Day 13 - Fic: Team Canon: Je vois les autres

Oct 13, 2010 14:20

Team: Canon
Title: Je vois les autres
Rating: PG-13/light R
Warnings: ots and lots of swearing, more than a bit of sillyness, maybe-barely sex.
Genre(s): bit of Angst, bit of Hurt , bit of Romance, bit of Humour and a bit of Smut.
Word Count: 5044 words
Summary: In which Sirius likes to keep track of the things his friends do, and Remus doing whatever Remus wants to is turning out to be quite a problem. And Sirius's problem, at that.
Notes: Thanks to L. for the beta; any and all mistakes below are due to my own post-beta fiddlings. I also have to apologise to H. for blatantly ripping off bits of her Sirius when I needed them, even though she said I was welcome to him. The thing I'm most happy about is that this survived a hard drive crash (just barely), so round of applause for the Canons, eh? Oh, PS. I nicked the title is from a French song called Moi ... Lolita, by Alizée. Yes, really ;)
Prompt: #13 - lyrics from 'Because The Night' by Patti Smith. Take me now baby here as I am / Pull me close, try and understand / Desire is hunger is the fire I breathe / Love is a banquet on which we feed.

Je vois les autres

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