Another RP anon meme has been posted, and so now is the time for another
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For starters, I think it's really important to keep several key traits for Mitsuru in mind. They're also going to come up over and over in the posts(s) as well:
Professionalism and perfectionism
This mostly ties into the front Mitsuru puts up, but is also her default mode of thinking. When in doubt, she will fall back on this and treat things as business only. It helps keep her head clear, and gives her a good focus. It's also a big part of background, being part of the Kirijo Family. The downside of all this is that it gives her a mean perfectionist streak, and some weird people skills.
There's this undercurrent to Mitsuru's thoughts where, since she is the heir to the Kirijo family, she'd better live up to the expectations and her eventual role. This isn't necessarily a conscious thought for her, either. But it's still there, and influences a lot of her actions.
Badass balanced with ( ... )
This ties into that vulnerability streak. Mitsuru is not comfortable with showing something like that. Things like intimacy, and completely letting her guard down sound way too much like 'weakness' to her ears, and that will make Mitsuru automatically try to veer away from them. She'll double guess herself while talking to a romantic interest, or even discussing romantic matters with other people. She'll over think things, and in the end will probably just throw her walls ( ... )
I have no idea who this character is or what the canon is like.
But I bow the fuck down to your awesome tl;dr.
I only wish that I could tl;dr like this about my own fandoms. ;_;
Worshippingly yours,
Driveby Anon
Mitsuru gets lots of tl;dr because she is just THAT AWESOME, and inspires lots and lots of notes. (Although looking up, this anon has counted at least two typos, and has realized that 'Nanjou' is spelled incorrectly. orz)
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