! Writing about Remus' lycanthropy in this manner was really tough, because it was going to kill him, and everyone needed to figure out how to deal with that in their own way - or in Sirius' case, not deal.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thank you!


imaginesthesnow October 24 2010, 15:30:30 UTC
This is ridiculously amazing and beautiful and wonderful... I can tell already that this is going to be one of those stories that I just read and re-read over and over again. Incredible!


whitmans_kiss January 27 2011, 21:39:08 UTC
I'm so sorry for the late response!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for your kind comment. ♥


bookgrrrl2006 October 24 2010, 17:04:57 UTC
this is really amazing, mystery author. it is well written and lovely on every level. on the whole it made me happy. i’ve worked the elderly, the chronically ill, and the dying and this is what i would wish for every one of my clients. of course we never talked about sex, but this really resonated with me: The water makes a fragile sort of noise on the walls of the tub as Sirius shifts his position, cock still pressed against Remus, and suddenly Remus is very ashamed, acutely aware of his body betraying him like this as a final ‘fuck you.’ It’s his birthday, dammit; Merlin knows this is his last one, and all he wants is to spend it making love to Sirius Black in a bathtub. that whole bathtub scene was lovely and pretty much broke my heart in a good way ( ... )


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